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RFE/RL Iran Report - 04/19/2004

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 04/19/2004

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 7, No. 15, 19 April 2004

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    assassinating the leader and founder of Hamas, Shaykh Ahmad Yassin,
    missiles fired from Israeli helicopters killed his successor, Abd
    al-Aziz Rantisi, news agencies reported. Two of Rantisi's
    bodyguards were killed and bystanders were injured in the incident in
    Gaza City. Hamas refused to divulge the name of Rantisi's
    successor, the "Los Angeles Times" reported on 18 April. Hamas
    spokesman Ismail Haniyeh vowed that the death would be avenged,
    saying, "This sacrifice will not be wasted." He added, "It is our
    fate in Hamas, and as Palestinians, to die as martyrs.... This
    struggle will not weaken our determination or break our will."
    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Assefi
    condemned Rantisi's killing on 18 April, saying such measures
    undermine stability and will not resolve the basic problems Israel
    faces, IRNA reported. Expediency Council Chairman Ayatollah Ali Akbar
    Hashemi Rafsanjani said the killing of Rantisi is an example of
    Israeli terrorism under U.S. protection, IRNA reported. (Bill Samii)

    WHO ASKED TEHRAN TO HELP IN IRAQ? Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal
    Kharrazi announced after a 14 April cabinet meeting that the United
    States had requested Iranian assistance in calming the current unrest
    in Iraq, AFP and Al-Jazeera television reported. Kharrazi said Tehran
    would help and added that the United States is complicating the
    situation there. The Foreign Ministry's director-general for
    Persian Gulf affairs, Hussein Sadeqi, arrived in Baghdad on 14 April,
    the Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA) reported.
    An anonymous "senior State Department official" said on 14
    April that the United Kingdom invited the delegation of Iranian
    officials to visit Iraq in an effort to reduce tensions there, AFP
    reported. "Obviously, we did not object," the source added, going on
    to say that Washington did not ask London to invite the Iranians.
    "Since Iran does have some influence with the Shi'a community, we
    hope they would make clear that they are not in any way supporting
    violence or confrontation and that, in fact, they are supporting the
    authority of the central government," the source said.
    U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher also denied
    that Washington asked for Iranian mediation, but he did acknowledge
    the recent dispatch of messages to Tehran, AFP reported.
    "Our intervention is not based on the U.S. request," Iranian
    presidential adviser Mohammad Shariati said in a 14 April interview
    with Al-Jazeera. He went on to explain Tehran's reasons for
    acting at this time and in such a public fashion. "We wanted the
    world to know our role in solving the problems," Shariati said.
    "America had prevented us from doing so. Britain was more
    understanding of the peaceful Iranian role in solving the problems.
    Now it [the United States] has dropped its objection." Shariati said
    Iran does not want to interfere in Iraqi affairs, but it "must not
    leave Iraq and its people alone in their ordeal.... Iran believes the
    U.S. behavior is wrong."
    While in Baghdad, Sadeqi held talks with a number of Iraqi
    political figures, state radio reported on 15 April. Among the
    officials that Sadeqi met were Supreme Council for the Islamic
    Revolution in Iraq's (SCIRI) Abd-al-Aziz al-Hakim, Iraqi
    Governing Council (IGC) President Mas'ud Barzani, Oil Minister
    Ibrahim Bahr-al-Ulum, IGC member Jalal Talabani, and Foreign Minister
    Hoshyar Zebari. The Iranian delegation also met with Ahmad Chalabi,
    the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported on 17 April.
    Nevertheless, the exact role played by Sadeqi and his
    colleagues remains somewhat unclear. Adnan Ali, a member of the
    Al-Da'wah al-Islamiya party, said in a 15 April interview with
    Egyptian radio, "The Iranian delegation led by Mr. Sadeqi had a
    significant effect during talks with Shi'a clerics and
    personalities as well as with the office of Seyyed Muqtada [al-Sadr].
    I have recently met Mr. Sadeqi, and he assured me that the Islamic
    Republic seeks to calm the situation to avoid any dissension [among
    Iraqi factions] under occupation."
    But neither the American nor the Iranian side was so
    forthcoming. CPA spokesman Dan Senor said on 16 March, "It is our
    position that there is no role for the Iranians to play middleman
    here in discussions between us and Sadr," RFE/RL reported. "There is
    no role for the Iranians, from our perspective, in the Sadr
    situation. And, in fact, we believe that the issue with Sadr and his
    militia should be resolved by Iraqis, not Iranians."
    Iranian Foreign Minister Kharrazi sounded a similar note on
    16 April. He asked in a statement faxed to IRNA, "How can one mediate
    between the Iraqi people and the occupiers?"
    The Iranian diplomats ended their visit on 17 April without
    visiting Al-Najaf or Muqtada al-Sadr, IRNA reported. This is
    reportedly because the Iraqi cleric refused to meet with the
    Iranians, the Shi'a news agency ( reported.
    (Bill Samii)

    identified by IRNA as the cultural and press attache at the Iranian
    embassy, was shot dead in Baghdad on 15 April by unknown assailants.
    President Hojatoleslam Mohammad Khatami said in a message
    released the same day, "The current situation in Iraq is undoubtedly
    the result of U.S. negligence toward the realities and the sentiments
    of people in the region and the continuation of terrifying policy
    that has already been proved ineffective," IRNA reported. "It is
    necessary that the U.S. changes its behavior toward the Iraqi people,
    stops killing them and leaves the affairs to themselves."
    Later that day, Foreign Ministry spokesman Assefi urged Iraqi
    officials and the Iraqi Governing Council to protect the embassy and
    its staff, as well as visiting diplomat Hussein Sadeqi, ILNA
    reported. He added that Iran has been trying to resolve the crisis in
    Iraq and added, "Unfortunately, America's wrong policies are
    making the crisis more complicated every day."
    After condemning the killing, parliamentary speaker
    Hojatoleslam Mehdi Karrubi said, "We hold the occupiers [of Iraq]
    responsible for such incidents, but this does not mean [that we
    should] overlook the terrorist move of those who carried out the
    attack," state television reported. "We do condemn their move,
    although we do not know who they are."
    "The attack took place in the region under the control of
    Paul Bremer, the American governor of Iraq," Iranian state television
    reported on 15 April. "This is while the occupying American forces
    have taken no measures to follow up the case," it added.
    Addressing mourners at Naimi's 17 April funeral, the
    supreme leader's representative, Abbasali Akhtari, said, "The
    occupiers must know that they are directly responsible for the blood
    of this beloved martyr and others, which is shed each day in Iraq,"
    IRNA reported. (Bill Samii)

    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a 14 April speech in Tehran that "an
    alien power" invaded Iraq in order to fill the pockets of oil
    companies "and the Zionists," state radio reported. He went on to say
    that nobody is inciting Iraqis to acts of violence. "There is no need
    for anyone to incite the Iraqis," he said, adding, "You [Americans]
    yourselves are the biggest and the filthiest inciters of the Iraqi
    nation." Khamenei said U.S. policy in Iraq is like Israeli policy in
    In an apparent reference to the closure of Muqtada
    al-Sadr's "Al-Hawzah" newspaper that disregarded the nearly 100
    press closures in Iran, Khamenei said, "They close down newspapers.
    They ban the press."
    Khamenei predicted, "Sooner or later, the Americans will
    leave Iraq in wretchedness and humiliation." Khamenei said the Iraqi
    people can facilitate this through unity and reliance on Islam, and
    by heeding the clerical authorities. (Bill Samii)

    said on 5 April in Moscow that Iran offered to host the next summit
    meeting of the Caspian Sea's littoral states -- Azerbaijan, Iran,
    Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan -- ITAR-TASS reported. Referring
    to issues such as the division of the sea's resources, fishing,
    and military use of the sea, Kharrazi said, "The negotiations on the
    Caspian problems are moving at a good pace. The sides have reached a
    number of concrete agreements, and they have to be firmed up now."
    The official meeting began on 6 April.
    Kharrazi said at the 6 April opening session of the foreign
    ministers' meeting, "This [Caspian] sea belongs to the countries
    that are bordering it. It is a sea that represents peace and
    friendship, and it is a symbol of the peaceful coexistence of the
    countries surrounding it," RFE/RL reported.
    The meeting covered issues that include the sea's legal
    regime, IRNA reported, and Kharrazi expressed the hope that the legal
    convention currently in progress will meet with all the
    countries' approval. He also said foreign powers should not
    interfere in the region and that countries should avoid unilateral
    measures that cause complications. Kharrazi returned to Tehran on 6
    April, according to IRNA.
    Although the summit's final communique stressed such
    positives as stability and cooperation, the summit did not achieve
    any breakthroughs on the thorny issue of demarcating the
    Caspian's waters and seabed, RIA-Novosti reported on 6 April.
    Summit participants agreed that differences remain on a number of key
    An analytical article in the 5 April "Sharq" noted that, in
    the absence of a legal regime accepted by all five littoral states,
    they are turning more frequently to bilateral agreements. Azerbaijan,
    Russia, and Kazakhstan have reached agreements without Iran's or
    Turkmenistan's approval, and Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and
    Azerbaijan have begun trilateral negotiations. Even Iran, according
    to the article, has entered bilateral negotiations with Azerbaijan.
    Iran's advantage, according to the "Sharq" analysis, is
    that it is far less dependent on Caspian energy resources than the
    other littoral states. It can concentrate on transporting oil and gas
    for the other countries, and they must therefore heed its interests.
    International law expert Yusef Molai said in the 6 April
    "Jomhuri-yi Islami" that the Russia-Kazakhstan bilateral agreement
    has replaced the Caspian legal regime. He said Iran has forsaken a
    number of opportunities and predicted that the forthcoming summit
    meeting would not accomplish anything. (Bill Samii)

    Vartan Oskanian was in Tehran on 12-13 April, IRNA reported, where he
    met with Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary
    Hojatoleslam Hassan Rohani, Vice President Mohammad-Reza Aref-Yazdi,
    and Foreign Minister Kharrazi.
    The need for expanded bilateral relations was discussed in
    every meeting, and Rohani noted that the two countries'
    long-standing cultural connection contributes to such cooperation.
    The natural-gas pipeline from Iran to Armenia was also discussed at
    every meeting, as was construction of a dam on the Aras River.
    Kharrazi told his guest that tradesmen and public and private firms
    would be more motivated to engage in trade exchanges by improved
    Aref told Oskanian that Iran would like to help in a
    negotiated and consultative solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.
    In the same vein, Rohani said, "Regional stability is prerequisite
    for economic development and without settlement of the regional
    crisis, the ground for extensive investment would not be prepared."
    Oskanian said upcoming negotiations with Azerbaijan on this issue are
    important. (Bill Samii)

    TEHRAN ATTACKS U.S. HUMAN RIGHTS RECORD. Foreign Ministry spokesman
    Assefi said on 12 April that U.S. criticism of the Iranian human
    rights record is "invalid" and its definition of the terms "human"
    and "rights" is at odds with that of the rest of the world, IRNA
    reported. He said the United States is not qualified to comment on
    human rights issues because its actions in Palestine, Iraq, and
    elsewhere cost lives and make people miserable and homeless.
    A 12 April commentary on Iranian state television said that
    while "American forces are busy mercilessly slaughtering the Iraqi
    people in front of the eyes of the world, and while the regime
    occupying Jerusalem [Israel] is also continuing its barbaric and
    inhumane crimes against defenseless civilians in the occupied
    Palestinian territories," the United States has published a
    "repetitive" report on human rights violations in Iran.
    These are presumably references to a 9 April U.S. State
    Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor and Bureau of
    Public Affairs Fact Sheet, titled "Iran: Voices Struggling To Be
    Heard" ( The fact sheet
    notes that unelected government institutions are rebuffing and trying
    to stifle Iranians' calls for respect for their beliefs. It cites
    the case of Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi, who was detained
    outside Evin Prison in Tehran in June 2003 and who died three weeks
    later of head injuries suffered, it is suspected, in a beating she
    underwent at the hands of her jailers.
    This State Department publication notes the closure of up to
    85 newspapers, as well as the detention, physical punishment, and the
    fining of journalists. The continuing persecution of practitioners of
    the Bahai faith is described as well, citing data on four Bahais
    currently in prison for practicing their religion.
    Other topics addressed in this State Department publication
    are the failure of political reform at the hands of unelected
    government institutions, particularly the Guardians Council; Nobel
    laureate Shirin Ebadi; and the pro-democratic mobilization of the
    country's young people. (Bill Samii)

