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Prof. Dadrian's Work on The Armenian Genocide Published in Turkey

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  • Prof. Dadrian's Work on The Armenian Genocide Published in Turkey

    255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310
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    DATE: April 14, 2004 Tel: (416)


    Istanbul - The Turkish Belge Publishing House has just released a volume of
    studies by internationally renowned scholar, Prof. Vahakn N. Dadrian,
    Director of Genocide Research with the Zoryan Institute. This collection
    contains three monographs and five journal articles on the World War I
    Armenian Genocide and is the first of a two-volume series Belge has
    projected for publication. The translations from English into Turkish were
    done by the Turkish intellectual Attila Tuygan. It is hoped that the
    publication of this new book will contribute to establishing a common body
    of knowledge on Armenian-Turkish history for Turkish civil society.

    As far as it is known, this is the first time that a collection of Dadrian's
    in-depth and multi-faceted studies on the Armenian Genocide, with all their
    extensive footnotes, have appeared in Turkey in the Turkish language. As the
    publisher has stated, one of the many aspects of the significance of this
    publication derives from the fact that the primary sources and data that
    Dadrian relies on are mainly authentic Ottoman-Turkish documents; they are
    complemented and reinforced by extensive use of the state archive documents
    of Imperial Germany and Imperial Austria-Hungary, Turkey's staunch wartime

    Another aspect to this new book's significance is the fact that discussion
    of the Armenian Genocide is still a taboo subject in Turkey. In 1995, the
    same publishing house had issued a Turkish language edition of Dadrian's
    legal analysis of the Armenian Genocide, which originally appeared in the
    Yale Journal of International Law under the title "Genocide as a Problem of
    National and International Law: The World War I Armenian Case and its
    Contemporary Legal Ramifications" (vol. 14, no. 2, 1989, pp. 221 - 334). The
    Turkish authorities prosecuted the publisher, the late Ayshe Zarakolu, for
    that publication. She was convicted by Istanbul's State Security Court on
    charges of "incitement to enmity based on racial and religious differences"
    (Clause 2 of Article 312 of the Penal Code), and accordingly faced a heavy
    fine and long-term imprisonment. However, a petition to the Turkish Appeals
    Court, signed by a dozen American academics from a variety of U.S.
    universities, proved instrumental for overturning the verdict of the
    Security Court some three years later. The prosecution tried to have this
    acquittal reversed, unsuccessfully. In that petition, the American scholars
    defended the publication by emphasizing, on the one hand, the impeccable
    academic credentials of the author, and, on the other hand, by questioning
    "the standards of fairness and justice in democratic Turkey."

    More recently, the Turkish Government seems to be renewing its pressure on
    the Armenian Genocide issue. In May 2003, it required all public employees
    to attend a mandatory seminar on "The Baseless Armenian Genocide
    Allegations." When some teachers at one such seminar in Elbeyli district
    simply asked questions about the Genocide, the meeting dissolved in an
    uproar. The government prosecutor indicted six teachers, and one was jailed
    briefly, then released on bail. The teachers were to be tried on charges of
    instigating social unrest. The teachers' union has mounted a vigorous legal

    In such a highly charged atmosphere, it is hoped that such sound, reliable,
    academic studies as represented in this book will help provide factual
    information for rational discussion.

    Several thousand copies of that publication have already been distributed in
    academic circles, as well as public sectors, in Turkey's three major cities:
    Istanbul, Izmir, and Ankara. This new volume comprises the following
    important studies.

    1) The Convergent Roles of the State and Government Party in the
    Armenian Genocide. (From Studies in the Armenian Genocide. Eds.
    Chorbajian and Shirinian. 1999).

    2) Party Allegiance as a Determinant in the Turkish Military's
    Involvement in the World War I Armenian Genocide. (From Revue du Monde
    Arménien Moderne et Contemporain, vol. 1, no. 1, 1994).

    3) The Role of the Turkish Military's Involvement in the Destruction of
    Ottoman Armenians. (From Journal of Political and Military Sociology, vol.
    20, no. 2, 1993).

    4) The Role of the Special Organization in the Armenian Genocide during
    the First World War. (From Minorities in Wartime. Ed. P. Panayi. 1993).

    5) The Role of Turkish Physicians in the World War I Genocide of the
    Ottoman Armenians. (From Holocaust and Genocide Studies vol. 1, no. 2,

    6) The Armenian Genocide: An Interpretation. (From America and the
    Armenian Genocide of 1915. Ed. J. Winter, 2003).

    7) A Textual Analysis of the Key Indictment of the Turkish Military
    Tribunal Investigating the Armenian Genocide. (From Journal of Political and
    Military Sociology. Special Edition on Collected Essays by Vahakn N.
    Dadrian. Vol. 22, no. 1, 1994.)

    8) The Turkish Military Tribunals Prosecution of the Authors of the
    Armenian Genocide: Four Major Court-Martial Series. (From Holocaust and
    Genocide Studies vol. 11, no. 1, 1997).