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Skinheads prosecuted on rarely used charges

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  • Skinheads prosecuted on rarely used charges

    Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press
    April 7, 2004

    Enmity With the Use of Violence. Kommersant, March 9, 2004, p. 5.
    Condensed text:

    Editors' Note. -- The St. Petersburg City Prosecutor's Office has
    completed its investigation of the case against Dmitry Bobrov, leader
    of a skinhead group known as Schultz-88, and six of his accomplices,
    and has forwarded the materials to a court. . . . Andrei Tsyganov has
    the details.

    * * *

    Detectives from the St. Petersburg Administration for Combating
    Organized Crime [ACOC] came across Dmitry Bobrov's group while
    investigating one of the city's increasingly frequent attacks on
    people from the Caucasus. In late March 2003, a group of teenagers
    with shaved heads brutally beat a native of Armenia in the lobby of
    the Pushkin subway station. Two months later, ACOC detectives
    detained Aleksei Madyunin, a 21-year-old lathe operator, and a
    17-year-old skinhead on suspicion of involvement in the incident. At
    first they were both charged with hooliganism. . . . However, during
    the investigation the detectives concluded that a more serious crime
    had occurred. During searches of the apartments of the detainees and
    their friends, the detectives confiscated skinhead paraphernalia and
    large amounts of extremist literature. . . . In the opinion of the
    ACOC detectives, the authors of the magazine articles did their
    utmost to belittle the national dignity of Jews, blacks and people
    from the Caucasus, and openly called for violence against them.

    In late October of last year, ACOC detectives detained 24-year-old
    Dmitry Bobrov (Schultz), who had written many of the aforementioned
    articles and, as it turned out, was the unofficial leader of a group
    of the same name, Schultz-88. According to the detectives'
    information, the Schultz-88 group had existed for about two years,
    during which time it had become one of the most well-organized young
    people's groups in Petersburg. The group (Schultz himself called it a
    "gang") numbered between 30 and 40 people (aged 16-20), had its own
    store on Liteiny Prospect (where skinhead literature and clothing
    were sold), had established ties with unofficial groups in the
    capital, and engaged in both "ideological" work and attention-getting
    actions: beatings of foreigners. Detectives say the Schultz group was
    responsible for at least 10 to 15 such beatings. Only a few of them
    could be proved, however; many victims of skinhead attacks do not
    file police reports.

    After studying the materials assembled by the detectives, the St.
    Petersburg Prosecutor's Office decided to reclassify the actions of
    suspects Bobrov, Madyunin and four other arrested Schultz members
    from "hooliganism" to the rarely used Art. 282 of the Russian
    Federation Criminal Code ("Incitement of Ethnic, Racial or Religious
    Enmity"). Part 2 of this article (under which all the detained
    Schultz members are being charged) provides for punishment in the
    form of three to five years' incarceration. In addition, Dmitry
    Bobrov is being charged under Criminal Code Art. 282 (a) ("Organizing
    an Extremist Association"; this is the first time this article has
    been used), as well as Art. 280 ("Calling for the Violent Overthrow
    of Russia's Constitutional System") and Art. 150 ("Involving a Minor
    in the Commission of a Crime"). . . .