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American Oil Diplomacy in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea

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  • American Oil Diplomacy in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea

    American Oil Diplomacy in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea


    The Middle East Journal (Washington)
    Winter 2004
    Vol. 58, Iss. 1
    pg. 155

    Book Review of "American Oil Diplomacy in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea"
    by Gawdat Bahgat. Gainesville, FL: xiii + 173 pages.
    Gloss, to p. 178. Notes to p. 192. Bibl. to p. 206. Index to p. 213

    By Paul M Mecray III.

    American Oil Diplomacy by Professor Gawdat Bahgat of Indiana University
    of Pennsylvania is a thorough and sophisticated analysis of geopolitical
    events encompassing Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan, and
    Kazakhstan. This book is recommended reading for those desiring a
    dispassionate history of the region's oil industry without succumbing to
    personal biases - quite an accomplishment for any writer familiar with
    the ethnic, religious, and political rivalries in that part of the
    world. Dr. Bahgat manages to fill 173 pages with vital statistics, but
    still produces a readable, objective narrative. Diplomats, businessmen,
    and analysts seeking an in-depth understanding of the
    regional alliances and rivalries that will directly impact American
    foreign policy, global oil production, and, as a result, both the future
    of oil and inflation would do well to read this book.

    Particularly helpful is Bahgat's discussion of the long relationship
    that France and Russia have had with Iraq, involved as both have been in
    the oil sector and as arms suppliers over the years.

    Any treatise on the Middle East becomes dated quickly, and this book is
    no exception. Written shortly before the invasion of Iraq in April 2003,
    the book discusses reasons for and against launching the war but not the
    subsequent chaos. Yet, from a longer term viewpoint, Bahgat does a
    superb job explaining regional tensions and rivalries - ranging from the
    Arab-Israeli conflict to the continuing friction between Azerbaijan and
    Armenia, from pre-war Iraq versus all of its neighbors, Iran's
    relationships with the United States and with Pakistan - and their
    implications for the oil industry.

    A particularly valuable element of Bahgat's analysis is his use of
    Energy Information Administration (EIA) projections of potential oil
    reserves and productive capability for Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran.
    These figures are seldom cited by authors, many of whom prefer to use
    much lower "official" reserve estimates. Given the ever more
    sophisticated oilfield technologies, even the EIA figures cited by
    Bahgat may be low. In particular, his projections for Kazakhstan are
    clearly too conservative, as new data on the Tengiz and Kashagan fields,
    alone, suggest recoverable reserves should surpass 25 billion barrels,
    three times the BP estimate cited in this book.

    That Kazakhstan's oil potential is indeed far greater than many experts
    had estimated focuses one's attention all the more on Bahgat's excellent
    discussion of pipeline diplomacy, where the politics of competing routes
    from the Caspian via the Black Sea/Bosporus, Baku-Tibilisi-Ceyhan (BTC)
    to the Mediterranean, and sales to Iran that free up oil for export
    through the Persian Gulf, all illustrate the battle for control between
    Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, and the United States. He correctly notes that
    Washington initially exaggerated the significance of Caspian oil
    potential in order to promote the Baku-Tibilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and thus
    greatly reduce Russia's control of export routes. In this instance, the
    United States has been fortunate, for subsequent massive oil discoveries
    in Kazakhstan will consume all the Caspian Pipeline Consortium capacity
    to Russia's Black Sea port of Novorossisk as well as that of the BTC
    line to the Mediterranean. Both lines will now need to be expanded, and
    pressures will grow to negotiate oil swaps with Iran, which heretofore
    Washington has opposed.

    In sum, Gawdat Bahgat has produced a superb account of the oil
    -geopolitics nexus, and of the conduct of American diplomacy in
    furthering US strategic interests in the Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea

    [Author Affiliation]
    Paul M. Mecray, III, Senior Vice President and Partner, Wellington
    Management Company, LLP, has served as a global energy industry analyst
    for 36 years.

    Copyright Middle East Institute

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress