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Rafsanjanis Are Iran's Power Brokers as Investors Seek Oil

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  • Rafsanjanis Are Iran's Power Brokers as Investors Seek Oil

    April 21 2004

    Rafsanjanis Are Iran's Power Brokers as Investors Seek Oil

    April 21 (Bloomberg) -- At 6 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2003, agents from
    Oekokrim, Norway's financial crimes police unit, raided the Stavanger
    headquarters of Statoil ASA, the nation's largest oil company. They
    were seeking records of a $15 million contract with Horton
    Investment, a London-based consulting firm with links to a son of
    Iran's former president, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

    Oekokrim said in Sept. 12 press release that a $5.2 million Statoil
    payment that wound up in a Turks and Caicos Islands bank account
    might have been a bribe to drill in Iran's natural gas fields, the
    largest in the world after Russia's. Oekokrim charged Statoil with
    violating Norway's General Civil Penal Code, which prohibits
    influencing foreign officials.

    The Statoil scandal reveals the risks of dealing with Iran - - a
    country that ranks with Armenia, Lebanon and Mali as ``highly
    corrupt'' in a survey by Berlin-based Transparency International,
    which polls business executives and academics on investing. Two weeks
    after the raid, Statoil Chairman Leif Terje Loeddesoel, 69, Chief
    Executive Officer Olav Fjell, 52, and Executive Vice President
    Richard Hubbard, 53, resigned. None of the executives has been
    charged with any wrongdoing.

    Iranian Revolution

    Twenty-five years after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini led the
    revolution that toppled Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a dozen families
    with religious ties control much of Iran's $110 billion gross
    domestic product and shape its politics, industries and finances,
    says Ray Takeyh, a professor and director of studies at National
    Defense University's Near East and South Asia Center in Washington
    and coauthor of ``The Receding Shadow of the Prophet: The Rise and
    Fall of Radical Political Islam'' (Praeger, 2004).

    The Rafsanjanis -- who have investments in pistachio farming, real
    estate, automaking and a private airline worth a total of $1 billion
    -- are among the best connected and most influential of the families,
    Takeyh says.

    Rafsanjani, 69, has wielded power since the creation of the Islamic
    Republic in 1979, when he served on the Revolutionary Council under

    Mohsen Hashemi, 43, Rafsanjani's oldest son, heads a $2 billion
    project to build Tehran's subway. Yasser Hashemi, 32, the youngest
    son, runs a horse farm north of Tehran in the exclusive suburb of
    Lavasan, where an acre of land costs $2 million. Mehdi Hashemi
    Rafsanjani, 34, the son whose contact with Statoil led to the police
    search, was a director at National Iranian Gas Co. and heads the unit
    that develops compressed natural gas for cars.

    ``The whole Iranian economy is set up to benefit the privileged
    few,'' Takeyh says. ``Rafsanjani is the most adept, the most
    notorious and the most privileged.''

    Tempting Riches

    Iran's riches are tempting to companies and private investors. The
    country -- which, at 1.65 million square kilometers (637,069 square
    miles), is slightly smaller than Alaska -- holds 9 percent of oil
    reserves, second in the world behind Saudi Arabia. Iran also holds 15
    percent of global natural gas deposits.

    With two-thirds of Iran's 70 million people under age 30, the
    country's appetite for consumer goods is ballooning. GDP will climb 8
    percent this year: the same rate as China and almost double the 4.6
    percent rate in the U.S., the International Monetary Fund projects.

    In 2003, the Tehran Stock Exchange All-Share Price Index more than
    doubled to 10879.87 compared with a 26 percent increase for the
    Standard & Poor's 500 Index. The market value of the 350 companies on
    the exchange rose 7 percent to $37 billion in the first three months
    of 2004. Automaker Iran Khodro Co.; Melli Investment Co., a unit of
    Bank Melli, Iran's biggest bank; and Kharg Petrochemical Co., the
    country's fifth-biggest company by market value, powered the gains.

    Stock Market

    The government of President Mohammad Khatami, 60, who replaced
    Rafsanjani in 1997, introduced legislation last year to open the
    stock market to foreign investors. A 1996 ban keeps the exchange
    closed to all but Iranians. Khatami also proposed creating an
    independent regulatory body like the U.S. Securities and Exchange

    Jim Rogers, 61, who founded the New York-based Quantum Fund with
    George Soros in 1969, is among a handful of foreigners who bought
    shares in Iranian companies in the early 1990s, before Iran's
    parliament banned outside investment. The exchange let investors like
    Rogers keep their shares.

    Rogers says his holdings, which he declines to name, have risen ``an
    enormous amount.'' He says he's aware of Iran's attractions -- as
    well as its pitfalls. ``The country has oil, lots of minerals, a
    young population,'' Rogers says. ``Transparency is a problem. They
    only send me information about my companies when they want to.''

    Legal Traps

    Companies and investors that want to break into Iran need to
    understand how to navigate legal and ethical traps like the one that
    rocked Statoil, says Arwa Hassan, program director for the Middle
    East at Transparency International.

    In 1979 and 1980, U.S. President Jimmy Carter imposed a series of
    bans on Iran that barred travel, trade and financial transactions
    after militants held 52 American embassy staff members hostage in
    Tehran for 444 days. In 1995, President Bill Clinton banned U.S.
    companies from helping to develop Iran's energy industry. In 1996,
    the U.S. Congress authorized the president to impose sanctions on
    non-U.S. companies that invested more than $20 million in Iran's
    energy assets.

    Interest From Europe

    European and Asian companies aren't bound by U.S.-style prohibitions
    against Iran -- and they're rushing to get a piece of the action.
    France's Total SA, Europe's No. 3 oil company, is in talks to
    construct a $2 billion liquefied natural gas plant. Alcatel SA, the
    world's second-biggest maker of telecommunications gear, is building
    Iran's phone system and supplying lines for high-speed Internet

    In February, Japan's state-run oil company, Inpex Corp., and Osaka,
    Japan-based trading company Tomen Corp. agreed to spend $2.5 billion
    to develop the Azadegan oil field.

    Michael Thomas, an adviser to the U.K. Department of Trade and
    Industry, says Iran is ripe for foreign investment. ``Iran has
    everything the West needs: cheap energy, lots of raw material and a
    large labor pool,'' he says.

    Statoil pursued Iran's oil and natural gas. The North Sea reserves
    that produced more than 90 percent of Statoil's output began to
    decline in 1999. Hubbard, the former executive vice president, said
    in a January interview that the onus of finding new fields fell to
    him as head of international exploration. Fjell and Loeddesoel
    declined to comment for this story.

    Meeting With Junior

    In a letter given to Statoil's board after his resignation, Hubbard
    said that when he got a chance to talk with the son of Iran's former
    president, he took it. In 2001, Hubbard met Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani,
    whom he called Junior, in Statoil offices in Bergen.

    According to Hubbard's Oct. 22 letter, Mehdi Hashemi asked if Statoil
    would pay ``a success fee'' to develop the Salman oil field in the
    Persian Gulf. Hubbard turned down the proposal after his development
    team rejected Salman on technical and cost grounds. ``Junior led us
    to believe several companies had paid success fees for various
    contracts,'' Hubbard wrote.

    Mehdi Hashemi made other proposals, Hubbard wrote. One was a plan to
    divert funds to Iranian Islamic charities, or Bonyads. Hubbard
    rejected those. In early 2002, he found one offer acceptable, he
    wrote in his letter: Mehdi Hashemi proposed acting as Statoil's
    political adviser and said he would commission a consulting agreement
    with Abbas Yazdi, 34, an Iranian who had set up Horton Investment and
    was living in London. In a September interview, Yazdi confirmed that
    he ran Horton.

    Consulting Deal

    In June 2002, Statoil and Horton Investment signed a formal agreement
    for an 11-year, $15 million consulting deal, Hubbard said in the
    January interview. Four months later, Statoil announced plans to
    invest $300 million to drill and pump natural gas from the South Pars
    field, the world's largest, with 800 trillion cubic feet of reserves.

    That December, Yazdi asked Statoil to wire $5.2 million to his
    account in Turks and Caicos, according to Hubbard's letter. A few
    months later, Statoil's internal auditors questioned the payment,
    says Jan Borgen, national director for Norway at Transparency

    ``The auditors became suspicious because of the size of the contract
    and the fact that Statoil paid a 35 percent lump sum, which is
    unusual,'' says Borgen, who followed the case as an official at
    Transparency International. The consulting agreement was for 11 years
    and Statoil paid 35 percent of the value after six months, he says.

