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News From Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese

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  • News From Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese

    Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
    615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
    Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
    Email; [email protected]


    A) Bishop Bagrat Galstanian attended an Interfaith luncheon hosted by
    His Eminence Abp Joseph Khoury

    On Wednesday, April 14, 2004 His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian,
    Primate of the Armenian Church Canadian Diocese attended an interfaith
    luncheon hosted by the Primate and the Archbishop of the Maronite
    Church of Canada His Eminence Joseph Khoury. During the cordial
    reception, discussions focused on ecumenical relations, the role of
    Christian Churches in Canada, Interfaith Dialogues as well as the
    current situation in the Middle East.

    In his word, Bishop Galstanian conveyed the greetings of the
    Catholicos of All Armenians His Holiness Karekin II and thanked the
    Maronite Primate for the "warm reception'', he highly appreciated
    Abp. Khoury's efforts in "bringing spiritual brothers
    together". Bishop Galstanian also emphasized the necessity and
    importance of Interfaith and multicultural Dialogue in today's
    World. His Eminence expressed his gratitude and invited the religious
    leaders to visit the Diocesan headquarter for a similar
    meetings. Accompanying the Primate were the Vicar General Very Rev Fr
    Ararat Kaltakjian and Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the

    B) Armenian Art Exhibition visits Vancouver, British Columbia

    It was with great pride and anticipation that three parishes of The
    Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese, under the auspices of
    His Grace Bishop Bagrad Galstanyan, had the honour to host exhibitions
    in their respective parishes during the month of April from the 1st to
    the 22nd.

    Mrs. Hasmik Ginoyan and Mr. Karen Matevosyan from the "Momik Cultural
    Centre and Armenian Art Magazine" arrived in Vancouver on the 8th
    along with a vast collection of art, both paintings and artifacts. The
    exhibition was arranged in a small boutique gallery in downtown
    Vancouver for showing all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The
    exhibit was a great success both from the artistic point of view and
    financially, when one considers the size of the Vancouver Armenian
    Community of approximately 2,000.

    The Pastor and Parish Council wish to thank Mr. Arto Tavukciyan a
    member of St. Vartan parish council who organized the rental of the
    hall and publicity in the media both print and audio. We also wish to
    thank Mrs. Araxie Evrensel for her tireless effort in running the
    exhibition and Mr. Hagop Evrensel who supplied the refreshments for
    the closing of the exposition Sunday evening. The total sale for
    Vancouver was almost $15,000, which will help support the continuation
    of the work Mrs. Hasmik Ginoyan and Mr. Karen Matevosyan are doing to
    promote and financially support The Art Centre and Armenian Art
    Magazine in Yerevan, Armenia.

    C) Holy Week Celebrations in the St. Gregory Armenian Cathedral of

    As in all Armenian Holy Apostolic Churches around the world, the
    St. Gregory Illuminator Armenian Cathedral of Montreal was the site of
    traditional and symbolic ceremonies of the Holy Week preceding Easter.

    On Maundy Thursday Rev. Fr. Vazken Boyadjian, pastor of the church,
    celebrated the Divine Liturgy in commemoration of the Last Supper of
    Christ. Hundreds of faithful received the Holy Communion. H.E. Bishop
    Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of
    Canada, explained the sacrament of communion of receiving God by
    taking part in the Last Supper of Christ. Following the Liturgy, a
    reception was held in the Marie Manoogian Hall by the Committee of

    At 7 pm traditional ceremonies of "washing the feet" was held. The
    primate knelt before the Altar and symbolically washed the feet of 12
    individuals, including chairmen of the community's cultural
    associations, the clergy and deacons serving the church, as a sign of
    humility and service. In his sermon Bishop Galstanian related the
    Lord's message of love, devotion and servitude towards humanity. A
    Lent meal that excludes all animal food products was then served to
    the faithful.

    Ceremonies were resumed dedicated to Christ's betrayal, torture and
    crucifixion. Readings from the Bible and hymns relating the events
    were carried on till midnight. Rev. Fr. Hayrik Hovannisian, who had
    recently arrived from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, presided the

    In the evening of Good Friday the ceremonies symbolizing Christ's
    burial were conducted as four youth carried the flower laden Tomb of
    Christ to four corners of the church, while the faithful eagerly
    traversed under the Tomb to be blessed. The Primate talked briefly
    about the meanings and the messages of this traditional service of
    Good Friday.

    At 5 pm on Holy Saturday, deacons and students from AGBU Armen-Quebec
    Alex Manoogian School presented passages from the Old Testament,
    before the Altar's curtains opened for the celebration of the Divine
    Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Boyadjian and the declaration of Christ's
    Resurrection. Rev. Fr. Boyadjian, thanked the children of the
    Armenian school for their authentic readings and read the Easter
    Message of HH Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians. Following the
    ceremonies, the faithful were led by a procession of the clergy, the
    deacons and the choir to the church's hall where the traditional
    service of "Blessing of Homes" (Dnorhnek) was held.

    D) Easter Celebrations in the Canadian Diocese

    The feast of Our Lord's glorious Resurrection was celebrated in all of
    the churches of the Canadian Armenian Church Diocese from Montreal to
    Toronto and Vancouver. His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate
    through weekly telephone communication with all pastors of the Diocese
    was informed that Holy Week and the Feast of Resurrection of our Lord
    Jesus Christ was celebrated with appropriate Holy Liturgy and Blessing
    of Water in presence of thousands of our faithful all across
    Canada. Bishop Galstanian commended the pastors' dedicated services to
    their parishes and wished them to continue their missions with renewed

    Over one and half thousand faithful attended Easter Liturgy held in
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral of Montreal, where His Eminence
    Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the Diocese, celebrated the
    Divine Liturgy, assisted by Rev. Fr. Hayrig Hovhannisian and
    Rev. Fr. Vazgen Boyadjian (Pastor of St. Gregory the
    Illuminator). "Gomidas" choir of the Cathedral was conducted by
    Mr. Ara Toshigian, accompanied by Mr. Arto Muhendissian on the
    organ. Serving on the altar were the deacons and the sub-deacons of
    the church.

    According to an ancient Christian tradition when the faithful brought
    their Easter food to be blessed, during the Holy Mass a procession of
    children carrying food baskets and their blessing was held. In his
    sermon the Primate exalted the Lord's glorious Resurrection and said,
    "2004 years have transpired since then, and faced with the luminous
    feast of Resurrection once again, we should ask ourselves, what has
    changed in us and what significance does the Resurrection of Jesus
    have for us?. This is not only a feast but the feast of feats, for it
    brings us light, hope, victory, and confidence. That is our God is
    living God and He has concurred the world so we may do". On behalf of
    Canadian Armenians the Primate expressed love and faithfulness to His
    Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, and prayed that God
    keeps Motherland Armenia safe, in a state of brotherly love,
    solidarity and prosperity.

    Following the Holy Liturgy a reception was held in the Diocesan hall
    for exchanges of Easter felicitations and to receive from the Primate,
    for the first time this year, the blessed bread (Neshkhar) to be taken
    home by the faithful.

    An Easter luncheon was then served in the Marie Manoogian hall, where
    following the invocation, Rev. Fr. Vazken Boyadjian, Pastor, welcomed
    the faithful and expressed good wishes of success to the Primate on
    the occasion of the Holy Resurrection. A brief cultural program was
    staged by the newly formed children's choir of the church conducted by
    Varoujan Markarian. Miss Nayiri Tankarian played Aram Khatchaturian's
    Tokkata on the piano with a tremendous gusto, that prompted Mr. and
    Mrs. Meguerditch and Shake Malkhassian to donate 500 dollars towards
    the purchase of a new piano.

    In his concluding remarks the Primate expressed appreciation to the
    pastor, the Parish Council, the children's choir and Nairy Tankarian
    as well to Mr. and Mrs. Malkhassian for a heart rendering communal
    celebration of Easter. That was a truly and deeply spiritual joyous
    day to remember for a long time.

    E) Holy Easter Liturgies in North Western Communities and Ottawa

    Upon the directive and with the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Bagrat
    Galstanian, Primate of the Canadian Armenian Diocese, Very Reverend Fr
    Ararat Kaltakjian visited the North Western communities of the
    Armenian Church Canadian Diocese.

    Very Rev Fr Ararat celebrated Divine Liturgy in Winnipeg on 15th April
    and in Edmonton on the 16th, Calgary on the 17th and Yellowknife on
    the 18th of April.

    On Sunday April 18, 2004 on the occasion of Holy Resurrection of our
    Lord Jesus Christ Rev Fr Hayrik Hovhannisian officiated the Divine
    Liturgy at Ottawa's St Mesrob Armenian Church. The Mission Choir,
    recently founded by the Primate, accompanied Rev Fr Hayrik


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress