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ASBAREZ Online [04-08-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [04-08-2004]


    1) Opposition and Coalition Representatives Meet
    2) Intellectuals Push for Dialogue between Opposition, Authorities
    3) Announcement
    4) France Tries to Ease Turks' Fears on EU Accession

    1) Opposition and Coalition Representatives Meet

    YEREVAN (Yerkir)--Representatives of the opposition and coalition government
    met on Thursday at The Armenian Center for National and International Studies
    (ACNIS), according to accounts, on the initiative of the Intellectuals’ Forum
    Coalition participants were Galust Sahakian and Tigran Torosyan of the
    Republican Party (HHK); Levon Mkrtchian and Armen Rustamian of the Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation (ARF), and Samvel Balasanyan and Mher Shahgeldyan of
    the Orinats Yerkir Party.
    Opposition representatives were Republican Party political caucus members
    Sargsyan and Smbat Ayvazian, as well as Vazgen Manukyan and Aram Karapetyan.
    Also present were Raffi Hovannisian of the ACNIS, academicians Lenzer
    Aghalovyan, David Setrakian, Ohan Dourian, and Khoren Balyan.
    Both coalition and opposition representatives presented their views on
    political activities, and reportedly reached a fundamental understanding in
    allowing for matters to develop outside the political framework.

    2) Intellectuals Push for Dialogue between Opposition, Authorities

    YEREVAN (Combined Sources)--At a roundtable discussion on the political
    situation in Armenia, prominent intellectuals agreed that dialogue is the only
    means to resolve the existing conflict between the authorities and the
    opposition. In saying so, they were quick to note that the opposition, and
    of the public, would misconstrue their appeal as siding with the president and
    the authorities. They even speculated that certain representatives of the
    Armenian press would, in fact, spin the story in that direction the next day.
    As a group, they conveyed that intellectuals refuse to surrender to any
    political force or decision; however, stressing the possible threat to the
    Armenian nation, and its already achieved successes--as small as they may
    be--they stood firm in calling for dialogue to avoid impending conflicts.
    Organized by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation's (ARF) Supreme Body of
    Armenia, the Thursday roundtable attracted prominent intellectuals, including
    the chairman of the Armenian Writers Union Levon Ananian, who warned that the
    deepening standoff has placed Armenia “on the brink of an abyss,” and called
    for a compromise deal between Kocharian and the opposition.
    ARF Supreme Body representative Armen Rustamian noted that in the life of
    nation, and peoples, similar conflicts exist.
    “We must avoid those developments that take conflict resolution outside of
    political arena,” said Rustamyan, noting that the current political discord in
    Armenia has reached a stalemate, and both sides must moderate their views.

    3) Announcement

    The present political tension in the Republic of Armenia greatly concerns
    Armenians worldwide, and especially the children of our nation living in the
    western United States.

    The rapidly developing crisis situation that began in the past weeks has
    deeply shaken all Armenians.
    Thus, in the name of the spiritual leaders and people of all Armenian
    denominations of the Western United States, we forward to the children of our
    nation in Armenia, calls of love, Christian love of peace, mutual respect, and
    harmony--so that the spirit of the Great Week prevails in our souls--and
    forward calls to always exempt our nation from harm and fraternal hate.
    It is our deep conviction and expectation of all the children of our nation
    both in Armenia and the Diaspora, to be guided by prayer, practical and active
    dialogue, and a sound spirit and path. Let us keep eternal Armenia distant
    unjustifiable, fatal, and destructive actions, especially keeping in-mind our
    present geopolitical situation.
    Let the prayers of Armenians resound in all spirits, in order to keep our
    borders and households distant from apparent and invisible dangers and
    Prelate of Western Region, Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian
    Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, Archbishop Hovnan
    Dean Pastor Raphael Minassian, leader of the Catholic Armenian Community
    Reverend Joe Matossian, leader of Evangelical Armenian Community

    4) France Tries to Ease Turks' Fears on EU Accession

    PARIS (Combined Sources)--France's new foreign minister sought on Thursday to
    ease growing concerns in Turkey that Paris wants to block its accession to the
    European Union.
    He said French policy on Turkey's membership had not changed even though he
    rattled Turkish financial markets Wednesday by telling parliament Ankara was
    not yet ready to join the EU and the ruling conservative party said it opposed
    rapid accession.
    "The French government pays attention to all that is said in the internal
    political debate, starting with the biggest party in parliament, but our line
    on this remains the same," said Michel Barnier, who was appointed only last
    week in a government reshuffle.
    He reiterated that the EU would take no decision on whether to open accession
    talks with Turkey until the executive European Commission releases a report
    later this year looking at whether Ankara has made sufficient progress on
    "It is the European Commission which will say objectively if and when
    accession talks can start because there are currently no accession talks with
    Turkey," he told reporters at the Foreign Ministry.
    The European Commission in November noted "significant progress" by the
    Turkish government in meeting EU conditions for membership. It cited, however,
    several areas where more needed to be done, including improving the country's
    judicial system and human rights record.
    The 15-member EU takes in 10 new members, mainly from eastern and central
    Europe, on May 1. Turkey hopes to be in a later wave of accession.
    Barnier made clear in parliament Wednesday that Turkey had not yet met the
    conditions for membership. "Turkey does not respect the conditions, even if it
    is preparing to do so," he said, adding that there was "no question" of
    Turkey's joining the EU "under current circumstances."
    Barnier's remarks triggered a furor in the Turkish press and helped drive
    Turkish financial markets lower on Thursday.
    "The cock has crowed too soon," said the headline in the Aksam daily.
    "When Turkey has fulfilled all the criteria for membership and opened the way
    to a solution in Cyprus, France drops its mask. The government has declared
    true intentions," it said.
    However, a Turkish official downplayed Barnier's comments, saying they simply
    reflected the current state of affairs.
    "We know that we still have some shortcomings which must be dealt with,
    and we
    will deal with them before December," the official told Reuters in Ankara.
    Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul told reporters, "Various exaggerated words can
    be said for reasons related to domestic politics."
    EU leaders will decide in December whether to open accession talks with
    Turkey, the only membership aspirant that has so far been denied a seat at the
    negotiating table.

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