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Itar-Tass Russia and CIS news summary for Saturday, Sunday: 2

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  • Itar-Tass Russia and CIS news summary for Saturday, Sunday: 2

    Itar-Tass Russia and CIS news summary for Saturday, Sunday: 2

    April 12, 2004 Monday 1:47 AM Eastern Time

    TBILISI - Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania and Secretary of the
    Georgian Security Council Vano Merabishili will come to Batumi on
    Tuesday, April 13, for "a new round of negotiations on the settlement
    of relations between the central and republican authorities,"
    Adzharian leader Aslan Abashidze said on the republican television on

    He said they would discuss the implementation of agreements reached at
    his meeting with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili in Batumi on
    March 18.

    The sides will consider a draft law on the division of powers between
    Tbilisi and Batumi, which has been urged by the Georgian central
    authorities, the Adzharian administration and the Council of Europe.

    BATUMI - The Russian base in Batumi, Adzharia, will remain neutral if
    tension in the relations between the Georgian central authorities and
    the autonomous republic escalates. "The Russian servicemen in Georgia
    were and will be neutral. They will not interfere in internal affairs
    of this nation," sources in the Batumi base told Itar-Tass on Sunday.

    "The base in Adzharia tightened security as soon as the confrontation
    between Batumi and Tbilisi had begun," the sources said. "Protection
    of the base infrastructure was reinforced, and the security of
    checkpoints was tightened. The base has self-defense plans in case of
    the worst developments."

    Russia has two military bases in Georgia, one in Batumi and another in
    Akhalkalaki, near the Georgian-Turkish border.

    KIEV - Ukraine's nuclear power plants have cut their output due to the
    excess of electricity in the country because of warm weather.

    The situation forced the management of the Zaporozhye nuclear power
    plant to stop reactor No. 4 for planned repairs last night ahead of

    In addition, reactor No. 1 at the Rovno atomic power station was
    deenergised for repairs on Saturday. Repairs on both reactors will be
    completed in the second half of May.

    KRASNOYARSK - The head of Russia's Federal Atomic Energy Agency,
    Alexander Rumyantsev, said he was "very optimistic" about reforms in
    the industry.

    He believes that the reforms "will make it possible to concentrate on
    the resolution of problems facing our industry in regions".

    In his words, the Agency's central staff will be cut from 623 to 500
    people and his three deputies will be named on Monday.

    Rumyantsev also called for "continuity in forging an open and
    constructive dialogue with environmental organisations, including
    radical ones."

    YEREVAN - The Armenian opposition threatened on Saturday to fight till
    President Robert Kocharyan resigned.

    The head of the Republic party and parliament member Albert Bazeyan
    said at an opposition rally on Saturday, "Armenian authorities
    outlawed themselves by refusing to hold a referendum on the
    president's credibility."

    The head of the opposition Justice faction in the parliament, Stepan
    Demirchyan, held authorities responsible for the consequences of the
    opposition's actions.

    "The regime is doomed and no steps will save it," he warned.

    BAKU - The Azerbaijan leadership does not examine the question on
    pulling out Azerbaijan peacekeepers from Iraq or slashing their
    numerical strength, Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov said
    in an exclusive interview with Tass on Sunday.

    There are now in Iraq 150 Azeri servicemen who perform their mission
    in the country's south as part of the international coalition
    force. Mamedyarov emphasized that Azerbaijan joined the anti-terrorist
    coalition, mindful of the fact what threat terror represents for the

    DONETSK - The first unit of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant was
    disconnected from the power network last night for planned
    repairs. The repairs will last for more than two months, sources in
    the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant's information center told

    The fourth unit of the nuclear power plant was disconnected from the
    power network a day before. It will be idle till May 15.

    At present four of six VVER-1000 units of the Zaporozhye nuclear power
    plant are functioning and their total produce is 3,535 megawatt.

    Only 9 of 13 units of Ukrainian nuclear power plants are currently at
    work. Their output has been limited since March 20 because of the
    overproduction of electricity.