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ASBAREZ Online [04-14-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [04-14-2004]


    1) US Addresses Political Unrest in Armenia
    2) Situation Remains Stable after Opposition Rally Dispersion
    3) Human Rights Ombudsman Says Method of Force Unwarranted
    4) Opposition Must Scrutinize Government Performance Says Kocharian
    5) Azeri Leader Urges Turkey to Stand Firm on Armenia
    6) US Interested in Strong Armenian Army Says DM
    7) US Prepares to Capture Rebel Iraqi Cleric

    1) US Addresses Political Unrest in Armenia

    WASHINGTON--The United States expressed concern about the "sharp
    escalation" of
    tensions in Armenia between the government and the opposition, through the
    following April 13 statement by US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher,
    made public on Wednesday:
    "The United States is concerned about the current political situation in
    Armenia, particularly the sharp escalation in confrontation between the
    government and the opposition. We call on both sides to enter into a dialogue
    that will lessen tension and focus the political process on the challenges of
    continued political and economic reform. Physical assaults, raids on political
    party offices, and widespread arrests and detentions of opposition
    activists by
    the police do not contribute to creating an atmosphere conducive to political
    dialogue. We call on all sides to respect the role of peaceful assembly and to
    take all steps to prevent violence."

    2) Situation Remains Stable after Opposition Rally Dispersion

    PRAGUE (RFE/RL)--The situation remained calm in Yerevan yesterday, 24 hours
    after police forcibly dispersed an opposition rally in the center of the
    Authorities released three opposition lawmakers detained for their
    participation in antigovernment protests.
    Shavarsh Kocharian of the Justice (Artarutyun) alliance and Aleksan
    of the National Unity Party had been detained during the previous morning's
    unrest, which followed four days of rallies. Another Justice lawmaker, Arshak
    Sadoyan, had been taken to a police station a few hours later.
    It is not clear whether they will face any sanctions.
    Also unclear is the fate of former Defense Minister Vagharshak Harutiunian
    former Deputy Health Minister Artak Zeynalian. Both men were taken into police
    custody in connection with the unrest and have not reappeared since.
    RFE/RL's Armenian Service correspondent Karine Kalantarian reports that
    confirm four opposition activists are under arrest and that another 19 are
    being questioned.
    Armenian authorities yesterday vowed to get tough on rallies staged without
    official permission, saying all unauthorized meetings are banned throughout

    3) Human Rights Ombudsman Says Method of Force Unwarranted

    YEREVAN (Yerkir)--Armenia's human rights ombudsman Larisa Alaverdian said that
    the actions of the opposition demonstrators on April 13, did not warrant the
    steps taken by law enforcement officials to quell the rally. "Recent decisions
    of the court and steps taken by the police do not always correspond--in the
    first case, to what the people were accused of, and in the second, the
    situation at the moment."
    Pointing to the laws in effect in the Republic, she said that there is no
    classification of gatherings that are permitted or prohibited; thus,
    at any given meeting is the right of Armenian citizens.
    "It was possible to utilize other methods in reprimanding the criminal
    announcements and expressions that were made," said Alaverdian, adding that
    those who did use unwarranted force on journalists and citizens will be
    and held accountable for their actions.

    4) Opposition Must Scrutinize Government Performance Says Kocharian

    YEREVAN (Armenpress)--President Robert Kocharian pointed to dialogue as the
    best method to resolve conflict between opposing political forces, and
    denounced the opposition for presenting ultimatums.
    Meeting on Wednesday with members of the United Communist Party ruling board,
    the president disclosed that the ruling government coalition, in a bid to ease
    the mounting opposition standoff through a dialogue, held a series of meeting
    with opposition leaders during the past few months.
    He said that the extremism of certain segments of the opposition which have
    rejected dialogue, has instead, created the existing political tension. He
    defended the security forces for attempting to restore law and order.
    Kocharian said that the opposition's ultimate goal should be the same as the
    government's--to improve living standards. The main functions of the
    opposition, he noted, should be to keep the government's performance under
    continuous scrutiny, so as to prevent deviation.
    "Today the opposition is fully able to operate normally, but if it decides to
    take another course, the authorities possess enough resources, set by the law,
    to protect citizens and stave off displays of illegality and extremism," said
    Kocharian, noting that recent developments have not affected the country's
    economy, financial markets, or investment environment.

