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BAKU: Paper weighs Azerbaijan's benefits from situation in Armenia

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  • BAKU: Paper weighs Azerbaijan's benefits from situation in Armenia

    Paper weighs Azerbaijan's benefits from situation in Armenia

    Zerkalo, Baku
    14 Apr 04

    The Azerbaijani daily Zerkalo has said Azerbaijan could have used the
    situation in Armenia "to at least partially change the situation in
    the conflict zone". The paper sees no reason for Azerbaijani society
    to rejoice at the possible power change in Armenia as the opposition
    has a "tougher' stance on Karabakh than President Robert Kocharyan.
    The following is an excerpt from report by R. Mirqadirov in
    Azerbaijani newspaper Zerkalo on 14 April headlined "Power change in
    Armenia" and subheaded "What a point for us to be happy"; subheadings
    in the text have been inserted editorially

    The situation in Armenia is uncertain. Another "velvet revolution" in
    the South Caucasus is seemingly approaching. Not thinking about
    consequences and holding the logic "the worse for them, the better for
    us", many people in Azerbaijan are inspired by the events in Yerevan.
    Strangely, a sober analysis demonstrates that neither preserving the
    incumbent "throne" nor coming of the new authorities will be good for

    "Weak" Kocharyan to come under pressure from the West and Russia

    Let us start with a scenario whereby [Armenian President] Robert
    Kocharyan manages to withstand the opposition pressure and to preserve
    power in his hands. If the situation develops according to this
    scenario, Kocharyan's power will be very weak and susceptible to both
    internal and external pressure. Some people believe that Azerbaijan
    will benefit from the existence of a weaker leader in Armenia. It is
    alleged that the positive aspect of this is the fact that the Yerevan
    government will find itself under strong external pressure which can
    make Kocharyan take a more realistic position on the Karabakh issue.

    But at the same time these people forget that countries of the South
    Caucasus, especially Armenia, come under external pressure not just
    from one party. Along with the USA and the EU, which are interested
    in any settlement of the conflict, Russia can also make a significant
    impact on Armenia. But Moscow's policy in the region is often aimed at
    counterbalancing the West. The essence of this policy is in the
    formula "what is beneficial to the USA and the EU is against Russia's

    In addition, Russia can continue to play its peace-making role in
    future as well especially as the official position of the OSCE Minsk
    Group co-chairmen is that the international mediators will be prepared
    to back any scenario of the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict to be agreed by the conflicting sides. This position enables
    Russia to constantly torpedo coordination of any peace proposals with
    the help of the Yerevan government, keeping somewhat aloof.

    The most interesting point is that there is no need for inventing
    anything new. The Yerevan government should simply stand firm - "no to
    a stage-by-stage scenario and no to Karabakh within Azerbaijan". If
    the Yerevan government follows this position, the peace talks might
    continue forever. It costs the Kremlin nothing to get this out of the
    weak Kocharyan authorities.

    Opposition to use Kocharyan's own weapon against him

    Even if weak Kocharyan agrees to constructive concessions on the
    Karabakh issue under pressure from the West, the opposition in the
    country can use this against him. The position on the Karabakh
    settlement of the current leaders of the Armenian opposition is much
    tougher than Kocharyan's. They are against the Karabakh clan which
    usurped the power in Yerevan. If the Armenian president agrees to
    concessions, the opposition may decide to use his own weapon against
    Kocharyan because in his time the latter achieved [Armenian
    ex-President] Levon Ter-Petrosyan's resignation by accusing him of
    inadmissible concessions on Karabakh.

    Kocharyan's presidency itself demonstrates that Armenia's weak
    authorities will be unable to conclude a peace accord on Karabakh.
    Kocharyan was ready to sign a peace agreement before the terrorist act
    in the Armenian parliament [in October 1999]. But after that, when he
    was accused of organizing the terrorist act and his power weakened as
    a consequence, Kocharyan rejected all previous agreements.

    Kocharyan may provoke hostilities

    On the contrary, under the circumstances Kocharyan may provoke the
    beginning of hostilities in the conflict zone to somewhat neutralize
    the opposition in the country. After all, in the absence of constant
    monitoring of the contact line between the armed forced of the
    conflicting sides it would actually be impossible to determine who
    made the first shot. After the beginning of the commotion the sides
    will be able to make endless claims that they cede to each other the
    right of the first shot, as it was the case during the 100-year war
    between France and England. But any defeat in this case would mean an
    end to Kocharyan.

    Baku unlikely to benefit from power change in Armenia

    Under the circumstances Azerbaijan is unlikely to benefit from the
    power change in Armenia. First, according to the above, the stance of
    the Armenian opposition on Karabakh is probably tougher than

    Second, the power change in Armenia as was the case during "the velvet
    revolution" in Georgia, will be assessed by the West as a victory for
    democracy. In a word, Azerbaijan will then be the only undemocratic
    country in the South Caucasus given the Western standards.

    [Passage omitted: more of the same and example from Israel's history
    and recap of ex-President Heydar Aliyev time]

    Azerbaijan is not planning to start hostilities

    Azerbaijan could have used the current situation to its own ends, it
    seems it will not do so however. Armenia is in deep political crisis
    which also applies to the armed forces. We will hardly have such a
    chance again to at least partially change the situation in the
    conflict zone for our benefit. But as the Azerbaijani-Turkish
    declaration signed yesterday [13 April] in Ankara says, we are going
    to settle the conflict "by peaceful means" and with respect for
    territorial integrity... [ellipsis as published].