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A1+: Statement By Onnik Krikorian

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  • A1+: Statement By Onnik Krikorian

    A1 Plus | 14:51:39 | 06-04-2004 | Social |


    At the rally on April 5 Armenian from Diaspora Onnik Krikorian, press
    photographer of "Hetq" Internet site of Investigating Journalists'
    Association, was beaten while performing his professional duties.

    He has appeared today with a statement. Here we represent it.

    "In the aftermath of yesterday's attack on journalists and photographers
    covering the rally organized by the National Unity Party of Artashes
    Geghamian, I am obliged to issue a statement regarding the events that
    resulted in a number of media representatives being attacked by men
    identified as working for the authorities.

    In particular, I am concerned by coverage of the event on state-sponsored
    Public TV. In their reports, Public Television -- which is broadcast via
    satellite to the Diaspora -- lay the blame on the opposition for the attacks
    despite all eye witness accounts identifying the men as having the
    protection of the state.

    As a British citizen who was hit in the face by one of the thugs and who
    approached two policemen who witnessed events but refused to intervene, I
    can state quite categorically in the instances that I witnessed at least,
    that nobody in the crowd responded to the provocation. Moreover, it was
    plainly clear that the group of men were there with the full knowledge and
    protection of the Armenian police.

    In light of Public TV's attempts to propagandize yesterday's events as
    evidence of violence by those attending an otherwise peaceful rally, the
    authorities must respect the role of journalists in this period of
    confrontation. I urge Public TV to report the facts and not to disseminate
    propaganda that they know to be untrue in order to fulfil the orders of the
    state and to escalate an already tense situation.

    In particular, it should be noted that Public TV did not report the presence
    of half a dozen men believed to be hired muscle despite the large number of
    people, including foreign citizens, that saw them attack journalists and
    citizens alike without any provocation.

    Journalists are not parties to this conflict between the opposition and the
    government. Journalists are responsible for covering the events and I call
    upon both sides and especially the police to respect that role".
