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German FM to visit Afghanistan, south Caucasus

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  • German FM to visit Afghanistan, south Caucasus

    German FM to visit Afghanistan, south Caucasus

    Agence France Presse
    April 16, 2004

    BERLIN, April 16 - German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer will hold
    talks with Afghan leaders and visit German troops and aid teams during
    a visit to Afghanistan next week, his office said Friday.

    Fischer, who flies out Monday, will meet Afghan President Hamid Karzai
    and Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah as well as UN special envoy
    Jean Arnault.

    The theme of their talks will be how to turn the promises of donations
    and support made at a March 31-April 1 international conference here
    into reality on the ground.

    At the conference, the international community promised 8.2 billion
    dollars for Afghanistan over the next three years, more military
    support to stabilise the country and continued backing for Karzai's
    fragile government.

    Fischer's talks will include Afghanistan's upcoming presidential and
    legislative elections and the pace of disarmament.

    He will also visit a German-led provincial reconstruction team in
    the northern region of Kunduz and German troops in the international
    peacekeeping force based in and around the capital Kabul.

    Germany has around 2,000 soldiers serving in Afghanistan.

    Afterward Fischer will visit Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia for
    talks that will take in regional security in the southern Caucasus.

    In Azerbaijan he will meet President Ilham Aliyev and new Foreign
    Minister Elmar Mamedyarov. In Armenia, he will meet President Robert

    In Georgia, Fischer will meet with President Mikhail Saakashvili
    and Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania and open a regional conference of
    German ambassadors.