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"No secrets from our friends"

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  • "No secrets from our friends"

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    April 7, 2004, Wednesday


    SOURCE: Voyenno-Promyshlenny Kurier, No 12, March 31 - April 6, 2004,
    p. 7

    by Oleg Falichev

    This is not the first article in Voyenno-Promyshlenny Kurier on the
    meeting and decisions of the CIS Coordinating Committee for
    antiaircraft defense, the meeting attended by the Committee under the
    aegis f the CIS Council of Defense Ministers and representatives of
    the military-industrial complex. It took place on the premises of
    Granit enterprise. The Committee continued its work in Tver last week
    - at the Military university of the Antiaircraft Forces. This meeting
    was attended by representatives of CIS antiaircraft defense forces
    and Russian Air Force Commander General Vladimir Mikhailov.

    The 20th meeting of the Coordinating Committee analyzed 2003 and
    charted plans for 2004 and even 2005.

    Joint exercises with shooting practice elements in Russia (Ashuluk,
    Telemba) are already a tradition. The exercises run between 1995 and
    2003 involved 70 antiaircraft missile batteries, 60 crews of fighter,
    bomber, and ground strafing aviation, and 14 jammer units. The next
    exercise of the CIS United Antiaircraft Defense System with frontal
    aviation is scheduled for April 7.

    Actually, the special place in the negotiations was taken by
    modernization of antiaircraft missile complexes and systems of CIS
    armies, particularly the ones of the countries - members of the CIS
    Collective Security Treaty.

    Commanders of CIS antiaircraft defense answered some questions when
    the meeting was over.

    Kazakh Antiaircraft Defense Commander Major General Kopen Akhmadiyev

    Akhmadiyev: The informational field where our antiaircraft systems
    operate and the information we possess are the most valuable assets.
    The CIS United Antiaircraft Defense System is going to be important
    while this information remains pressing... Neither can we forget the
    possibility of access to new technologies, the preferences we enjoy
    in procurement of military hardware and spare parts...

    These days, we can modernize military hardware and procure it. We are

    I happened to visit Almaz company. The antiaircraft systems produced
    there do interest Kazakhstan. Of course, one short trip to the
    manufacturer does not suffice. We will work in this direction, and we
    will offer our recommendations to the government.

    Ukrainian Antiaircraft Forces Commander Lieutenant General Anatoly

    Toropchin: I'll begin with saying that the Ukraine is working in the
    CIS United Antiaircraft Forces System on the bilateral level. All the
    same, we maintain contacts with its other members like Belarus. We
    also help Turkmenistan via our defense enterprises... Our
    Antiaircraft Forces are armed with the antiaircraft complex and
    systems from Russia. They are all right.

    All the same, we would like to participate in modernization of some
    systems. The Nebo Ukrainy Sky of Ukraine association is working on it
    on Kiev's behalf now. These days, we mostly retain complexes of the
    S-300 family and we want their resources extended. Of course, the
    solution to financial problems is of paramount importance too. That
    is why our prime minister sent the suggestion of making a Ukrainian
    organization (Ukroboronservis) a part of the regional
    financial-industrial group.

    These days, we are about to complete formation of a new branch of the
    Armed Forces on the basis of the Air Force and Antiaircraft Forces.
    Calculations of out betters indicate that it will enable Ukraine to
    make a transition to the budget of development. That means that 45%
    investments into modernization and development will be invested into
    antiaircraft missile systems and aviation.

    Belarusian Antiaircraft Defense Commander Lieutenant General Oleg

    Paferov: We also modernize our antiaircraft systems, like the S-300s.
    Their efficiency suits us fine.

    We order military hardware from the Russian military-industrial
    complex via the Russian Air Force. Still, we do participate in
    discussion of the matters of technical maintenance and modernization,
    and price policy, within the framework of the CIS United Antiaircraft
    Defense System. In late 2003, the decision was made by the CIS
    Collective Security Treaty enabling us to buy Russian military
    hardware at the Russian domestic prices. What we want is its
    mechanism working now.

    NATO bases approaching the borders of Belarus and Russia from the
    direction of the Baltic States and other countries worries us. As I
    see it, the new challenges and threats demand an adequate answer.

    Kyrgyz Antiaircraft Defense Commander Colonel Vladimir Valyaev

    Valyaev: As I see it, the CIS United Antiaircraft Defense System
    compensates for the weakness of any republican antiaircraft defense
    and helps with other problems as well. For example, out antiaircraft
    missile complexes reach into Kazakhstan. The Kazakh antiaircraft
    defense in its turn covers half the territory of Kyrgyzstan. This is
    a political problem, a problem of international politics demanding a

    These days, our Antiaircraft Forces have S-125 and S-75 complexes. We
    would like more sophisticated complexes of course, like the
    Pechora-2A. It will do fine in our mountains. Unfortunately, we have
    financial problems impending their procurement, hence our efforts to
    find another solution.

    Armenian Antiaircraft Forces Commander Major General Ararat Ambarjan

    Ambarjan: Along with everything else, the CIS United Antiaircraft
    Defense System is effective in joint combat training...

    It is working smoothly now, without problems. Not in the passage of
    signals, nor it notification. We cooperate with the Russian base in
    Gyumri in protection of our borders.

    Translated by A. Ignatkin