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Global Re-Nazification and Yom Hashoah

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  • Global Re-Nazification and Yom Hashoah

    Global Re-Nazification and Yom Hashoah

    By Dr. Steven Plaut
    Monday, April 19, 2004

    Today is Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Commemoration Day. As usual the
    Jewish left will strive to commemorate the Holocaust by trying to
    promote a second one....

    It has become fashionable in certain quarters, including among
    some self-hating Jews, to challenge the uniqueness of the Holocaust,
    to argue that it was just another in a long list of human savagery and
    mass barbarism, no different from the deaths of Armenians in WWI or of
    Cambodians or of Rwandans or of Gypsies. (The Cambodian genocide was
    made possible in part by Noam Chomsky serving as promoter and
    apologist for the Khmer Rouge and denying throughout that the Khmer
    Rouse was annihilating millions of Cambodians. Talk about ''Holocaust
    Denial''). According to this ''approach,'' there was nothing unique
    about the Holocaust, no reason why it should be regarded as sui
    generic, and hence Jews should stop all their ''yapping'' about it.

    What is one to make of such people? It is certainly true that
    there have been other cases of large-scale mass murder. But the
    comparisons with the Holocaust are absurd.

    There are many reasons why this is so. But I was struck by the
    fact that in today's Haaretz, one of the worst Oslo leftists managed
    to put his finger smack accurately on what may be the most important
    of these reasons. The most important difference is very simple. When
    Noam Chomsky's friends were murdering millions of Cambodians, the
    world (other than the doctrinaire Stalinists) was horrified, demanded
    that something be done, and denounced the atrocities. When the
    Rwandans were butchering one another, the civilized world was
    horrified, tried to stop the murders, tried to intervene, and
    denounced the atrocities.

    When the Jews of Europe were being annihilated, the "civilized
    world" was indifferent, and much of it was downright supportive of the
    annihilation. Large segments of the "civilized world" collaborated
    with the genocide. Very few in the "civilized world" demanded serious
    military efforts to end it. The "civilized world" sat in silence in
    the decade leading up to the Shoah, while Hitler expounded his plans
    openly. Many in the anti-Semitic West sympathized with his program.

    I mention all this, because I think that one of the best litmus
    tests of the extent of re-nazification of the planet is to observe the
    reactions of the world to the assassination of the Gaza Nazi, Rantisi.
    All those denouncing Israel's hit on Rantisi as ''state terrorism,''
    as a crime, as a violation of ''international law,'' as violating
    Palestinian ''rights,'' as aggression, as itself ''nazism,'' ALL such
    people are today's most visible illustration of global
    re-nazification. ALL of these people are in fact in favor of the
    random mass murder of Jewish children. ALL of these people oppose
    every form of Jewish self-defense except capitulation to Nazism and
    passive Jewish marching into the gas chambers. All of these people
    would cheer if the Islamofascists ever succeed in building
    concentration camps for Jews. The leftists Jews who will no doubt now
    denounce the assassination of Rantisi, with all the usual lame
    ''reasons'' (bad timing, will just bring forth worse extremists,
    violation of Palestinian ''sovereignty,'' creates more motivation for
    terrorists, etc. etc.), should be formally dubbed the Jews for a
    Second Holocaust.

    And right on schedule, the British government and the British
    Israel-Bashing press, especially the BBC, denounced Israel's
    verminating Rantisi as a ''crime.'' Now let me see if I have this
    correct. Only days after the British, as part of the Allied
    anti-Islamofascist coalition in Iraq, participate in the extermination
    of over a thousand Iraqis in Fallujah and elsewhere, many of them
    innocent civilians, and now the British declare that when Israel
    recycles a nazi mass murdering Islamofascist who has murdered hundreds
    of Israeli civilians, many children, this constitutes a crime and
    violation of ''international law.'' It appears that it is only a
    matter of days before the chief Shi'ite terrorist in Najaf Iraq will
    be terminated by the good guys, including the Brits. Will the BBC
    also regard that as a crime? Probably it will!

    Don't get me wrong, by the way. I endorse the Allied actions in
    Iraq. But did you notice that the mowing down of the thousand Iraqis
    was the Allied response to the murder of four Americans and the
    hanging of their corpses on a bridge? And the greatest hush-hush
    secret the media are refusing to report this week is that the killing
    of the thousand resulted in near tranquility this week in most of
    Iraq! Perhaps there are military solutions to the problems of
    terrorism after all?
