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Chess: It Wasn't Petrosian's Style, But It Certainly Did the Job

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  • Chess: It Wasn't Petrosian's Style, But It Certainly Did the Job

    It Wasn't Petrosian's Style, But It Certainly Did the Job

    By Robert Byrne

    The New York Times
    April 18, 2004, Sunday, Late Edition - Final

    The Tigran Petrosian Memorial Tournament -- Petrosian would have been
    75 this year -- would not have bothered the former world champion at
    all. He was never dogmatic, and if he had any motto, it might have
    been, "They play their way and I play mine."

    His way was to avoid the slightest risk-taking and win by remarkably
    accurate technique. He did not care if some of his comrades thought
    him cowardly. Could they ever have dethroned Mikhail Botvinnik? He

    The participants in the competition to honor him wisely did not try to
    copy his style. They did their thing, and in many games it was very

    The winner of the $4,000 first prize in the tourney, held in
    Stepanakert, Karabak, Azerbaijan, from March 8 to 18, was Karen
    Asrian, an Armenian grandmaster, who outscored nine of his rivals with
    crisp tactical play in the round-robin event.

    His best performance came in his game against the Russian grandmaster
    Mikhail Kobalia in the second round. Asrian started out with
    positional maneuvering, but he soon shifted to a mating attack with
    some very nice tactical features.

    One point of 8 f3 against the Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian
    Defense is that a quick 8 d5 yields White the slightly better endgame
    after 9 ed Nd5 10 Nd5 Bd5 11 c4 Be6 12 Qd8 Kd8.

    After 8 Nbd7 9 g4, one can see that White has replaced the older 8 f4
    or 9 f4 with 9 g4. White's strategy is to attack not in the center but
    on the king's wing.

    After 17 Bc4 Qc4, Asrian does not mind yielding the bishop pair to
    Black; there is no way the queen bishop can be superior to the c3
    knight, which controls d5.

    After 37 Qb3, it is not clear why Kobalia did not block with 37
    Qf7. Then 38 Nd5 Rc4 39 Nf4 Qf4 40 Rd3 gives him an easier fight.

    After 37 Kh8? 38 h5! Nh5 39 Bh4 Nf6 40 Nd5 Qf8 41 Rdh2 Nh5 42 Bd8 Qd8,
    Kobalia had only a knight and pawn for his rook.

    With 43 f4!, Asrian sharply opened roads to the black king. After 43
    ef 44 Nf4! Be5 45 Qf7!, he was piling it on.

    After 45 Bf4 46 Qf4!, it would have done Kobalia little good to take
    the queen because 46 Nf4 47 Rh7 Kg8 48 Rh8 Kf7 49 Rd8 is a lost
    endgame for Black.

    After 49 Rc7, Asrian opened the black king position further with 50
    e5! The pawn could not be taken because 50 de 51 Rh5! gh 52 Rg1 Kh6 53
    Qe3 followedby mate or 52 Kh8 53 Qa8 followed by mate in two.

    After 51 ed Qd6, 52 Qf7 Kh6 (52 Kh8 53 Rd4 Qe5 54 Rd7 Qg7 55 Qe6 Rf8
    56 Rdf7 Rf7 57 Rf7 and it's all over) 53 Rh5! Kh5 54 Qh7, Kobalia,
    seeing that 54 Kg4 55 Rg1 Kf5 56 Qh3 loses a rook, gave up.

    GRAPHIC: Table: "SICILIAN DEFENSE" White Black
    Asrian Kobalia
    1 e4 c5
    2 Nf3 d6
    3 d4 cd
    4 Nd4 Nf6
    5 Nc3 a6
    6 Be3 e5
    7 Nb3 Be6
    8 f3 Nbd7
    9 g4 Nb6
    10 g5 Nh5
    11 Qd2 Rc8
    12 0-0-0 Be7
    13 Kb1 0-0
    14 Rg1 g6
    15 h4 Qc7
    16 Qf2 Nc4
    17 Bc4 Qc4
    18 Na5 Qc7
    19 Bb6 Qd7
    20 Qd2 Rfe8
    21 Nd5 Bf8
    22 Rh1 Bd5
    23 Qd5 Rb8
    24 Qb3 Rbc8
    25 Nc4 Rc6
    26 Ne3 Nf4
    27 Ng4 Bg7
    28 Be3 Rec8
    29 Rh2 Qe7
    30 Rhd2 Ne6
    31 c3 b5
    32 Qa3 Rd8
    33 Bf2 f6
    34 gf Bf6
    35 Rh1 Nf4
    36 Ne3 Bg7
    37 Qb3 Kh8
    38 h5 Nh5
    39 Bh4 Nf6
    40 Nd5 Qf8
    41 Rdh2 Nh5
    42 Bd8 Qd8
    43 f4 ef
    44 Nf4 Be5
    45 Qf7 Bf4
    46 Qf4 Qe7
    47 Qf3 Rc4
    48 Rh4 Kg7
    49 Rf1 Rc7
    50 e5 Rc8
    51 ed Qd6
    52 Qf7 Kh6
    53 Rh5 Kh5
    54 Qh7 Resigns