    Council has agreed to an Interior Ministry proposal to hold the
    second round of the parliamentary elections on Friday, 7 May 2004,
    state television reported on 12 April. An Interior Ministry official
    had announced previously that the second round would take place
    between 20 and 30 April (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 5 April 2004).
    Guardians Council Secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati added in
    a letter to Interior Minister Abdolvahed Musavi-Lari that only an
    amendment to the election law would allow further delays in the
    scheduled voting in the Tehran, Rey, Shemiranat, and Islamshahr
    constituencies, the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) reported on
    15 April.
    The first round of the elections took place on 20 February,
    and a Guardians Council member explained in late March that there
    will be a second round of voting in 39 constituencies where
    candidates did not earn a sufficient number of votes to win outright.
    Sixty-four candidates will be elected in the second round, and the
    seventh parliament will begin work on 27 May. (Bill Samii)

    a letter to parliamentary speaker Hojatoleslam Mehdi Karrubi that was
    read out at the end of the 13 April open legislative session,
    President Khatami formally withdrew two pieces of legislation
    submitted in August and September 2002, IRNA reported. Known as the
    "twin bills," the first would have amended the election law by
    reducing the role of the Guardians Council, and the second would have
    increased the authority of the president.
    Khatami's letter noted that the Guardians Council
    rejected the election-law amendment and added that the Guardians
    Council and supervisory boards broke the current election law. His
    letter concluded, "I predict that keeping these bills on the
    parliamentary agenda in the future will have a detrimental impact on
    the people's rights and interests and the president's
    position." Khatami had announced the bills' withdrawal in
    mid-March (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 22 March 2004).
    On 18 April, the legislature formally agreed to hand the
    bills back to the executive branch, IRNA reported. Vice President for
    Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Hojatoleslam Mohammad Ali Abtahi
    attended that session and said that the Guardians Council must
    account for the president's inability to do his job.
    Conservative columnist Hussein Shariatmadari praised
    Khatami's decision to withdraw the "twin bills" in the 14 April
    "Kayhan" newspaper. Shariatmadari, who is the supreme leader's
    representative at the Kayhan Institute, said Khatami's decision
    clears his record and eliminates the danger of reducing freedom.
    Shariatmadari wrote that the bills would have eliminated people's
    right to prevent unqualified individuals from serving in parliament
    and would have invested the president with dictatorial power.
    Shariatmadari wrote that Khatami was ill advised to have submitted
    the legislation in the first place, and he hinted that the bills were
    imposed on the president by spies and agents of foreign countries.
    Shariatmadari wrote that Khatami's criticism of the
    Guardians Council, which rejected the bills several times, was
    unjustified and unfriendly. (Bill Samii)

    ANOTHER'S. Parliamentary speaker Hojatoleslam Mehdi Karrubi said
    on 14 April that he is glad the Iranian legislature did not approve a
    parliamentarian's resignation request, IRNA reported.
    Some 120 parliamentarians submitted their resignations in
    February to protest the Guardians Council's rejection of
    incumbents' candidacies for the parliamentary elections, and to
    date the resignations of Tehran representatives Mohsen Armin and
    Fatemeh Haqiqatju and Urumiyeh representative Mahmud Yeganli have
    been accepted (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 16 February and 22 March
    The legislature rejected Isfahan representative Rajabali
    Mazrui's resignation, however. The request needed 98 "yes" votes
    to be accepted by the 174 of 194 parliamentarians in the chamber who
    voted on it; only 92 did so. Seventy-seven voted against Mazrui's
    resignation, and five abstained. Deputy parliamentary speaker
    Mohammad Reza Khatami said on 17 April that nothing could stop his
    colleagues from resigning, IRNA reported. Asked about Mazrui's
    abortive attempt to quit, Khatami explained that he is needed because
    of his important role in the budget committee.
    The next day, the legislature approved the resignation of
    Tehran's Behzad Nabavi, IRNA reported. There were 154 votes in
    favor of his quitting and 22 votes against it. (Bill Samii)

    TWO NEW CABINET MEMBERS INTRODUCED. In a letter to the speaker of
    parliament, President Khatami introduced two new cabinet members,
    IRNA reported. Khatami named Safdar Husseini to replace Finance and
    Economic Affairs Minister Tahmasb Mazaheri. Husseini currently serves
    as labor and social affairs minister. Isfahan parliamentarian Nasser
    Khaleqi was introduced as Husseini's successor as labor and
    social affairs minister. (Bill Samii)

    KHATAMI VISITS EARTHQUAKE SITE. President Khatami arrived in the
    southeastern city of Bam on 13 April to inspect the progress of
    reconstruction efforts since the 26 December earthquake there, IRNA
    and state radio reported. Housing and Urban Development Minister Ali
    Abdol-Alizadeh, Interior Minister Hojatoleslam Abdolvahed
    Musavi-Lari, Islamic Culture and Guidance Minister Ahmad
    Masjid-Jamei, and Health Minister Masud Pezeshkian accompanied
    Construction of 800 housing units began that day, and Khatami
    visited other housing projects. Locals asked him to speed up the
    construction of homes, IRNA reported. He also inspected work on a
    96-bed hospital, the completion of which is expected by the end of
    the summer.
    At a meeting of the aid headquarters, Khatami said the
    government allocated 2.1 trillion rials (about $256 million) for the
    city's reconstruction in the March 2003-March 2004 year, and
    another 2.4 trillion (about $292 million) for the March 2004-March
    2005 period, state radio reported. Khatami vowed that nobody will be
    living in a tent by 20 May 2004.
    Meanwhile, Bam Governor-General Ali Shafei said on 13 April
    that Interior Minister Musavi-Lari has accepted his resignation and
    he will leave within 48 hours, ISNA reported. His resignation was
    reported in March (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 15 March 2004). Shafei
    explained that the interior minister and the provincial
    governor-general had opposed his resignation. He added that a Bam
    native identified as Dr. Makarem will succeed him. (Bill Samii)

    Khamenei declared this Iran's year of accountability (see "RFE/RL
    Iran Report," 29 March 2004). He could start by determining why
    Tehran's newest and grandest international airport remains
    unusable, almost three months after being inaugurated amid much
    The Imam Khomeini International Airport near Tehran cost a
    total of 2.6 trillion rials plus $60 billion, IRNA reported on 31
    January. It is intended to handle about 6 million passengers its
    first phase, 15 million in the second phase, and 40 million a year
    when the third phase is complete; IRNA did not specify when this
    would be.
    President Khatami inaugurated the airport on 1 February at a
    ceremony attended by the Roads and Transport Minister Ahmad Khoram;
    Housing and Urban Development Minister Ali Abdol-Alizadeh; Post,
    Telegraph, and Telephone Minister Ahmad Motamedi; and foreign
    dignitaries, IRNA reported at the time.
    Yet the airport still cannot be used, according to Radio
    Farda on 14 April, because construction on the project is below par
    and does not conform to international standards. The original project
    engineers quit after the end of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War, and the
    government at that time allowed the Oppressed and Disabled Foundation
    (Bonyad-i Mostazafan va Janbazan) to take over the airport project.
    The foundation changed many of the original specifications. As a
    result, the runways were made with asphalt instead of cement and must
    be repaved; neither the electrical power nor the runway lighting
    function properly; and the aircraft refueling equipment is
    inadequate. Until these problems are resolved, Radio Farda reported,
    the airport cannot be used.
    Meanwhile, a new airport was inaugurated in the West
    Azerbaijan Province city of Khoi on 8 April, state radio reported.
    Built at a cost of 40 billion rials, its runway is big enough to
    handle medium-sized aircraft. Roads and Transport Minister Khoram
    said at the inauguration that plans are under way to build airports
    at Ahvaz, Bandar Abbas, Isfahan, Mashhad, Shiraz, and Tabriz. (Bill

