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Apostles met grisly ends

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  • Apostles met grisly ends

    Apostles met grisly ends
    Bucks County Courier Times
    April 11, 2004
    by J. D. Mullane

    After the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, what happened to the 12

    We know they hid in an upper room, fearing they would be crucified, too.

    Scripture states Jesus appeared to them, that Thomas doubted, and that they
    went out into the world to preach.

    Then what?

    It's hard to say for sure. History is sketchy when it comes to the 12, and
    it's tough to separate fact from the thick cloud of Bible lore, tradition
    and faithful belief.

    John, for example, is believed to have written the Book of Revelation, with
    its frightening images of the apocalypse. Also, his preachings were so
    effective he supposedly was tossed into a vat of boiling oil by Roman
    authorities, but miraculously emerged unharmed.

    Andrew is said to have parted an ocean with a cup of water.

    Philip allegedly killed a black fiery dragon, and was accompanied on his
    journeys by his sister, Miriam, who was martyred.

    Whatever really happened, this much is clear: Most apostles were put to
    death because they refused to deny Jesus.

    Here's a list of what happened to the 12 men Jesus picked to spread his
    message, according to books and scholarly articles:

    Peter married Perpetua and they had two children, a boy and girl. After
    Jesus' death and resurrection, Peter was perhaps the most aggressive
    disciple and most visible face of the early Christian church. King Herod
    tossed him in prison. Christian lore states an angel freed him. He preached
    throughout Asia Minor, where Mark joined him and gathered material for his
    gospel. He became the first bishop of the Church of Rome, where he was
    crucified by the Roman Emperor Nero in 64 A.D.

    Andrew, a fisherman and the first apostle, preached throughout Scythia,
    today in the area of Ukraine. He was crucified on an x-shaped cross on
    orders of the Roman governor Aegeas. He was tied to the cross rather than
    nailed to prolong suffering.

    James the Elder was a fiery speaker and personality who probably traveled
    throughout Spain after the resurrection. He is considered the patron saint
    of Spain. He was beheaded with a sword about 44 A.D. by Herod Agrippa.

    Matthew spent 15 years evangelizing Egypt and Ethiopia, but there are
    conflicting stories regarding the place and manner of his death, and if he
    was martyred at all. Some accounts have King Hircanus ordering his death by
    sword; others that Matthew was stoned, burned or beheaded.

    Philip was a coach maker by trade who became a disciple after Jesus told
    him, "Follow me." He preached for 20 years in Asia, joined by his three
    daughters. He was stoned and crucified head downward on a cross.

    Bartholomew preached throughout Armenia. Details of his death in Albanopolis
    conflict. He was either skinned alive and then crucified with head downward,
    or beheaded by Astyages for having converted his brother, Polymius, the King
    of Armenia.

    Thaddeus preached throughout Judea and Samaria, but was clubbed and his head
    severed with an ax by nonbelievers.

    Simon was crucified after preaching the gospel in Samaria.

    James the Lesser had sworn off food and drink until he saw the resurrected
    Jesus. He was murdered about 62 A.D. in Jerusalem, tossed from the top of a
    temple, stoned and clubbed. Some accounts have him praying for his attackers
    as he died.

    Thomas, the doubter, took his ministry to India, where he converted the wife
    and son of King Misdai. For this he was sentenced to death, led from the
    city to a hill and executed by four soldiers with swords.

    Matthias, who replaced Judas Iscariot, was a wealthy tax collector who gave
    away his money and embarked on a ministry to spread the message of Jesus,
    perhaps in Ethiopia. Some accounts place his death in Ethiopia, others have
    him being stoned to death and beheaded in Jerusalem.

    John, the apostle "best loved" by Jesus, was among the first four apostles
    and shared the nickname "Son of Thunder" with his brother, James the Elder.

    Jesus gave the brothers the name because of their fiery preaching. John was
    the only apostle not to abandon Jesus at his trial and crucifixion. He
    traveled extensively and died at an old age, the only apostle believed to
    have died of natural causes.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress