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Newsletter from, date: 31-03-2004 to 06-04-2004

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  • Newsletter from, date: 31-03-2004 to 06-04-2004

    [03-04-2004 'Karabagh Conflict']
    ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
    Source : `Echo' newspaper (Azerbaijan)
    Author: R. ORUJEV

    There is an opinion in Turkish media that Washington is ready to
    publicize the `Cyprus option' of settlement for the territorial
    problem of Azerbaijan

    By May 1, international community anticipates final resolution of the
    Cyprus issue. As `Radical' Turkish newspaper reported yesterday, the
    current option of Cyprus problem settlement is considered by official
    Washington and European Union as quite applicable for other conflicts
    of the Middle East, in particular Mountainous Karabagh. `Radical'
    newspaper reports that Washington has `more than one aim in Cyprus
    problem settlement". Resolution of the conflict in Eastern
    Mediterranean may serve as an example for the conflicts between Israel
    and Palestine, Armenia and Azerbaijan. However, the newspaper states
    that Armenian Diaspora in USA may serve as an impediment. At the same
    time, the author of the article asserts, `Cyprus settlement might help
    USA in making Armenians change their minds".

    It is common knowledge that EU and USA worked out a joint plan for
    conflict settlement in Europe. Initially it was planned to be
    pre-tested in Cyprus and later to apply the experience of successful
    resolution of a rooted dispute to Armenian-Azerbaijani and
    Georgian-Abkhaz conflicts. The idea rests on the proposal initiated by
    UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

    The Cyprus example suggests the following: united Cyprus emerges as `a
    bizonal, bicommunal federation'. Greek Cypriotes will get the
    reunified island and regain part of the territory under their control;
    Turkish Cypriotes will be ensured autonomous territory. The main
    attraction of this plan is accession to the European Union, right of
    the citizens for work and residence in any EU country, as well as
    funds provided to post-conflict parties through European Union
    assistance programs.

    In case of Karabagh conflict, it is probably something close to
    `common state' that is meant - Baku rejected this concept at the time,
    as you know. The bait, as in case of Cyprus settlement, is most likely
    the same - European integration, European money, etc.

    But there are doubts that the European Union pays as much attention to
    Mountainous Karabagh problem as to the Cyprus issue. The Cyprus
    problem certainly raises concern of the Brussels because it is purely
    a European issue for Greece is involved in this conflict, and is a EU
    member. Besides, Turkey and Greece are members of NATO, and
    aggravation of conflict between them may have direct consequences for

    The Cyprus option may hardly be applicable in our case since the
    countries of our region are not even included in the list of
    candidates for accession to EU.

    Among other things, as `Echo' already reported, at the Istanbul summit
    of 1999 the idea of immediate integration of Azerbaijan and Armenia as
    NATO members was put forward, in case they quickly resolve the
    Karabagh problem. At that time, Turkish President Suleyman Demirel
    proposed his Caucasus stability pact. He also considered those options
    for resolution that are now suggested to Cyprus. The three states of
    the Caucasus were proposed to withdraw all foreign armed forces from
    their territories, to sign a security agreement among themselves,
    after which EU and USA were to provide vital investments (in millions
    of dollars) in the development of Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian
    economies. Russia and Turkey were to act as parties ensuring agreement
    compliance. Initially, Armenia accepted this plan but later evidently
    under Russia's pressure, refused to sign the pact. This document was
    very similar to the Cyprus option of settlement; it also contained the
    factor of encouragement for the parties to the conflict.

    It is interesting how seriously the Foreign Office of Azerbaijan
    considers such settlement options of our territorial conflict. Also
    whether the activity of RA MFA pays due attention to studying foreign
    experience in conflict resolution.

    Unfortunately, MFA press service failed to provide a more or less
    satisfactory answer to these questions. As press secretary of the
    Ministry, Metin Mirza declared to `Echo', "the officials directly
    involved in Karabagh conflict settlement need to be addressed in this
    case". However it is always very difficult to directly contact these

    "For the time being, even the attempts to settle the situation in the
    Cyprus did not succeed', former Ambassador to China Tamerlan Garaev
    says. `And commenting on how the Cyprus option is applicable for
    Mountainous Karabagh conflict is no easy task for present. Will this
    plan really work in Cyprus and lead to the results aspired for by the

    According to the expert, "The situation we have is somewhat
    different. In our case, it is not a sort of enclave that is meant. The
    point is that a war broke out between the two countries, as a result
    of which Armenia, taking advantage of USSR disintegration and absence
    of troops in Azerbaijan, occupied part of our state territory. I do
    not know how the Cyprus situation may be related to the development of
    events in our region".

