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BAKU: Azeri analyst hails appointment of new US mediator for NK

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  • BAKU: Azeri analyst hails appointment of new US mediator for NK

    Azeri analyst hails appointment of new US mediator for Karabakh

    Azadliq, Baku
    8 Apr 04

    Text of Aqil's report by Azerbaijani newspaper Azadliq on 8 April
    headlined "The optimal choice" and headlined "Xaladdin Ibrahimli:
    Steven Mann is more knowledgeable about the Caucasus"

    The USA is replacing its co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, Rudolf
    Perina, by US Secretary of State for Caspian issues Steven
    Mann. Observers point that Mann used to oversee energy-related issues
    in the Caspian region. They are looking for special reasons behind
    this appointment.

    Political analyst Xaladdin Ibrahimli commented on those theories. He
    said that first of all he took the new appointment of the US
    administration as an ordinary replacement policy. However, he reckons
    that giving this post to Mann is a more successful and better choice
    for the USA. "Because Mann knows well the Caucasus region and the
    Caspian basin, in general. He is quite knowledgeable about the
    problems of this region."

    Albeit new in the job, Mann will not need too much time to study the
    Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. "For he is acquainted with the origins of
    the conflict and its further development."

    On the other hand, "this successful appointment shows that the USA
    will soon invest more efforts to resolve the Nagornyy Karabakh
    conflict," Ibrahimli said.