    Hubbard confronted Yazdi about the transfer, he said in his letter.
    Yazdi said it had always been his intention to use an offshore
    account. ``There was a clear understanding that companies that are
    active in Iran are expected to contribute to the society one way or
    another,'' Hubbard wrote.

    Suing Iran

    Houshang Bouzari, 51, an adviser to Iran's oil minister in the 1980s,
    says doing business in Iran without paying someone in power is
    impossible. When he refused to pay a bribe, he says, he wound up in a
    Tehran prison. Now a Canadian citizen, Bouzari is suing the
    government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for torture, abduction and
    false imprisonment.

    In 1988, Bouzari left his post and set up an oil trading and
    consulting firm with offices in Rome and Tehran. Four years later, he
    says, he began working with Saipem SpA, Europe's second- biggest oil
    field services company, and Tecnologie Progetti Lavori SpA, an
    Italian subsidiary of France's Technip SA, Europe's largest oil field
    services company.

    With Bouzari's help, the companies secured a $1.8 billion contract to
    help develop Iran's South Pars gas field, the area Hubbard targeted a
    decade later. Bouzari would have made as much as $36 million, or 2
    percent of the total contract, he said in February 2002 in testimony
    at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, where he's taken his case
    against the Iranian government.

    Tortured in Prison

    Instead, Bouzari got nothing. On June 1, 1993, he told the court that
    three agents from Iran's Intelligence Ministry arrested him as he was
    finishing his morning coffee. They took him to Evin, a Tehran prison
    where Iranian political prisoners are detained. Jailers whipped the
    soles of his feet with metal cables and pushed his head in a toilet,
    he testified. On three occasions, he was told to prepare for his
    imminent execution, according to the court transcript.

    Bouzari spent more than eight months in prison. His wife paid $3
    million to Iran's Ministry of Information before he was released,
    court documents show. Bouzari then paid another $250,000 to secure
    his passport. He left Iran for Rome in July 1984 and emigrated to
    Canada in 1988.

    Bouzari testified he was tortured because he'd refused to pay $50
    million as a bribe to Mehdi Hashemi. ``I didn't believe at that time
    in paying money to a government official or son of the president,''
    Bouzari said.

    Pressed for a Commission

    In a February interview in London, Bouzari elaborated on his ordeal.
    ``Mehdi and Yazdi pressed me to give them a commission, but I didn't
    need the Rafsanjanis because I had done all the hard work in lining
    up the contract,'' he said. ``I was detained and tortured illegally.
    No shred of paper was ever presented to me or my family as to why I
    was jailed or tortured.''

    Bouzari sued in February 2002, seeking to regain the $3.25 million he
    says his imprisonment cost him. That May, Judge Katherine Swinton
    said she accepted the truth of Bouzari's testimony. She ruled the
    Canadian court had no jurisdiction over Iran as a sovereign nation.
    In December 2003, Bouzari appealed to Ontario's Court of Appeal,
    where the case is pending. While he waits, he has set up the
    International Coalition Against Torture, which aims to end
    state-sponsored abuse.

    ``I would have been killed had I tried to take this action in Iran,''
    Bouzari says.

    `Psychological Warfare'

    Mohammad Hashemi, 52, Rafsanjani's younger brother, dismisses such
    stories. He says his family is a victim of rumors, gossip and

    In a December interview at the former Saadabad Palace in northern
    Tehran, in a complex of buildings that once belonged to the deposed
    shah's sister, Hashemi says enemies of the Islamic regime are lying
    about the family wealth.

    ``This is part of the psychological warfare to create a rift between
    the people and their government,'' says Hashemi, who abandoned his
    studies at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1978 to join
    the revolution. He served as Iran's vice president from 1995 to 2001
    and headed state radio and television for 13 years. Today, he often
    acts as family spokesman with the international press.

    Tea and Almonds

    ``Our Mehdi has said he had nothing to do with bribery,'' Hashemi
    says, speaking over a snack of tea and salted almonds in a room
    furnished with Louis XVI chairs, silk wallpaper and a Persian carpet.
    ``If foreign companies want to do business, they should do so in a
    correct way without resorting to any middlemen.''

    Mehdi Hashemi declined telephone, fax and e-mail requests for an
    interview. In a March interview with the Shargh newspaper, a Tehran
    daily, he said he had no knowledge of Horton Investment and has had
    no consulting agreements with Statoil or Horton.

    The discovery that a Rafsanjani figures in controversy over money and
    power doesn't surprise Ali Ansari, an Iranian lecturer in Middle
    Eastern history at Exeter University in southwest England.

    ``Rafsanjani operates on the principle of what's good for him is good
    for the country,'' says Ansari, who has written two books on Iran:
    ``A History of Modern Iran Since 1921: The Pahlavis and After''
    (Longman, 2003) and ``Iran, Islam and Democracy: The Politics of
    Managing Change'' (Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2000).
    ``His family has long tentacles.''

    Rafsanjani stepped down as president in 1997 after serving Iran's
    limit of eight years. Today, he leads the religious organizations
    that shadow Iran's official government. He's deputy chairman of the
    Assembly of Experts, which appoints Iran's Supreme Leader, the
    ultimate political and religious authority. In 1999, the assembly
    named Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to the post.

    Extending His Reach

    Rafsanjani also heads the Expediency Council, which sets strategic
    economic policy and mediates between parliament and the Guardian
    Council, a 12-member clerical body that oversees parliament. ``He is
    one of the most powerful men in Iran,'' Ansari says. ``His reputation
    is that of a Mr. Fix-it.''

    Rafsanjani extends his reach through his family. Cousin Ahmad
    Hashemian is managing director of the Rafsanjan Pistachio Growers
    Cooperative, which dominates the $746 million pistachio export
    market, according to the Web site of Iran's Customs Ministry.

    Older brother Ahmad, now retired, headed the Sarcheshmeh complex,
    Iran's largest copper mine. Another brother, Mahmud, was governor of
    Qom, Iran's most important holy city. Nephew Ali Hashemi, 43, is a
    member of the parliamentary energy commission that oversees oil and
    gas policy. Mohsen Rafiqdoust, 63, Rafsanjani's brother-in-law, was
    Khomeini's driver and head of security when the ayatollah arrived
    from exile.

    Role of Bonyads

    One way the Rafsanjanis and other clerical families maintain their
    grip is through the Bonyad foundations, says Shaul Bakhash, a
    visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, a Washington- based
    research organization.

    After the revolution, the Bonyads expropriated assets of foreigners
    and the former shah's friends, says Bakhash, who has written
    extensively on Iran and is the author of ``The Reign of Ayatollahs:
    Iran and the Islamic Revolution'' (Basic Books, 1984).

    Companies under Bonyad control account for as much as a third of
    Iran's economy, he says. The Bonyads don't disclose their accounting
    or pay taxes; they get subsidized loans and report only to the
    Supreme Leader, he says. ``The economic power structure is even more
    opaque than the political system,'' Bakhash says. ``The Bonyads
    funnel money to senior religious figures for patronage and suspected
    clandestine activities.''

    Links to Terrorism?

    The Bonyads have been linked with funding terror organizations, he
    says. In 1989, Bonyad 15 Khordad offered $1 million to any
    non-Iranian who carried out Khomeini's charge to kill author Salman
    Rushdie for writing ``The Satanic Verses'' (Viking Press, 1989), a
    novel that mocks the prophet Mohammad. Over the years, the bounty has
    increased to $2.8 million.

    Rafiqdoust, Rafsanjani's brother-in-law, headed the biggest Bonyad
    for more than 10 years, until 1999. The Bonyad Mostazfan and
    Janbazan, or Foundation for the Oppressed and War Invalids, owns the
    former Hilton and Hyatt hotels in Tehran; Zam-Zam, Iran's largest
    soft drink company; Bonyad Shipping Co., a global shipper with
    offices in London and Athens; and industrial plants and real estate,
    according to its Web site.

    A 2000 World Bank report put the value of BMJ assets at $3.5 billion;
    Iranian economist Mohammad Jamsaz, a consultant to Iran's Chamber of
    Commerce, estimates the number is closer to $12 billion.

    Student of Khomeini

    Rafsanjani gained entry to Iran's political and religious elite early
    on. He was one of nine children born into a pistachio farming family
    from the village of Bahraman, near Rafsanjan, a dusty town in central
    Iran. When he was 14, his parents sent him to Qom, a seminary town on
    the northern fringes of the Dasht-e Kavir Desert.

