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BAKU: CoE secretary gen. approves relations with Milli Majlis

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  • BAKU: CoE secretary gen. approves relations with Milli Majlis

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    April 8 2004

    [April 08, 2004, 15:37:14]

    Chairman of the Milli Majlis Murtuz Alasgarov met Council of Europe
    Secretary General Walter Schwimmer, who is staying in Azerbaijan on
    an official visit, April 7. He expressed to the guest his gratitude
    for the support his organization has been providing for Azerbaijan to
    integrate into Europe. The Chairman reminded that after joining the
    Council of Europe, Azerbaijan has signed over 40 Conventions,
    protocols and other documents of this structure. He pointed out as
    well that Azerbaijan had passed a number of laws concerning human
    rights protection, established Ombudsman institute and Constitutional
    Court, as well as had drawn up the draft Law `On Tele- and Radio
    Broadcasting' and submitted it for European experts' consideration.

    Chairman Murtuz Alasgarov let the COE Secretary General know that the
    Parliament has recently passed the Law `On Fight against Corruption',
    while a number of other ones are now under intensive elaboration, and
    pointed out that Azerbaijan had been conscientiously honoring its
    commitments to the Council of Europe.

    The parties as well touched upon the political prisoners' issue. It
    was mentioned that under the Decrees of Pardon issued by nationwide
    leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and the Head of State Ilham
    Aliyev, the important steps had been taken to discharge those whom
    the Council of Europe called political prisoners. As a result of the
    32 Decrees on Pardon issued in 1995-2003 by President Heydar Aliyev,
    and 7 laws on amnesty passed by the Milli Majlis, 716 have been
    discharged, and cases of 11 are now under court examination.
    According to the Chairman, for the short period, President Ilham
    Aliyev has issued two Decrees on Pardon of December 2003 and March 17
    2004 discharging over 100 men. Therefore, Azerbaijan has fulfilled
    its commitment to the Council Europe.

    The meeting also focused on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Mr. Murtuz Alasgarov pointed out with regret the
    same approach by some international organizations to both aggressor
    and subject of the aggression, displaying double standards policy on
    the issue. He reminded on destruction of Azerbaijan cultural
    monuments and over 900 populated areas.

    COE Secretary General Walter Schwimmer has given appositive
    assessment to the relations between the Milli Majlis and the Council
    of Europe saying the goal of the organization was to render necessary
    assistance to Azerbaijan. He pointed out the recommendations of the
    Venice Commission and OSCE Bureau of Democratic Institutions and
    Human Rights concerning the Election Code, and expressed hope that
    Azerbaijan would make use of the recommendations during Parliamentary
    elections to be held in Azerbaijan in November 2005.

    Mr. Schwimmer noted that one of the main Council of Europe's clauses
    is indepencence of mass media and freedom of expression, and welcomed
    the law on alternative military service to be shortly passed in

    He noted as well that he had always welcomed the Decrees on Pardon
    issued by President Heydar Aliyev, and stressed the two new Decrees
    signed by the Head of Azerbaija Ilham Aliyev created good basis for
    the independent experts to complete their reports.

    The COE Secretary General announced he was going to visit one of the
    encampments, and that existence of over 1 million refugees terrified
    him. He expressed opinion that the issue must be in the constant
    focus of the Europe's attention, `The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is
    the problem of not only Azerbaijan or region but also the whole
    Europe,' he said. Mr. Schwimmer stressed that this conflict
    contradicted the principles of the Council of Europe.