    As for the programs of large financial assistance to the parties of
    the conflict and guarantees for their future accession to EU,
    T. Garaev holds that this instrument of influence should primarily be
    directed at Armenia, "at the attempt to convince Armenia to take more
    constructive position". "The point is how successful will be the
    option of urging Armenia towards peaceful resolution of Karabagh
    conflict on the part of USA and EU, taking into consideration
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan? It is not easy to discuss, yet
    basically possible because in accordance to commonly accepted
    international standards, Karabagh conflict resolution is possible only
    through ensuring territorial integrity of our country", the expert

    [01-04-2004 'Economic Development']
    Source : `Golos Armenii' newspaper (Armenia)
    Author: Edward Safarian, Master of Energy
    Politics, Delaware University, USA

    For the past 10 years, the Caspian Sea has been the focus of attention
    for world superpowers and large energy companies. It interests experts
    in different spheres - political scientists, economists, power
    engineering specialists - due to its abundance of natural resources,
    oil and gas fields in the first place. There are certain opinions that
    the Caspian is rich in hydrocarbon resources, which may be competitive
    with the oil deposits of the Persian Gulf. Others assert that the
    attempts of international energy companies, to get multimillion
    profits out of oil and gas extraction from the bottom of the lake,
    resemble a venture similar to the `Gold Rush' in Wild West at the
    beginning of the past century.

    The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. For instance, Energy
    Information Administration (EIA) of US Energy Department estimates the
    official oil deposits in the Caspian at 10 milliard barrels. Still 233
    milliard more barrels, as the source states, may potentially be
    discovered. It is to be noted, that EIA has a reputation of a too
    optimistic information source among the experts. According to USA
    Geological Inspection (the most reliable source for the experts),
    there is 50% confidence that Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian
    contains up to 5.8 milliard barrels of oil and about 68 trillion cubic
    feet of gas. Besides, American expert Lagerer asserts that among
    developing CIS countries and states there is a tradition of
    deliberately inflating data on oil and gas deposits to attract foreign
    capital in the country.

    In expert evaluations, construction of Baku-Ceyhan main export
    pipeline, enabling to transport Azerbaijani and potentially Kazakh and
    Russian oil to the Turkish Mediterranean coast, will be economically
    viable if in the course of pipeline exploitation no less than 6
    milliard barrels of oil are pumped through it. According to
    information stated, there is 50% possibility of Azerbaijan's having
    these oil resources. In other words, if exclusively Azerbaijani oil is
    pumped through the pipeline, the completed project will finally cover
    only its prime cost. The construction of Baku-Ceyhan pipeline may
    bring profit only in case Kazakh and/or Russian oil is transported
    through it. Then why Western companies and `British Petroleum' (BP) in
    the first place, as the main investor and operator of the project, are
    eager to have this dubious project implemented?

    First, BP, despite its name, is essentially an American company. In
    USA this company develops activity equal to the United Kingdom in its
    scale and, similarly to all large companies, it is dependent on the
    political forces of this country. This dependence became more obvious
    after George Bush's victory in 2000 USA presidential elections; his
    family has old ties with oil business. After accession to the White
    House, Bush administration sharply reduced financing of projects on
    alternative energy sources and started to support large projects on
    extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons. One of the instances of
    such projects, provoking public discontent in USA, is extraction of
    the deposits on the territory of national natural reserve in
    Alaska. Despite the fact that the initiative of constructing
    Baku-Ceyhan pipeline came from Bill Clinton administration, yet it is
    during George Bush's government that this project got a chance for

    One of Bush administration's top priorities was provision of new
    routes of oil import (the portion of imported oil in USA amounts to
    over 55%) and decreasing the dependence of the country on supply from
    such unstable countries- exporters as Columbia, Venezuela and
    Nigeria. Therefore, Bush administration supported even such
    inefficient projects as Baku-Ceyhan, placing the burden of financing
    on the dependent oil companies. In any case, oil giants will pay off
    only about 30% of the project costs, while the rest of financing will
    be provided by international structures - World Bank and European Bank
    for Reconstruction and Development. State Oil Company of Azerbaijani
    Republic (SOCAR), BP and ExxonMobil already expressed their desire to
    finance their shares.

    It is now the turn of international financial structures that do not
    yet hasten to provide funds for implementation of this project, whose
    costs surpass 3 milliard USD. Certain experts even think that pipeline
    construction costs will be much higher than previously expected,
    amounting to 4 milliards. The decision-makers, responsible for
    provision of credits, are primarily concerned over the circumstance
    that the pipeline is very close to the hotbeds of open ethnic
    conflicts - such as Mountainous Karabagh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. One
    more crisis point, Ajaria, was added in the list. Besides, a
    considerable part of the pipeline passes through Eastern regions of
    Turkey, mostly populated by the Kurds not very loyally disposed to the
    Turkish authorities. Inspired by the success of their compatriots in
    Iraq, they are ready for resistance. In all these regions, military
    operations may potentially be resumed, which cannot but impede regular
    exploitation of the pipeline.

    But the truth is that American authorities, which are most interested
    din this project implementation, are not very much concerned with
    these circumstances. The priority for them is getting one more
    alternative route for import of the oil so essential for its
    economy. According to USDA special representative in the Caspian
    region, Steven Mann at the conference devoted to Caspian energy
    resources (New Orleans in 2003), this project is more political than
    economic. Apparently, USA is least interested in economic profit of
    the countries participants of the project or the countries on whose
    territory it will be implemented.

    One more interesting factor is that Azerbaijan has considerable
    reserves of natural gas, in particular Shakh Deniz deposit, which
    contains up to 1 trillion cubic meters of gas according to expert
    estimates. This volume of gas is sufficient to be commercially
    attractive for Western energy companies. But there are certain nuances
    here. It is a disadvantage for Azerbaijan that this deposit is located
    in the region where various countries have much larger gas reserves,
    which they would willingly export on the world energy markets.
    Suffice it to say that cumulative gas reserves of Russia and Iran
    equal almost 50% of world reserves of this energy
    resource. Turkmenistan, where the ratio of gas reserves to the volume
    of production is 180 years, does not lag far behind.

    It is to be noted that the characteristic of gas as an energy source
    considerably differs from that of oil. And if the portion of
    transportation in the oil cost, delivered to the immediate consumer,
    does not surpass 10%, allowing to transport this product at farther
    distances with no considerable expenses, then in case of gas this
    portion is higher than 40%. Therefore, usually natural gas is not
    transported at long distances from those regions where it is produced.

    The exception is a technology of liquefying natural gas when it is
    cooled up to 160 degrees and as a result passes to liquid phase, which
    allows transporting gas in special tankers at long distances,
    similarly to oil. But this option is not acceptable for Azerbaijan
    since it is common knowledge that this country has no access to high
    seas, making this type of transportation a complex task. To make
    things worse, the technology itself (terminals for gas conversion, as
    well as special tankers which are far more expensive than oil)
    requires tangible investments.

    It was initially planned that the gas extracted in Shakh Deniz deposit
    will be delivered to Turkey, where economic boom was expected, and as
    a result - sharp increase of gas consumption. However, the
    expectations of Turkish economists and BOTAS state oil company were
    not justified. For the past few years, economic recession and decrease
    of GDP were observed in Turkey. For this reason the Turkish company,
    having already signed the agreement with `Gasprom' on the supply of
    gas through `Blue Stream' gas pipeline via Black Sea bottom, even
    turned to the Russian side with a request for decrease of the supply
    volume. Thus, the economic expediency of Azerbaijani gas supply to
    Turkey is out of the question. At best, Turkey may serve as a transit
    country for Azerbaijani gas, whose streams will flow to Europe, though
    this option is hardly likely, given the mentioned specifics of gas
    transportation economy.

    In conclusion, it needs to be sated that Azerbaijan possesses
    hydrocarbon resources, which through advantageous development of
    events on world energy markets, may yield profits for this
    country. However, too many factors come to prove that these profits
    will be much lower contrary to the expectations of our neighbors and
    those in our country who are too much concerned over fast enrichment
    of the Azerbaijanis and, consequently, over the possibility of
    breaking the balance in the region.