    active role in the international effort to stem the flow of narcotics
    from Afghanistan, the world's biggest producer of opium. Iran,
    Afghanistan, and Afghanistan's other neighbors -- China,
    Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan -- on 1 April
    signed an agreement on creating a "security belt" around Afghanistan
    that will clamp down on narcotics trafficking, the "Financial Times"
    reported on 2 April. The agreement calls for more border troops,
    tighter border controls, coordinated counternarcotics strategies, and
    more information exchanges. The concept of a "security belt" has been
    promoted since 2002 (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 20 May 2002).
    The signing of the "Good Neighborly Relations Declaration on
    Narcotics Control" coincided with the 31 March-1 April Berlin
    conference on Afghanistan, at which time UN Office on Drugs and Crime
    (UNODC) chief Antonio Maria Costa released a statement stressing the
    importance of drug control in Afghanistan and welcoming the
    Speaking at the same conference, Afghan Transitional
    Administration Chairman Hamid Karzai said, "Drugs in Afghanistan are
    threatening the very existence of the Afghan state," "The Union
    Leader" of Manchester, New Hampshire reported on 1 April.
    Furthermore, Afghan Interior Minister Ali Ahmad Jalali said at an 18
    March news conference that drug enforcement is his ministry's top
    issue for the coming year, Kabul's Afghanistan Television
    Iran's Drug Control Headquarters (DCHQ) chief Ali Hashemi
    met with European Union officials on the sidelines of 47th Session of
    the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna on 18 March, IRNA
    reported. Both sides concurred that the situation in Afghanistan is
    the most intractable problem facing Iranian, regional, and European
    drug control efforts. Hashemi said that Iran hoped the end of the
    Taliban would reduce the drug threat, adding, "But after more than
    two years, we are still witnessing a daily increase in the production
    and trafficking of illicit drugs from the country."
    The next day, UNODC's Maria Costa told Hashemi that his
    organization is impressed with Iran's efforts along its eastern
    border, IRNA reported.
    A delegation of Italian counternarcotics personnel visited
    Iran in late February. The head of the delegation, identified by IRNA
    on 24 February as Francesco Petroka, said in a meeting with Deputy
    Interior Minister Ali Asqar Ahmadi that Italy's counternarcotics
    agency eventually would like to set up a branch office in Iran, IRNA
    reported on 24 February. In Italy, the Central Directorate for
    Antidrug Services runs narcotics-enforcement activities. This is a
    multiagency body established in the Public Security Department with
    personnel from the State Police, the Carabinieri Corps, and the
    Guardia di Finanza (Customs and Excise Police) (see
    DCHQ chief Ali Hashemi met with his Italian counterpart,
    identified by IRNA on 24 February as Peter Kaba. Hashemi stressed the
    need for controlling narcotics production in Afghanistan, and he
    added that Iran's strategy is to establish a stable government
    there through economic assistance. Kaba expressed interest in an
    information exchange on demand-reduction activities, and he suggested
    that Italy's experience might be useful for Iran.
    There have been more recent meetings. Iranian Ambassador to
    Moscow Gholam-Reza Shafei and Russia's Federal Drug Control
    Service chief Viktor Cherkesov (a colonel general of the Federal
    Security Service) discussed cooperation in the counternarcotics field
    on 15 April, IRNA reported. Shafei said narcotics production in
    Afghanistan is on the increase "because of the lenient approach of
    the coalition forces, mainly the U.S., toward the issue." Shafei
    suggested that Tehran, Moscow, and the United Nations work together
    to stop the production of drugs in Afghanistan and prevent drug
    trafficking. He added that Iran is ready to sign a counternarcotics
    agreement with Russia and Tajikistan.
    DCHQ chief Hashemi and the head of the Indonesian
    drug-control agency met in Tehran on 14 April, IRNA reported. They
    discussed preparations for a memorandum of understanding on drug
    control cooperation that is due to be signed in Jakarta in May, IRNA
    Such meetings do not seem to be making much of an impression
    on some Iranian officials. Deputy Foreign Minister Mohsen Aminzadeh
    said in Moscow on 13 April, "European countries and the United States
    give little attention to this problem while narcotics production is
    rapidly growing in Afghanistan," ITAR-TASS reported. He said that
    drug trafficking and terrorism are connected, and the money from the
    Afghan narcotics trade goes to terrorists, especially Al-Qaeda.
    Deputy Interior Minister Ahmadi complained to a 12 March
    meeting of Iranian and Afghan officials in Herat Province's Taleh
    Mush region that European countries and the West generally are not
    very serious in the global war on drugs, IRNA reported. If they are
    serious, he added, they must assist Iran's counternarcotics
    campaign. Ahmadi said that narcotics mafias are taking advantage of
    Afghan farmers' economic needs. He said Iran is ready to help
    Afghanistan in any fashion, and he cited Iran's experience in
    police training, local and municipal councils, issuing passports, and
    anything else. (Bill Samii)

    UN REFUGEE AGENCY CHIEF IN IRAN. United Nations High Commissioner for
    Refugees (UNHCR) Ruud Lubbers arrived in Tehran on 13 April as part
    of a trip that will take in Afghanistan and Pakistan,
    and IRNA reported. Some 2.5 million refugees have returned to
    Afghanistan since the Taliban's fall in December 2001, and UNHCR
    intends to help another 400,000 go home in 2004. Just this year,
    according to, 26,000 Afghans have "spontaneously"
    returned from Iran.
    Lubbers met with Iranian Foreign Minister Kharrazi and
    reportedly told him that the Afghan security situation is suitable
    for the refugees' return, according to IRNA. Kharrazi expressed
    the hope that repatriations would be facilitated by the cooperation
    of the UNHCR and the Afghan interim administration. Kharrazi added
    that international organizations should be more active in the
    refugees' repatriation. International refugee agencies working in
    Iran recently complained to RFE/RL that the Iranian government
    impedes their work, driving some to leave the country (see "RFE/RL
    Iran Report," 22 December 2003). (Bill Samii)

    LEGISLATURE BRIEFED ON NUCLEAR ISSUE. Officials from the Foreign
    Ministry and Atomic Energy Organization on 13 April briefed members
    of the parliamentary National Security and Foreign Affairs committee
    on the progress of the country's talks with the International
    Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), IRNA reported.
    Committee spokesman Jafar Golbaz said they were apprised of
    the government's discussions with IAEA Director-General Mohammad
    el-Baradei and on "U.S. pressure on the IAEA." Golbaz said the United
    States is trying to obstruct Iran-IAEA talks but that these
    obstructions can be removed. Legislators have complained that they
    are out of the loop on the nuclear issue and are forced to conduct
    their own research to know what is going on.
    One day earlier, five inspectors from the IAEA arrived in
    Iran, Mehr News Agency and AP reported on 12 April. The IAEA
    personnel were scheduled to meet with representatives of Iran's
    Atomic Energy Organization and to supervise the suspension of uranium
    enrichment and the making of uranium centrifuges, Mehr reported. AP
    added that the inspectors intend to confirm whether or not Iran has a
    covert nuclear program. Atomic Energy Organization chief Gholamreza
    Aqazadeh-Khoi said on 16 April that Iran expects its nuclear dossier
    to return to a normal status on the basis of its negotiations with
    the IAEA, state television reported.
    Meanwhile, Minister of Science, Research, and Technology
    Jafar Tofiqi-Darian told visitors to the Arak heavy-water
    installation that it would start test production "in the coming
    months," Iranian state television reported on 16 April. The output
    will be stored until a 40-megawatt research reactor is built at Arak.
    (Bill Samii)

    director-general of the social and economic planning department at
    the Social Security Organization, said on 12 April that the number of
    unemployed in Iran has doubled in the past four years, "Iran Daily"
    reported on 13 April. Yazdani attributed this increase mainly to
    mismanagement and added that management shortcomings are ignored
    while the blame for unemployment is shifted to the workforce. Yazdani
    said the government's industrial renovation plan will render
    another 30,000 people jobless.
    Minister of Mines and Industries Ishaq Jahangiri said on 17
    April that privatization and less government intervention in the
    economy are the keys to creating more jobs, IRNA reported. (Bill

    the association of tea factories in northern Iran, said in the 13
    April issue of "Entekhab" newspaper that the factories do not have
    enough money to buy green tea from the growers. Gilan Province tea
    factories have a 150-billion toman (about $187.5 million) debt, he
    Meanwhile, Iran is planning to export tea to Germany, Japan,
    and Kuwait, "Iran Daily" reported on 13 April, citing the previous
    day's "Sobh-i Eqtesad." The article described the creation of a
    tea factory in the northern city of Lahijan, and it quoted tea
    industry official Abdosamad Gharavi as saying that exports will begin
    once the factory becomes operational. Gharavi said the factory will
    make 5,000 kilograms of tea essence, 1,000 kilograms of tea powder,
    and 200,000 tea bags during the first phase of the project, which
    should become operational in a month. (Bill Samii)

    ************************************************** *******
    Copyright (c) 2004. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services. It is distributed every Monday.

    Direct comments to A. William Samii at [email protected].
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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress