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ANCA: One Vote Revisited

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  • ANCA: One Vote Revisited

    Armenian National Committee of America
    Eastern Region
    80 Bigelow Avenue
    Watertown, MA 02472
    Tel: 617-923-1918
    Fax: 617-926-5525
    [email protected]

    The ANCA Desk
    April 17, 2004

    Contact: Arin Gregorian
    617-923-1918; [email protected]


    Every so often around election time, ANCA Eastern Region urges Armenian
    Americans to exercise their right and duty to vote. Our office receives a
    phone call or two asking us if we really believe that one vote really
    counts. The answer is absolutely.

    Exercising your right to vote-at all levels of elections, from local to
    national, primary to general-is extremely important.

    Does your vote really matter? The answer is, Yes! In fact, one vote has
    played a key role in the course of history in many elections. Here is proof:

    * In May 1765, Patrick Henry introduced his famous anti-stamp tax resolution
    to the Virginia House of Burgesses. One of the greatest patriots of the
    American Revolution, Patrick Henry denounced England's policy of taxation
    without representation. His resolution was the first step toward America's
    independence, and the Virginia Assembly adopted the resolution that day-by
    just one vote!

    * In the presidential race of 1824, there were three major candidates, but
    none gained the electoral college majority needed to win. The final decision
    had to be made in the US House of Representatives. The House, voting by
    states, required a clear majority (13 of the then 24 states) to win. John
    Quincy Adams received 12 votes, seven for Andrew Jackson, and four voted for
    Robert Crawford. New York held the key vote but had to delay casting its
    ballot because its delegates were evenly divided between Adams and Jackson.
    In the end, one vote was switched to Adams, which gave him the one state
    vote he needed to become the sixth President of the United States.

    * The purchase of Alaska from Russia was ratified in 1867 by just one vote.

    * Texas was annexed to the Union in 1845 by just one vote in the US
    Congress. That same vote also resulted in the United States' acquisition of
    Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, California, and part of Colorado.

    * One of the most important-and least cited-one-vote decisions took place
    shortly after the American Revolution. In 1776, one vote gave America the
    English language instead of German.

    * In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England.

    * In 1868, Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House of Representatives for
    abusing his executive powers. He was tried in the US Senate, which found him
    not guilty--by one vote.

    * In 1875, one vote changed France from a monarch to a republic.

    * In 1876, one vote in the Electoral College gave Rutherford B. Hayes the
    Presidency of the United States.

    * In 1923, one vote gave Adolf Hitler leadership of the Nazi party.

    * In 1960, Richard Nixon lost the presidential election and John F. Kennedy
    won it by a margin of less than one vote per precinct.

    * In 1968, Hubert Humphrey lost - and Richard Nixon won - the presidential
    election by a margin of fewer than three votes per precinct.

    * In 2000, the U.S. Presidential election was decided by an extremely narrow
    margin. George W. Bush won the state of Florida by just 537 votes, making
    him the next President of the United States. Close to 6 million voters went
    to the polls in Florida. It might not have been one vote, but certainly
    every vote counted!

    *In 2001, the Mayoral election in Melrose, Massachusetts was decided by one
    vote (Mayor Richard Lyons).