    5) Azeri Leader Urges Turkey to Stand Firm on Armenia

    ANKARA (Reuters)--Azerbaijan expects Turkey to keep its border with Armenia
    closed for as long as the dispute over the Karabagh region remains unresolved,
    the Azeri leader said in an interview published on Tuesday.
    Azeri President Ilham Aliyev began a state visit to Turkey, an old ally, on
    Tuesday. His trip coincides with pressure on Ankara from some officials in the
    United States and the European Union to lift its trade blockade of tiny,
    landlocked Armenia.
    Turkey has no diplomatic relations with Armenia because the Christian former
    Soviet republic occupies Karabagh, a territory populated by ethnic Armenians
    but assigned to Turkic-speaking, mainly-Muslim Azerbaijan in Soviet times.
    "Some big powers may try to achieve their interests by putting pressure (on
    Turkey over opening its border)," Aliyev told the Turkish daily Zaman. "Turkey
    is a big country. We believe it will not give in to this pressure."
    About 35,000 people died in six years of fighting over Karabagh which
    ended in
    a 1994 ceasefire. A decade of diplomatic efforts by the United States, France,
    and Russia to end the deadlock has so far failed.
    Turkey hopes to open talks on joining the EU soon.
    There had been speculation of a thaw in Azeri-Armenian ties after the death
    last December of Aliyev's father, Heydar Aliyev, who had dominated Azeri
    politics for three decades.
    But Ilham Aliyev, elected president last October, signaled there would be no
    change in his Karabagh policy.


    "We want the occupying Armenians to give back our lands unconditionally. Then
    we can negotiate on the status of Karabagh," Aliyev told Zaman.
    He added Azerbaijan would never accept Armenian demands for Karabagh's union
    with Armenia or for independence from Baku.
    Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer, welcoming Aliyev to Ankara, said Turkey
    backed a swift resolution of the Karabagh conflict.
    "We are ready to make every effort possible to help our Azeri brothers...
    towards solving the Karabagh problem through peaceful means, in line with the
    principles of international law," the state Anatolian news agency quoted Sezer
    as saying.
    As well as international pressure, Ankara has faced lobbying from Turkish
    business interests keen to trade freely with Armenia. But Turkish diplomats
    Ankara will not act without the agreement of Azerbaijan.
    Apart from close linguistic and cultural ties, Turkey and Azerbaijan will be
    linked in the near future by an oil pipeline pumping crude from the Caspian
    to the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan.
    The 1,760-km (1,100-mile) Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, built by an international
    consortium and strongly backed by the United States, is worth around $3
    "More than half of the oil pipeline has now been completed," Aliyev told
    adding work was also progressing well on a natural gas pipeline from the
    Caspian to Turkey and Greece.

    6) US Interested in Strong Armenian Army Says DM

    YEREVAN (Armenpress)--Armenia's Defense Minister Serge Sarkisian, announced
    that $7 million in US military assistance would be provided to Armenia in the
    coming months, and that US-Armenian military cooperation is on its way to
    Speaking at the joint press conference with US Ambassador to Armenia John
    Ordway, Sarkisian said he is confident that the US is interested in a strong
    and effective Armenian army to help in guarantee regional region and, if
    necessary, participate in overseas peacekeeping efforts.
    Ordway said that present military cooperation is at a "perfect level," and
    suggested it would deepen and expand from year to year. Ordway explained that
    cooperation has specifically progressed during the last three years as a
    of joint programs.
    Ordway and Sarkisian were in the northern town of Talin for an opening
    ceremony of a local hospital that was repaired by way of US Department of
    Defense humanitarian assistance program.
    Ordway explained that future US assistance would focus on providing
    communication means, implementing educational programs, and raising of the
    level of Armenia's peacekeeping forces and mine-clearing centers. He also
    of joint military exercises.

    7) US Prepares to Capture Rebel Iraqi Cleric

    NEAR NAJAF (Reuters)--US forces have tightened their grip around one of Iraq's
    holiest cities as the rebel Shi'ite cleric they have vowed to kill or capture
    offered peace terms to spare Najaf a bloodbath.
    An envoy appointed by Moqtada al-Sadr said the wanted cleric had asked him to
    convey peace proposals to the Americans.
    Russia said it would airlift out more than 800 of its nationals and citizens
    of ex-Soviet states to escape a hostage free-for-all and worsening violence
    sweeping Iraq.
    The 2,500-strong 3rd Brigade Task Force, along with Spanish and Polish
    set up what US officers called an exclusion zone around Najaf and sent out
    reconnaissance patrols from Forward Operating Base Duke, 20 km (13 miles) west
    of the city.
    President George W. Bush vowed to stay the course and said a June 30 handover
    to Iraqi sovereignty would go ahead.
    "Sayyed Moqtada made positive proposals to end the crisis. I cannot disclose
    the details. He realizes that an armed confrontation is not in anybody's
    interest," Sadr's envoy, Abdelkarim al-Anzi, now in Baghdad, told Reuters by
    Anzi said he had met Sadr in Najaf on Tuesday.
    The US military has branded Sadr an outlaw and pledged to kill or seize the
    cleric. Sadr had been staying near the Imam Ali shrine, which is sacred to the
    world's Shi'ite Muslims, but an aide said he had now moved to his father's
    house in eastern Najaf.
    Iran said the United States, its arch-foe, had sought its help in calming the
    Iraq violence. "Naturally, there are demands by Americans...that we help to
    resolve the crisis in Iraq. And we are acting," Foreign Minister Kamal
    As tension mounted in Najaf, Iraqi mediators said they had extended a shaky
    truce in the embattled Sunni town of Falluja for 48 hours from 9 a.m. on


    But violence flared in Baghdad, where US soldiers fired on looters raiding a
    military truck on the airport road. A Reuters photographer said he saw several
    Iraqis lying motionless and bleeding after the shooting.
    Four people were killed and six wounded in the northern city of Mosul when a
    Katyusha rocket, aimed at a police station, hit a civilian area, police and
    hospital officials said.
    Tension was also running high in Najaf's sister city, Kerbala, where
    said streets were empty amid fears of clashes between Sadr's militia and
    Bulgaria said its troops in the shrine city had come under fire during the
    night, but took no casualties.
    Bush said his generals, who have asked for two more brigades--about 10,000
    troops--to be sent to Iraq, would get them.
    At a rare White House news conference, Bush called on Sadr to disband his
    militia. The cleric launched an uprising this month after US-led authorities
    closed his newspaper, said he was wanted for murder and detained his top aide.
    The revolt came as insurgents from the smaller Sunni Muslim community, to
    which Saddam Hussein belongs, responded to a military crackdown in central
    by taking on US Marines in street battles.
    Hundreds of Iraqis have been killed in April, also the deadliest month for
    US military since Saddam's fall a year ago, with 83 American troops killed in
    two weeks of combat.
    The violence has spurred insurgents to kidnap more than 40 foreigners in
    though many have been released.
    A French photographer was the latest to join four Italian private security
    guards, three Japanese civilians, three Czech journalists, two Arab aid
    and a US contractor on the list of reported hostages.
    Russia's Emergencies Ministry said seven flights from Kuwait and Baghdad
    take 553 Russians and 263 nationals of former Soviet states out of Iraq later
    this week, despite the safe release of three Russian and five Ukrainian
    hostages on Tuesday.


    US Marines fought Sunni insurgents in Falluja overnight and witnesses said
    four civilians and two fighters were killed, but negotiators extended a truce
    for 48 hours.
    The US military took no direct part in Tuesday's truce talks. Ahmed
    Hardan, of
    the Iraqi Islamic Party, represented on Iraq's US-appointed Governing Council,
    said Iraqi police were to return to duty in Falluja within 48 hours and US
    forces would withdraw. Hospitals would be re-supplied and displaced civilians
    would return.
    Abdul Salam al-Kubaysi, spokesman for the Muslim Clerics Association,
    negotiating on behalf of Falluja, said only local police would be allowed in
    the city, not the "traitors and collaborators" of the US-trained Iraqi Civil
    Defense Corps.
    He said police could be backed up by creating a security force drawn from
    local tribes--apparently a reference to the gunmen who have been battling the
    No US comment was available and it was not clear if the military had
    dropped a
    demand for the surrender of those behind the gruesome murders of four
    in Falluja on March 31.
    Pledging to keep US troops in Iraq as long as necessary, Bush said the latest
    violence was a "power grab" by ruthless extremists, not a civil war or popular
    About 130,000 US troops spearhead the 145,000-strong coalition in Iraq, but
    some US allies are growing nervous.
    The Philippines said on Wednesday it was considering pulling its troops and
    aid workers out of Iraq. Despite public disquiet at home, Japan and Italy have
    rejected demands by kidnappers of their nationals that they withdraw their

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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress