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BAKU: Turkish minister denies EU pressure to open Armenian border

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  • BAKU: Turkish minister denies EU pressure to open Armenian border

    Turkish minister denies EU pressure to open Armenian border - Azeri TV

    ANS TV, Baku
    15 Apr 04

    Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul has dismissed reports about EU
    pressure on Turkey to open its border with Armenia. The border will
    not be opened unless there is a breakthrough in the Nagornyy Karabakh
    talks, Gul said in an interview with Azerbaijan's commercial ANS
    TV. The presenter concluded by saying that the Azerbaijani president's
    visit to Ankara had dispelled concern in Azerbaijan regarding the
    Turkish-Armenian relationship. The following is an excerpt from report
    by Azerbaijani TV station ANS on 15 April; subheadings inserted

    [Presenter] Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul has expressed his
    opinion on arguably the most important aspects of the relationship
    between Turkey and Azerbaijan. We will now broadcast the interview for

    Azerbaijani-Turkish ties to improve further

    [Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, in his office, in Turkish]
    Relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan have a long history. Everyone
    in the government before us did their best, and the government before
    that too vested a lot of effort into cultivating this
    relationship. Hence, friendship with Azerbaijan is something above the

    There has been a lot of important meetings. The late president Heydar
    Aliyev has frequently visited Turkey, and we paid visits to Azerbaijan
    regularly. Many agreements have been signed, and our political
    relations are quite good. However, this does not mean that they
    cannot be improved.

    We must further improve our relationship and make it stronger. For
    that, many economic agreements have to be signed, and many economic
    projects have to be implemented. Both the Turkish and Azerbaijani
    governments have the will, intention and desire to do so. From this
    view, we deem such visits very important.

    We are not going to just seat next to each other and have a nice
    time. We are having meetings, signing agreements. That is, we are
    striving to make our relationship stronger, to take it further. From
    this view, I am very hopeful and I believe that we will accomplish
    much more.

    [Correspondent Qanira Pasayeva] One of the meetings - an expanded
    meeting, and you took part in it - has been completed. Which topics
    were top of the agenda, and which proved to be the most debatable?

    [Gul] There are two issues which we reckon are the most important at
    this juncture. One of them is political, including naturally relations
    between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the invasion of Nagornyy Karabakh and
    ways to end that occupation. Second, there are economic topics,
    concerning the ways to further develop our economic ties and realize
    new economic projects. Undoubtedly, democratization and further
    integration of our countries into Europe are also on the agenda of the
    talks, but those two issues are at the top of the current agenda.

    Trilateral meetings on Nagornyy Karabakh

    [Correspondent] You said that there were talks on Nagornyy
    Karabakh. When you came to office, it seemed that you will spend more
    effort trying to resolve the conflict. You even suggested holding
    trilateral meetings between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Why did
    those meetings not take off and do you think they could be fruitful?

    [Gul] No, they did take place and they are continuing. We are indeed
    placing great importance on the talks, not only in appearance but also
    in essence.

    On behalf of our government, I spend a lot of effort on this
    issue. When trying to resolve other problems in the world, we cannot
    leave this conflict in a frozen condition. We cannot say - let us put
    it in a refrigerator and leave it there. We must try hard to resolve
    it and for that I paid two visits to Azerbaijan and had three meetings
    with Armenian Foreign Minister [Vardan Oskanyan] over this period. I
    will continue to have those meetings.

    As you put it, let us have a trilateral meeting and Turkey will play
    the role of a catalyst. Because resolving this issue peacefully will
    benefit everyone.

    We are not neglecting this issue.

    [Correspondent] But ex-Foreign Minister Ismail Cem, too, tried hard to
    do that and he did not succeed. They only had a few meetings and then
    there was a statement saying that there was a standstill this
    way. What is your opinion?

    [Gul] Difficult issues are not resolved by one single meeting. To
    resolve difficult and complicated issues, one has to spend a lot of
    effort. We must try very hard.

    [Correspondent] You have had three meetings with Oskanyan. What is
    their standpoint on Nagornyy Karabakh? Did you sense any give and take

    [Gul] Certainly, everyone has his own viewpoint. Some common ground, a
    compromise, has to be reached in this regard. And that has to be a
    just solution. >From this view, everyone may have their own
    positions, but we must hold meetings and discuss this, not leave the
    issue on its own.

    [Correspondent] Were you satisfied by meetings with Oskanyan? Did he
    have a position suitable for reaching such a common ground?

    [Gul] From his view, he also wants the conflict to be resolved. But
    naturally based on his standpoint.

    [Correspondent] How does he propose to resolve it? Make Nagornyy
    Karabakh independent?

    [Gul] There are topics that we discuss in private because if we want
    to try to resolve the issue, we have to keep something
    confidential. But we must be determined and strive to resolve the

    Take Cyprus, for instance, where an important breakthrough has been
    made. Why would that be impossible in this case?

    EU stance on Nagornyy Karabakh

    [Correspondent] You are also conducting talks with the European
    Union. What is their stance on these problems?

    [Gul] They are rather aloof from this issue, but we seek to involve
    them closer. Because they, too, are members of the OSCE Minsk Group
    and the Council of Europe - Azerbaijan and Armenia are there as
    well. Therefore, the Caucasus already seems to be part of Europe, and
    we must try to turn their attention in this direction.

    [Correspondent] The EU is putting pressure on Turkey to open the
    border with Armenia. This issue has come into the limelight lately.

    [Gul] There is no such thing. To be frank, I lament those reports. All
    journalists from Azerbaijan pose us this question whenever we
    meet. This makes us a bit uncomfortable because there is no such

    [Correspondent] And it cannot enter the agenda soon?

    [Gul] No. There is no such problem.

    [Correspondent] What are the conditions under which Turkey could open
    its border with Armenia?

    [Gul] If this issue is resolved.

    [Correspondent] So, only after the Karabakh [conflict is resolved]?

    [Gul] When this issue is resolved, when there are breakthroughs in
    this regard, when there are mutually acceptable approaches.

    Armenian claims

    [Correspondent] You have meetings with Oskanyan and discuss not only
    Azerbaijan. I mean, the Armenian Constitution contains territorial
    claims to Turkey and the Armenian lobby, as well as the Armenian
    government, also makes claims about genocide. What do you think about

    [Gul] Those issues are all just fictions. While Armenia is grappling
    with its own problems, it is only laughable that it might lay a
    territorial claim to part of Turkey.

    [Correspondent] What about genocide claims?

    [Gul] As for the genocide claims, they belong to the Armenian
    diaspora, some rich Armenians residing in America. I tell them: then
    go and leave in Armenia, if you love it that much. Do not just seat
    there and stir things up. I tell them this. I hope that they will see
    and realize this themselves.

    There have been certain events at the time, but many Turkish lives
    were lost as well. Under conditions of war, there can be casualties on
    both sides but the Turks have never systematically killed people. Nor
    does our history contain anything like that or our religion allows us
    to do that. Massacre of civilians, genocide against them - such things
    have never occurred in our history. The Turks, the Muslims, have never
    done anything like that.

    Hence, there may be some slander. We are always ready to reply to
    those claims.

    [Passage omitted: Turkey sent its envoy to USA to resolve this issue]

    [Correspondent] Turkey is also a member of the OSCE Minsk Group. Why
    does it not discuss the reasons for the Minsk Group's failure to
    resolve the Nagornyy Karabakh issue by now?

    [Gul] Indeed, this issue has to be raised and I am spending a lot of
    effort in this regard. During my visits abroad, I tell heads of state
    that they are not paying as much attention to this issue as to other
    conflicts. This conflict cannot be left in a frozen condition. They
    have to pay attention to it and this conflict has to be resolved. We
    are trying hard, but of course Azerbaijan has to try hard as well. It
    is Azerbaijan's lands which have been invaded.

    On the other hand, Azerbaijan has to become stronger in every sense:
    economically, militarily, democratically. To become stronger, the
    country not only needs to reinforce its army, it also has to boost its
    democracy and its economy. Then it will be better positioned to
    defend its rights and interests.

    Caucasus policy

    [Correspondent] Some of your opponents are heavily criticizing
    you. The EU is the priority for the incumbent government, and the
    Caucasus policy is too weak, they say.

    [Gul] Who are they?

    [Correspondent] From the CHP [Republican People's Party] and
    others. Do you think Turkey's current Caucasus policy is on the
    necessary level?

    [Gul] Certainly, it is. We place much importance on our Caucasus
    policy. Turkey tries to resolve not only the Nagornyy Karabakh
    problem, which we have discussed, but also some issues in Georgia. We
    are closely watching the developments and are being effective. The
    Caucasus is very important for us and the statements from the
    opposition are engendered by envy.

    [Correspondent] You have visited Georgia. The northeastern part of
    Turkey is now well-off and there is a plan to build a railway between
    Tbilisi and Kars. It would also connect Turkey and Azerbaijan. It was
    talked about for a year but nothing happened.

    [Gul] Large resources are needed for that. Not everything can be done
    immediately. We also want to do that but we are unable so far to raise
    enough funds. But it will be implemented.

    [Passage omitted: Speculation on results of the referendum on
    reunification in Cyprus]

    [Presenter] Prior to Azerbaijani President [Ilham Aliyev's] visit to
    Turkey, there were some points in the Turkish-Armenian relationship
    that caused concern in Azerbaijan. Now, those concerns can be
    dismissed. It can be said that the positions of Turkey and Azerbaijan
    on all issues concur.