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Saying Farewell To The City

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  • Saying Farewell To The City

    Saying Farewell To The City

    The Hindu
    April 19, 2004

    WITH THE departure of Michael Stephanian, or Stephen, if you wish, the
    Armenian Church in George Town will be without an Armenian caretaker
    for the first time since it was consecrated in 1772. A local caretaker,
    Alexander, succeeds Michael who goes to Calcutta on a significant
    promotion after seven years in Madras where he had succeeded that
    legend, George Gregorian, who put in 33 years in making the church
    the cleanest place in the city.

    Michael moves to Calcutta to take charge of the Armenian College
    (school) there, one of the leading educational institutions in the
    city when it was home to a few thousand Armenians, almost all of whom
    have migrated to Australia or parts westwards since the 1970s. The few
    hundred Armenians left in Calcutta keep service going in the city's
    three churches of the Armenian Orthodoxy and the one in Chandernagar,
    service being held in each by turn on Sundays. These numbers, have,
    however, not been enough to sustain the school, which in its heyday -
    and when the Armenian Club was as lively - produced some of the best
    rugby teams in India.

    There has, in the last few years, been an attempt to revive the school
    by bringing in from strife-riven Armenia and Iran, Armenian children
    who have lost at least one parent. To the dozen or so Armenians with
    Indian connections there have now been added about 100 boys and 40
    girls from Armenia and Iraq. Michael hopes that, in the next year or
    so, he can get that strength up to 300, with about 50 more children
    from Armenia and 100 from war-torn Iraq where over 25,000 Armenians
    live. These children in the 6-16 age group will be trained to take
    the ICSE exam, but their workload will always be increased by three
    subjects: the Armenian language, history and faith.

    Michael, while in Madras, has done a splendid job in keeping the
    Armenian Church alive by organising the occasional service in it. He
    has also ensured that the Armenian Cemetery on the Island and the
    Armenian tombs and other relics in and around the city have been cared
    for. He may not have always been successful in preserving the symbols
    of Armenian heritage in the city, but he was always trying. I'm sure
    he'll be trying even harder to bring the Armenian College back to
    its old glory. This column wishes him all the best.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress