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ASBAREZ Online [04-20-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [04-20-2004]


    1) Opposition Moves Strengthen Coalition Says Kocharian
    2) Russian Mediator Says Prague Meeting Raises Optimism
    3) Ghulian Tells Mann Karabagh Must Be Active Participant
    4) US Envoy Meets Armenian Opposition Leaders
    5) Holy Mass and Requiem Service in Memory of the Victims of the Armenian

    1) Opposition Moves Strengthen Coalition Says Kocharian

    YEREVAN (Combined Sources)--Meeting with reporters at the National Picture
    Gallery on Tuesday, President Robert Kocharian dismissed allegations that he
    plans to disband parliament and appoint a new cabinet.
    "I can say for certain that I do not have such intentions," Kocharian told
    reporters. "We are able to work effectively with this political team. We are
    going to work together at least until the next parliamentary elections, which
    is for three more years."
    He pointed to the absurdity of such assertions especially when considering
    Armenia's economic growth and smooth implementation of the national budget.
    "Dissolution of a government that provides economic growth is nonsense," he
    Rumors of internal dissentions emerged last week when coalition government
    members, in a joint statement, announced they would not be attending
    sessions, so as to avoid possible clashes between their supporters and the
    opposition crowd.
    Referring to those rumors, Kocharian insisted that the governing coalition
    partners have not boycotted parliament sessions, and plan to resume work next
    week. "The previous session did not take place because of the demonstration
    threats specifically addressed to the parliament."
    He suggested that the coalition has even strengthened and begun to work more
    effectively, in having to face the opposition. "The concept of having to work
    within a coalition has not yet developed in our country; this [was perhaps]
    incentive necessary for the political forces in the coalition to work more
    closely and in a coordinated manner."
    Asked about the opposition's pledge to continue to seek his resignation, he
    said that as long as the opposition organizes its meetings and demonstrations
    without closing the streets and without unlawful actions, they are allowed to
    do so. He cautioned that though it is natural for the opposition to seek to
    replace those in power, it is also natural for the leadership of any country,
    to take steps to provide stability. "We are doing our job; we have done it,
    will continue doing it, while the opposition shirks its duties in parliament,
    and gathers meetings in the streets."

    2) Russian Mediator Says Prague Meeting Raises Optimism

    YEREVAN (Armenpress)--The Russian co-chairman of the Minsk Group Yuri
    Merzlyakov, told Azeri ATV that new ideas on resolving the Mountainous
    conflict were put forth during the meeting between Armenian foreign minister
    Vartan Oskanian and his new Azeri counterpart Elmar Mamedyarov. The meeting
    which took place in Prague was mediated by the US, Russian, and French
    co-chairs of the Minsk Group, which spearheads the Organization for Security
    and Co-Operation in Europe's (OSCE) efforts to find a political solution to
    this conflict.
    Merzlyakov called the meeting "useful," and disclosed that the co-chairmen
    presented fresh ideas and suggestions on how to end the conflict.
    Merzlyakov also said that the Prague meeting has roused certain optimism
    future prospects fore a settlement--a sentiment shared by the foreign
    of the countries, who conferred they were satisfied with the meeting.
    The group's co-chairman, along with Oskanian and Mamedyarov, will be drafting
    a joint statement on the results of their latest meeting to present to the
    presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan. "The new venue of the meeting can be
    decided only after the presidents of the two countries are fully informed
    the Prague meeting," Merzlyakov said.
    According to the Baku-based 525 Gazet, Mamedyarov said that the Prague
    meeting's end result was to set a tentative agreement to meet again next
    and that the meeting did not discuss the new proposals put forth by the

    3) Ghulian Tells Mann Karabagh Must Be Active Participant

    YEREVAN (Armenpress)--Mountainous Karabagh Republic's (MKR) Foreign Minister
    Ashot Ghulian and the new American co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk group Steven
    Mann met on April 19 at the MKR permanent representation in Yerevan.
    In presenting MKR's official position on regulating the conflict, Ghulian
    stressed that Karabagh, as a side to the conflict, must directly
    participate in
    peace talks. Ghulian also summarized the economic and political situation of
    the country.
    Mann confirmed the determination of the US to continue the regulation
    working within the framework of OSCE Minsk group.
    Mann's next visit will include meetings in Stepanakert with MKR authorities.

    4) US Envoy Meets Armenian Opposition Leaders

    YEREVAN (RFE/RL)--US Ambassador John Ordway met on Tuesday with the two most
    senior leaders of Armenia's opposition, but did not comment on his separate
    meetings with Stepan Demirchian of the Artarutyun alliance and Artashes
    Geghamian of the National Unity Party (AMK). Demirchian and Geghamian did not
    provide details either. Geghamian said only that both the United States and
    European Union would like to see a peaceful end to the Armenian political
    "The ambassadors of both the United States and the European Union are calling
    for all contentious issues to be resolved through negotiations," he said.
    The US State Department urged both sides last week to embark on a "dialogue."
    Anther opposition rally is planed for Wednesday in Yerevan.

    5) Holy Mass and Requiem Service in Memory of the Victims of the Armenian

    On the 89th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Armenians all over the world
    will commemorate the tragic events, and will attend church services to exalt
    the sacred memory of our martyrs.
    On this occasion, a special requiem service will be held on Saturday, April
    24, at St. Mary's Apostolic Church in Glendale with the participation of the
    spiritual leadership of the three Armenian religious denominations in the
    Western United States.
    The ceremony will be held under the auspices of the Prelate His Eminence
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian. Very Rev. Vrouyr Demirjian, the Pastor of
    Forty Martyrs Church will conduct the Holy Mass. Very Rev. Rafael Minassian,
    the spiritual leader of the Armenian Catholic Community in California, and
    Apraham Chaparian of the Armenian Evangelical Church will participate in the
    ceremony. Also present will be the spiritual leaders of sister Churches who
    will deliver their word of blessing.
    After the 9:30 AM Holy Mass, a requiem service will be held in the
    in front of the monument dedicated to the 1.5 million victims of the Genocide.
    His Eminence the Prelate will deliver his message during the ceremony.

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