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Ultimatums no way to reach settlement, Armenia's speaker says

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  • Ultimatums no way to reach settlement, Armenia's speaker says

    Ultimatums no way to reach settlement, Armenia's speaker says

    Aravot, Yerevan
    14 Apr 04

    The chairman of the Armenian parliament, Artur Bagdasaryan, has said
    that political consultations between the government and opposition
    should continue. "We cannot reach political settlement by means of
    ultimatums," he told Armenian newspaper Aravot. "Confrontation,
    artificial tension will complicate the situation more." Bagdasaryan
    rejected the description of the dispersal of the opposition's sit-down
    strike as a "military operation", but condemned the violence against
    journalists. The following is the text of Margarit Yesayan's interview
    with Bagdasaryan in Aravot on 14 April headlined "We shall not reach
    political dialogue by means of ultimatums"; subheadings inserted

    An interview with chairman of the National Assembly Artur Bagdasaryan.

    [Aravot correspondent] Mr Bagdasaryan, on 12 April a group of deputies
    wanted to meet you, but they were not allowed to enter the National
    Assembly. Don't you think that you've been rather aloof?

    [Artur Bagdasaryan] Since I was elected chairman of the National
    Assembly, no deputy has had difficulty meeting me or talking to me by
    phone. Moreover, during these tense days I had meetings with the
    leaders and members of the opposition and we discussed the actions
    necessary to get out of this domestic political situation. In addition
    I had numerous telephone conversations with them and they asked me to
    talk with the law-enforcement agencies about their problems. As for 12
    April, you know very well that the sitting of the National Assembly
    did not take place in order not to aggravate the situation further. At
    1800 I left the building of the National Assembly. So there was not a
    problem about not meeting them, my door is always open to deputies.

    Not responsible for police guarding parliament

    [Correspondent] The leader of the Justice bloc, Stepan Demirchyan,
    said that you are responsible for what happened after midnight,
    because the troops that attacked the sit-in came out from the National

    [Bagdasaryan] This is either Stepan Demirchyan's subjective view or he
    does not know the law about guarding the National Assembly
    building. Armenian police guard the building, it is not the National
    Assembly chairman who guards it.

    [Correspondent] Do you not think that in this situation the coalition
    should express its political position, not only by refusing to attend
    National Assembly sittings but also by assessing the situation?

    [Bagdasaryan] The coalition did not conduct the 12-14 April sittings
    of the National Assembly and, in this connection, made a specific
    political comment in its statement. And it is difficult to say if
    there would have been worse events if the sitting had taken place. In
    addition, let us not forget that the opposition has not taken part in
    National Assembly sittings for a long time. Whereas I am sure that we
    should find the key to settle political problems in parliament. As for
    the coalition's political assessment of the current situation, I think
    the coalition member-parties will talk about this concretely.

    No military operation took place, violence against journalists

    [Correspondent] It is obvious that military actions were applied
    against peaceful and unarmed people. Who will be responsible for the
    violation? What international assessment will be given to all this?

    [Bagdasaryan] First, I do not think that "military actions" took
    place. Bagramyan Avenue was closed, traffic was stopped, the police
    were trying to open the street and ensure normal traffic. I am against
    violations and I censure what happened to the journalists. The rest
    will be clarified by the investigation. I think that first we
    ourselves should understand and assess the reasons for and
    consequences of what happened in our country, then we should listen to
    the views of other countries.

    [Correspondent] There are rumours that the prosecutor-general is going
    to enter parliament to arrest some deputies. Will you please comment
    on this?

    [Bagdasaryan] At present as chairman of the National Assembly I have
    no information about the arrest of some deputies. My attitude towards
    the arrest of deputies is negative, as political problems should be
    settled in the political field, and crimes should be punished
    according to the criminal code.

    Dialogue only solution

    [Correspondent] What do you suggest at this moment in connection with
    the domestic political situation?

    [Bagdasaryan] I am sure that political consultations should continue
    and we should be able to find political solutions. I have already made
    relevant political statements in connection with this. We cannot reach
    political settlement by means of ultimatums, as it may have a
    short-term, but never a long-term, positive result both for political
    forces and for society. Confrontation, artificial tension will
    complicate the situation more. Only political discussions, the
    settlement of the accumulated problems by means of political dialogue
    and talks may lead us to development.