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BAKU: Azeri reporters march in Turkey

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  • BAKU: Azeri reporters march in Turkey

    Published in
    Azeri reporters march in Turkey
    Zulfugar Agayev

    A group of 18 Azerbaijani journalists marched from the Eastern Turkish
    district of Igdir to the capital Ankara on 6-9 April, demanding the
    U.S. and European Union to stop pressing Ankara to open its borders
    with Armenia. (Photo courtesy of ANS)

    BAKU - A group of Azerbaijani journalists began marching from an eastern
    Turkish district on Tuesday towards the capital Ankara in protest against
    what they called a possibility that the Turkish authorities might decide to
    open their borders with Armenia.

    The group of 18, organized and financed by ANS, a leading private
    Azerbaijani TV company, started walking from Igdir, a district bordering
    both Armenia and Azerbaijan, on their way to Ankara. The group is due to
    arrive in the Turkish capital on Friday.

    The journalists from Azerbaijan's ANS, Space and ATV TV companies,
    Russian-language daily newspapers Echo and Zerkalo and also Azeri-language
    dailies - Yeni Musavat, Azadliq, Sharq and 525th newspaper wore red vests
    with the slogan "Turk's support for Turk" written on their backs.

    "We have come here to let the people know about our position on opening the
    borders," Ganira Pashayeva, Deputy ANS Editor, told Baku Sun in a telephone
    interview from Igdir.

    Pashayeva said that the protestors, joined also by their Turkish
    counterparts and local residents, closed off a road near the
    Turkish-Armenian border Tuesday afternoon, chanting the slogans "no to
    opening of the Turkish-Armenian borders," and "A Turk must Support his
    brethren Turk."

    Ankara has established diplomatic relations with all the former Soviet
    republics, but Armenia, and has been keeping its borders with the small
    South Caucasus country closed since it gained independence in 1991.

    The Turkish government demands Armenia stop propagating the alleged genocide
    of Armenians under the Ottoman Turkey in the early 20th century, give up
    territorial claims against Turkey and withdraw from Azerbaijan's occupied
    territories in return for establishing a diplomatic relationship and opening
    the borders.

    Although there is no clear sign of Turkey's backing down from the
    stipulations, the border issue has been high on the agenda of several local
    media outlets in Baku, especially that of ANS over the recent days.

    The topic was even debated in Milli Majlis (parliament) on Tuesday. Although
    the legislators turned down a suggestion to invite the Turkish ambassador to
    Baku, Ahmet Unal Chevikoz, to the parliament and hear directly from him,
    they voiced harsh words against the idea of opening Turkey's gates to

    "Only the doors of hell can be opened to the faces of Armenians," said Mais
    Safarli, an MP and head of the opposition Compatriot Pary.

    Murtuz Aleskerov, the speaker of the parliament, said if Turkey were to
    decide to open its doors to Armenia, "it would be a heavy blow to the whole
    Turkish World."

    The Turkish ambassador Chevikoz responded to the speculations on Monday.
    Speaking to ANS, Chevikoz promised that his country would stick to all of
    its three stipulations, including the one that demands Armenia withdraw from
    Azerbaijan's occupied territories.

    The ANS Deputy Editor Pashayeva related the concern of the Azerbaijani
    public to Turkey's coming under heavy pressure from the United States and
    the European Union (EU) to open the borders.

    Pashayeva also pointed to a statement Erdogan made while he was visiting the
    United States late January of this year. According to

    Turkish news reports, the premier said during his U.S. visit that his
    government might decide to open borders "if the friendly initiatives of
    Turkey were reciprocated."

    Erdogan said that the Turkish citizens living in regions neighboring Armenia
    want to see the borders opened so that they could more easily trade with the
    former Soviet republic.

    Pashayeva stressed that the Azerbaijani public is "particularly troubled
    that high-ranking Turkish officials have not responded to our increasing
    concern lately."

    The President, Ilham Aliyev also stated late March that the brethren country
    was being pressed to open its borders.

    Aliyev called on the EU and the "influential nations" not to pressure
    Ankara, warning that the opened Turkish-Armenian borders would make it
    impossible to find a peaceful solution to the 16-year-long Nagorno
    (Daghlig)-Karabakh conflict. The president said should the borders be
    opened, Azerbaijan would lose an important lever to regain its occupied
    territories peacefully. ANS's Pashayeva noted that the local authorities in
    Igdir also joined the rally they staged in the district center. The
    authorities reportedly said they hadn't heard of any designs of their
    government to open the borders.

    Pashayeva added that the Azeri journalists also met with representatives of
    the Turkish business people in the bordering district. The business people
    also expressed dissatisfaction over the establishment of any relations with
    Armenia as long as the latter keeps occupying Azerbaijan's territories,
    Pashayeva added.