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Capacity for evil is universal

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  • Capacity for evil is universal

    Capacity for evil is universal

    In tracing the cause of the Rwandan genocide, it's hard to know how far back
    in history to go - but what happened in Africa 10 years ago is only the latest
    example of humanity at its worst


    Monday, April 12, 2004

    Ten years after one of the most savage genocides in human history, the
    comprehension of how such an unspeakably horrible thing could have
    happenedis still anything but clear.

    The chain of causes is long and complex. How far back into Rwanda's
    history one chooses to trace it, and the relative importance one gives
    to each cause, is a reflection of one's cultural, political, and
    intellectual biases.

    Everyone who has examined the question (with a few notable,
    rigourously impartial exceptions) has projected onto it his or her own
    culture and its history, social class, politics and personal
    experience, so it is important to know what the hidden agendas (even
    from those who have them, in some cases) are.

    There is no better laboratory than Rwanda for students in the
    postmodern, deconstructionist field of historical studies known as
    "the production of history." Where does this monumental tragedy
    properly begin? What is its first act and act one's dateline? In
    neighbouring Burundi in 1972, when the Tutsi there (who, unlike
    Rwanda's Tutsi, did not lose power after independence) massacred
    200,000 Hutu évolués, liquidating virtually the entire educated young
    generation of that ethnic group? Is it at this point that the idea of
    mass extermination enters the political discourse in these two tiny,
    overcrowded, ethnically riven countries? Are the Tutsi of Burundi to
    some degree to blame for what happened to their Rwandan cousins 12
    years later? That is what most French analysts and Western academics,
    who were invested in the Rwandan Hutu's failed post-colonial
    experiment in creating an egalitarian, democratic society, think. And
    not only because of this underreported, now almost forgotten Burundian
    genocide, butbecause the Tutsi in both countries were an anachronistic
    feudal aristocracy that became even more oppressive during the
    colonial period. Privately, professional Rwandanists intimate that
    "the Tutsi" got what was coming to them.

    But the Burundian genocide was partly a response to the genocidal
    massacres between 1959 and 1966 of about 20,000 of the Tutsi in
    Rwanda, whom their Hutu serfs succeeded in overthrowing, and the
    expulsion into exile of about 200,000 more.

    Tutsi analysts begin the tragedy with these "pilot genocides," the
    first cases of ethnic slaughter in the region. They argue that the
    original relationship between the Tutsi cattlekeepers and the Hutu
    farmers was cordial, based on mutual respect. The animosity only
    started after the Belgians came in afterthe First World War and
    destroyed the delicate balance between the two ethnic groups, by
    ruling indirectly through the Tutsi and making them oversee the forced
    labour gangs of Hutu.

    Many analysts, African and Western, argue that had not Rwandan society
    been destroyed by colonialism, had Rwanda's political evolution been
    allowed to continue, the inequities would have eventually worked
    themselves out, and the genocide would never have happened.

    But if you look at the Rwanda of 300 or 400 years ago, long before
    Europeans gummed up the works, there is ample evidence of at least
    proto-genocidal behaviour. The mwami, or king, had the power of life
    and death over all his subjects, and clans that fell into disfavour
    were regularly snuffed.

    When the mwami wanted to annex a neighbouring kingdom or principality,
    if peaceful suasion - the offer of women and cows - failed, his
    soldiers slaughtered all the men and divvied up the women and children
    as booty. The mutilations that shocked the West in 1994 - impalement,
    breast oblation, harvesting of testicles as trophies - had been
    happening for centuries. Impalement was the punishment for cattle
    rustlers until the Belgians put a stop to it in the 1920s.

    But Rwanda was an expansionist state, and such symbolic acts of
    humiliationhave been common on every continent at that stage of
    political evolution.

    In the late 19th and early 20th century, a number of fiercely warlike
    Hutu kingdoms in northwestern Rwanda, collectively know as the
    abahinza, were forcibly annexed by the mwami with the help of the
    Germans, the first colonizers of Rwanda. The local chiefs were put to
    death and replaced by king's kinsmen.

    Most of the Hutu ideologues of the 1994 genocide and the ruling elite
    that carried it out belonged to abahinza lineages. For them, the
    genocide was a long-awaited revenge. So does the tragedy begin with
    the subjugation of the abahinza, or in 1700, or in 1894, when the
    first whites arrive and as Chinoa Achebe quotes Yeats to characterize
    Nigeria's colonial experience, "things fall apart"? But the whites
    arrive just as the old king is dying, in time to witness a bloody
    succession struggle and a purge of the king's clan by the queen's
    clan, which usurps the throne.

    The capacity for genocide was clearly in Rwandan culture. But no more
    than it is in every society, and most of the killing at this point,
    with exceptions like the abahinza, was Tutsi on Tutsi, because most of
    the dozens of small kingdoms in the interlacustrine region (between
    Lake Victoria and the western, lake-studded arm of the Great Rift
    Valley in what is now eastern Congo) were ruled by Tutsi.

    The Belgians classified everybody as Hutu or Tutsi and racialized what
    had been essentially a fluid class distinction (although who exactly
    the Tutsi are, to what extent did their taller, thinner somatotype
    evolve in place, and what relationship they have with physically
    nearly identical people in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa, are still

    Projecting the cockamamy Eurocentric race science of the day, they
    embraced the Tutsi as long-lost "Hamitic" cousins, and at first
    reinforced the Tutsi's supremacy and used them to run the colony. The
    Hutu, who were already being worked hard by the mwami's chiefs, grew
    to hate the Tutsi. In 1959, as the Belgians were leaving, they
    instigated a peasant revolution modelled after the French revolution
    that brought the ill-prepared Hutu to power. This set in motion the
    developments that culminated in genocide 45 years later.

    By 1990, the Tutsi exiles in the five neighbouring countries numbered
    abouta million. They had been second-class citizens, perpetual
    refugees, in these countries for 30 years, and in Uganda more than
    60,000 of them had been massacred in the early 1980s by Milton Obote
    after he overthrew Idi Amin. So they decided, like the European Jews
    after the Holocaust, to take back their homeland and create a space
    where they could be safe.

    That fall, a guerrilla force of young English-speaking Tutsi exiles,
    calling themselves the Rwandese Patriotic Front, invaded Rwanda from
    Uganda. By 1992, the RPF had captured half the country and forced the
    Hutu regime to the negotiating table. Had this invasion not taken
    place, the genocide would not have happened, either, so this is
    another major cause, another reason why some argue that "the Tutsi
    brought it on themselves." But who can blame the exiles for wanting
    to have a decent life, with basic civil rights, starting with the
    right not to be discriminated against, or even slaughtered, as foreign
    ethnics ? There were many other causes. Overpopulation, environmental
    degradation and resource scarcity were a big ones, but they have not
    gotten enough attention because these issues are not in most analysts'
    area of expertise. By 1986, when I made my first trip to Rwanda, to
    write about the murder of Dian Fossey for Vanity Fair, the fertile
    Land of a Thousand Hills had the highest birth rate on Earth - 8.2
    live births per woman, and 25,000 new families needed land each year
    but there wasn't any.

    In the early 1990s, there was a severe drought in southern Rwanda,
    which created a great number of homeless, desperate refugees who were
    easily recruited by the promise that they could have the land and the
    house of anyone they killed. At the same time, the world price of
    coffee crashed, and this escalated the youth unemployment.

    The ignorance of the general population was another underecognized
    cause. So many young men who had never been taught to think for
    themselves believed whatever they were told, including the hate
    broadcasts of the regime's radio station, that the Tutsi were coming
    back to enslave them again.

