Payvand, Iran
April 3 2004
A glimpse at a historical village in West Azarbaijan province of Iran
Orumiyeh, West Azarbaijan prov, April 3, IRNA -- The historical
village of Chours located in the north of West Azarbaijan province is
one of the country's most ancient rural areas which has long been
known for its rich historical relics and of high appeal to
Though the village dates back to Sassanid era, the remains of
monuments belonging to other periods are also found in the village.
Castles on the eastern hills of the village and a 15-km tunnel
connecting them to Bastam historical castle are among the ancient
monuments in Chours.
Unfortunately, nothing has so far been done to unearth the relics in
the area.
In addition, a number of evidences symbolizing the Christian faith
such as the crosses engraved into stones and the foundations of a
small church marks the presence of the Armenians in the village for a
period of time.
The 'Red Mosque' and 'Ice House' are two of the most significant
ancient monuments of the village which are about 800 years old and
date back to the rein of Danboli tribe in the area.
The mosque made of red square bricks and stones measures 17 x 17
meters. It consists of four great stone pillars and nine domes, of
which only two pillars and two domes are still in good shape. The
remaining parts of the monument have been under repair for the past
three years.
The other prominent monument of the village known as the 'Ice House'
was possibly a prison. It might even have been one of the cellars
linked to Bastam tunnel.
Given that in Azarbaijan province cellars are hardly ever used due to
the cold weather, the monument has undergone the least damage through
Besides due to the location of the monument facing south, which is
the direction Muslims pray, raises a question about it being a
cellar, since they are never constructed at shallow depths and
An oven 1.5 meters deep and 1.2 cms wide engraved into a giant stone
is another ancient relic in Chours village.
Unfortunately, the area and similar sites have been plundered by
robbers of cultural remains in recent years.
April 3 2004
A glimpse at a historical village in West Azarbaijan province of Iran
Orumiyeh, West Azarbaijan prov, April 3, IRNA -- The historical
village of Chours located in the north of West Azarbaijan province is
one of the country's most ancient rural areas which has long been
known for its rich historical relics and of high appeal to
Though the village dates back to Sassanid era, the remains of
monuments belonging to other periods are also found in the village.
Castles on the eastern hills of the village and a 15-km tunnel
connecting them to Bastam historical castle are among the ancient
monuments in Chours.
Unfortunately, nothing has so far been done to unearth the relics in
the area.
In addition, a number of evidences symbolizing the Christian faith
such as the crosses engraved into stones and the foundations of a
small church marks the presence of the Armenians in the village for a
period of time.
The 'Red Mosque' and 'Ice House' are two of the most significant
ancient monuments of the village which are about 800 years old and
date back to the rein of Danboli tribe in the area.
The mosque made of red square bricks and stones measures 17 x 17
meters. It consists of four great stone pillars and nine domes, of
which only two pillars and two domes are still in good shape. The
remaining parts of the monument have been under repair for the past
three years.
The other prominent monument of the village known as the 'Ice House'
was possibly a prison. It might even have been one of the cellars
linked to Bastam tunnel.
Given that in Azarbaijan province cellars are hardly ever used due to
the cold weather, the monument has undergone the least damage through
Besides due to the location of the monument facing south, which is
the direction Muslims pray, raises a question about it being a
cellar, since they are never constructed at shallow depths and
An oven 1.5 meters deep and 1.2 cms wide engraved into a giant stone
is another ancient relic in Chours village.
Unfortunately, the area and similar sites have been plundered by
robbers of cultural remains in recent years.