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History's Lesson: The Defenseless Are in Peril

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  • History's Lesson: The Defenseless Are in Peril
    April 08, 2004

    History's Lesson: The Defenseless Are in Peril

    Posted by Dennis Campbell

    It has been 10 years since bloodthirsty Hutus in Rwanda
    massacred nearly one million rival Tutsis. Of course, someone might
    say, that was in Africa, renowned for its savagery, and could never
    happen in America.

    And perhaps he would be right. We enjoy the many freedoms and
    rights and privileges that come with our tradition of Western
    civilization. Yes, that culture, propagated by those Dead White
    Males so despised by the inhabitants of the political left, that is
    routinely disparaged by the bozos, buffoons and bullies
    indoctrinating your kids whose college tuition is draining your bank

    The proclivity of humans toward slaughtering those who are
    different - culturally, religiously, politically - is historically

    In December 1937, invading Japanese soldiers began the
    infamous Rape of Nanking, China, that ended with the death of more
    than 350,000 Chinese.

    On November 9, 1938, Nazi Brownshirts in Adolf Hitler's
    Germany began a two-day rampage called Kristallnacht, or Night of
    Broken Glass, during which scores of German Jews were murdered, a
    thousand synagogues burned and tens of thousands Jews arrested and
    sent to concentration camps.

    In 1915, Turkish Muslims (adherents to the ''religion of
    peace'') butchered between one million and two million Armenians.

    More recently, hundreds of thousands of civilians in Bosnia
    and Croatia were killed in that region's notorious ''ethnic

    This could go on ad infinitum, and the question arises, ''What
    is the point?''

    The point is this: The unfortunates cataloged above had no
    means of self-defense. In short, they had no guns.

    Where I live, in the Southwestern portion of America, when a
    bad guy comes to take my home, kill me and my family and commit
    atrocities against us, he is likely to be dissuaded when confronted
    by the barrel of my 12-gauge shotgun.

    But after Adolf Hitler disarmed Germans, how were they able to
    defend themselves? When unarmed Tutsis were attacked by Hutus, how
    were they to defend themselves? When helpless Chinese citizens were
    set upon by Japanese soldiers, how were they to defend themselves?

    With this in mind, any American with the brains God gave a
    fruit fly should fight hammer and tong against the efforts by the
    left to disarm the populace.

    We should fight against registering guns, because registered
    guns become confiscated guns.

    We should fight against limits on magazine capacity, just as
    the Bedouin fights against the camel's nose under the tent.

    This is a war, one that must be waged unrelentingly and with

    The left will couch its rhetoric in emotion and

    We will be told that thousands of children die every year
    because of guns - a lie and a bizarre manipulation of data that
    classifies a 24-year-old South Central Los Angeles gang member as a

    We will be told that the higher the incidence of gun
    ownership, the higher the incidence of crime - a lie that has been
    refuted by myriad studies definitively proving that high gun
    ownership means lower crime rates.

    At the same time, we will be denied vital information by a
    leftist news media that uses its power to control the dissemination
    of information to influence an issue where it stands clearly in the

    We will not be told that when guns were confiscated in England
    and Australia, violent crime increased dramatically.

    We will not be told of the thousands of incidents in which a
    gun was used by a law-abiding citizen to thwart a crime.

    We will not be told that our Founders, who wrote the Second
    Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing our right to bear arms,
    were solidly in favor of private gun ownership.

    Why this relentless effort to disarm America? It has nothing
    to do with the safety of our children or the fight against crime. It
    has everything to do with a political philosophy that, contrary to
    the principles undergirding the founding of America, believes in less
    freedom for you and me, not more, and desires a citizenry that can be
    controlled and manipulated.

    It is a philosophy that has overtaken a party that calls
    itself ''Democratic,'' but is not, a party that is a twisted
    distortion of what it once was, unrecognizable to Democrats of a
    half-century ago.

    The man who threatens me and the man who would disarm me have
    the same goal in mind: A desire to deprive me of life, liberty and

    We should fear both, but there is a common-sense way to
    approach each of them: Shoot the former, and vote against the latter.

    For freedom's sake.

    Dennis Campbell is a freelance writer and former newspaper reporter
    and editor. He resides in New Mexico and receives e-mail at:
    [email protected].