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Armenian, Russian premiers discuss economic issues in Kyrgyzstan

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  • Armenian, Russian premiers discuss economic issues in Kyrgyzstan

    Armenian, Russian premiers discuss economic issues in Kyrgyzstan

    Mediamax news agency
    16 Apr 04


    The Armenian and Russian prime ministers, Andranik Markaryan and
    Mikhail Fradkov, held a meeting today within the framework of the
    session of the council of CIS heads of government in Kyrgyzstan.

    Mediamax news agency learned from the Armenian government's press
    service today that Andranik Markaryan and Mikhail Fradkov highly rated
    the activities of the Armenian-Russian intergovernment commission on
    economic cooperation, stating at the same time that it is necessary to
    step up relations between individual ministries.

    The heads of the Armenian and Russian governments expressed their
    satisfaction with the completion of the process of handing over five
    Armenian enterprises to Russia under the property-for-debt
    agreement. Andranik Markaryan expressed his confidence that all these
    enterprises will be working at full stretch.

    Andranik Markaryan and Mikhail Fradkov also discussed Armenia's
    integration into the North-South international transport corridor and
    prospects for restoring railway communications via Abkhaz territory.

    In this connection, the head of the Armenian government stated
    "official Yerevan's readiness to assist the swift and positive
    completion of the Georgian-Russian talks on this problem, as its
    settlement is of vital importance to Armenia".

    Andranik Markaryan invited his Russian counterpart to visit Armenia at
    any convenient time.