    [01-04-2004 'Region']
    Source : `Radikal' newspaper (Turkey)
    Author: Murat Yetkin

    Greek Cypriots are most reluctant to see the problem resolved. The
    settlement is beneficial for EU, USA and Russia.

    Not far ahead is the outcome of the disputes on Cyprus problem
    resolution. To discuss the current state of affairs, Ankara convened a
    session of the Ministry of National Security again. Conferences of
    similar type will be conducted in other capitals as well. It really
    makes sense for everyone to discuss what expectations and prospects
    they have from resolving one of today's most acute problems.

    CYPRUS GREEK STATE: It is the side least of all supporting Cyprus
    problem resolution to be adopted on May 1, 2004. Despite the economic
    and political embargo imposed by the Turkish part of the island, there
    is a certain progress. Although no option of dividing the island is
    proposed, the Greek side already feels comfortable as a member of EU.
    However, the issue of relations with the Turkish part of the island
    and the international pressure induced by it are still on the agenda.

    CYPRUS TURKISH STATE: The greatest expectations of Lefkosia are
    getting international recognition, accession to EU, preserving the
    guarantees of Turkey and the status quo. The position of President
    Rauf Denktas on the referendum appears to have no future for
    present. In case the people approve of the agreement, the coalition
    between Mehmet Ali Talat and Serdar Denktas may prove to be the
    victorious party.

    GREECE: If the sides do not come to agreement, Greek Cypriotes will
    become members of EU, and the Athens will keep the promise given by
    the Greek side to Lefkosia. But in this case EU may be placed under
    still greater pressure having problems not only with division of the
    island but with alienation of Turkey as well. If no solution is found
    for Cyprus problem, it will have consequences for the whole Aegean

    TURKEY: Stable resolution of the Cyprus problem will be advantageous
    for Turkey from various aspects. In the first place, this option will
    allow removing the greatest obstacle for Turkey's accession to
    EU. Second, it will prove that Turkey keeps to the framework of the
    European culture of political agreement. And it is has much to do with
    Copenhagen criteria. Third, Turkey will be able to more efficiently
    use all the potential of its foreign policy directed at Cyprus in the
    past 30 years. Middle East, Balkans and the Caucasus will have a
    chance to take more active steps for consolidating their independence.

    ENGLAND: England, one of the three guarantor states in Cyprus, will be
    more secure in case of simultaneous accession of Greek and Turkish
    sides to EU. The Cyprus problem will become a part of EU system as a
    whole. If this process eventually ends up with Turkey's accession to
    EU, stability and security will be ensured on southern borders of

    EUROPEAN UNION: The Cyprus problem resolution will undermine the
    positions of those who are against Turkish EU membership or view this
    prospect with certain fear. It will also strengthen the position of
    Turkish supporters. Thus there will be an impetus to Germany's
    conception by which Muslim and Soviet Turkey, becoming a part of
    Europe and adopting European values, will serve as a sort of bridge
    between the Old World and many powerful Muslim countries. France,
    with its ties enlarged, will also strengthen its positions. With
    Turkish influence in EU, Europe's southern and eastern borders will be
    expanded; consequently it will become a more integral and strong

    USA: Washington is one of the capitals to receive most benefit from
    Cyprus problem resolution. Such an outcome of solving this political
    problem, in USA opinion, may serve as an example for settling
    conflicts between Israel and Palestine, also between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia. Israel is one more proponent of this scenario. However, in
    case of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, the Armenian Diaspora in USA is
    the greatest obstacle to `world for security' principle applied in
    Cyprus. At the same time, any option on Cyprus may result in the fact
    that USA, with Turkey's and most likely Russia's assistance, will
    induce Armenia to comply with this plan.

    RUSSIA: Moscow will benefit from the stable and predictable policy of
    Turkey in the Caucasus, which is one of the most problematic regions
    for Russia. Strengthening of democracy in Turkey, necessitated by this
    country's possible accession to EU, will contribute to
    it. Consequently, Cyprus problem resolution will help Russia defend
    its most vital interests.

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia, 'Yeni Nesil' Journalists' Union of
    Azerbaijan and Association of Diplomacy Correspondents of Turkey
    present 'Armenia-Azerbaijan-Turkey: Journalist Initiative-2002'
    Project. As a part of the project web site has
    been designed, featuring the most interesting publications from the
    press of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey on issues of mutual
    concern. The latest updates on the site are weekly delivered to the