    The Catholic Church played a reprehensible role. Much of the wholesale
    slaughter took place in churches into which the Tutsi were lured by
    Hutu priests with the promise of sanctuary. France, which supported
    the extremist Hutu regime in the interests of maintaining a client
    state and a foothold for la francophonie in the region, was no less

    All the well-intentioned foreign NGOs that kept the Troisième
    République going when it was financially and morally bankrupt didn't
    help the situation. The United Nations, which wrung its hands and did
    nothing, and the U.S., which prevented the Security Council from
    taking action by quibbling over the definition of genocide
    (reminiscent of its inaction and thwarting of the international effort
    to stop the Armenian genocide), could have stopped the killing from
    spreading out of Kigali in the first few days, but instead just stood
    by and watched it happen.

    But the U.S., still reeling from its disastrous "humanitarian
    intervention" in Somalia, wasn't about to send its soldiers to be
    killed in this "dinky little country that no one cares a rat's ass
    about," as an American diplomat described Rwanda to me.

    The "proximate" cause, the event that triggered the slaughter, was the
    shooting down on April 6 of the plane carrying the Hutu presidents of
    Rwanda and Burundi, although the killing had already begun in a few
    places hours before. It is still not clear who did this - Hutu
    extremists, French secret agents, the RPF, Burundians, Ugandans, or
    five other possibilities.

    This assassination, too, is another important cause, because it
    ignited a pogrom of Tutsi in the countryside and retaliatory massacres
    of Hutu, and drove thousands of Hutu refugees up into Rwanda. These
    refugees were highly motivated to kill Tutsi and played a major role
    in the genocide. So were the young Hutu of northeastern Rwanda, who
    fled south when the RPF invaded. They were anonymous in Kigali, so
    they could man roadblocks and kill at will.

    Then there are all kinds of subsidiary causes. If, for example, the
    colonial lines had been drawn differently so that Rwanda extended east
    to Lake Victoria, it would have had access to east African markets and
    not have become the poor landlocked country that it did, and the Hutu
    and Tutsi would have been thrown in with many other ethnic groups and
    might not have become so viciously polarized.

    Whatever cause or set of causes one chooses to explain what happened,
    the genocide had an effect opposite to the one that its architects
    were hoping for: It brought the Tutsi back to power, and now the Hutu
    are finding what it was like to be a Tutsi when they were running the

    Minority rule is never stable, and despite the commendable strides the
    current regime has made at healing the country abolishing the ethnic
    identity card and putting forth at least the public ideology that
    Rwanda is for all Rwandans, it is still a hard-line dictatorship with
    no tolerance of criticism or dissent.

    Understandably it is wary of the millions of young Hutu who are
    milling around and waiting for someone to come along and make it worth
    their while to finish the job. Meanwhile, the virus of genocide has
    spread to northeasternCongo, where two groups of similarly ethnically
    distinct cattlekeepers and farmers, the Hema and the Lendu, have been
    slaughtering each other for the last four years.

    It will be decades before Central Africa recovers from Rwanda's
    societal self-immolation, from this appalling episode of collective
    psychotic violence and its toxic fallout, The lesson to be taken from
    it, rather than doling out blame (for which there is no shortage of
    candidates), or brooding on the numerous what ifs, or writing off
    Rwanda as one of the world's rabid societies, is that every society,
    even the most supposedly civilized ones, has committed genocide at
    some point in its history, and the capacity for evil lurks within
    every one of them, and each of us. What happened in Rwanda, like the
    Holocaust, is just an extremecase of humanity at its worst. We need to
    see history in black and white terms, as the good guys vs. the bad
    guys, but it is never that way. The good and evil are layered and
    mixed. It is each of our responsibilities to make sure that something
    like this doesn't ever happen again, anywhere, but it almost certainly
    will, probably in some other distant, unheard of part of the world,
    whose existing ethnic or religious differences have been exacerbated
    by Western manipulation and exploitation.

    Despite its uniquely tragic history, Rwanda certainly doesn't have a
    patent on such behaviour.

    Alex Shoumatoff is a Montreal writer.
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