    Khomeini taught classes there, and Rafsanjani studied Islamic law,
    morality and mysticism. Khomeini advocated giving clerics more say in
    running the country, an interpretation that contrasted with the then
    Shiite leadership, which shunned political entanglements, Bakhash
    said in his book.

    In 1964, Iran's military arrested Khomeini and exiled him to Izmir,
    Turkey, and Najaf, Iraq. Khomeini opposed the shah's policies on
    women's rights and land reform, under which the government
    accumulated property from Iran's mosques. He also fought the growing
    role of the U.S. military in Iran. During the next 15 years,
    Rafsanjani landed in jail five times for his own activities against
    the shah.

    Shah's Regime Falls

    The shah's regime fell in 1979 after his modernization plans and
    links to the U.S. sparked a revolution. Khomeini returned as a
    national hero and pushed his idea that only the religious class may
    rule. An assembly composed of 82 percent clerics changed Iran's
    constitution to create an Islamic republic.

    Rafsanjani stayed at the center of power. He was a member of the
    Revolutionary Council, which ordered executions of officials in the
    shah's regime, Bakhash writes. He was speaker of the Majlis, Iran's
    parliament, for nine years. He acted as Khomeini's representative on
    the Supreme Defense Council -- or war cabinet - - during the
    eight-year war with Iraq. The war ended in a stalemate in 1988,
    leaving a million casualties. In 1989, Rafsanjani was elected
    president, replacing Khamenei, the current Supreme Leader.

    Today, Rafsanjani's two terms are remembered for corruption and
    nepotism, says Mehdi Haeri, a lawyer in Bochum, Germany. Haeri,
    himself a former student of Khomeini and a classmate of President
    Khatami at Qom Theology School, spent four years in jail for
    criticizing Khomeini's ideas on Islamic rule.

    In 1997, Haeri testified before the U.S. House International
    Relations Committee in favor of continuing U.S. sanctions against
    Iran. ``In every major industry and in every financial activity, you
    find the Rafsanjani family somehow connected,'' Haeri said.

    Prevalence of Bribes

    Siamak Namazi, managing director of Tehran-based consulting firm
    Atieh Bahar Consulting, says bribes are prevalent in Iran. ``In a
    country where you have to pay off the postman to make sure your
    international packages are delivered, bribes can be a way of life,''
    says Namazi, who counts Nokia Oyj and BP Plc as clients.

    Nokia, the world's biggest mobile-phone maker, sells handsets in Iran
    and is seeking a contract to expand cell phone coverage. BP, Europe's
    biggest oil company, is negotiating with the oil ministry for
    drilling rights.

    `Zero Tolerance'

    BP spokesman Toby Odone says his company doesn't pay success fees or
    bribes. Nokia spokeswoman Arja Suominen says the company and
    employees won't pay bribes or illicit payments to government
    officials or candidates.

    ``You have to have zero tolerance toward bribery,'' she says. Namazi
    says he advises clients not to pay to win business. ``I would advise
    against paying a bribe,'' he says. ``You'll only bring fire upon

    At Statoil, CEO Fjell's resignation makes the case for Namazi's
    statement. ``Looking back, I see that I entered an ethical
    borderland,'' Fjell said at his September farewell news conference in
    Stavanger. ``This particular agreement shouldn't have been made. I'm
    struggling with the fact that I could allow that to happen.''

    Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Hossein Adeli says the
    Statoil episode would have blown over had the company been more open.
    A former central bank governor and ambassador to Canada, Adeli takes
    a deep breath, searching for the right words.

    ``If a Western company wants to come to Iran, should they pay someone
    to show them around and to help them navigate the Iranian market?
    Absolutely,'' he says. ``They have to pay. The only thing Statoil did
    wrong was to keep the payments a secret.''

    Foreign investors may not be so generous in their assessment. ``If
    there's a feeling a country has corrupt officials, it's bad for
    investors,'' says Karina Litvack, head of governance at Isis Asset
    Management Plc, a London fund manager with about 62 billion pounds
    ($111 billion) under management, including Statoil shares. ``It makes
    it risky because corruption breeds lawlessness.''

    Investors seeking riches in Iran are likely to run up against the
    Rafsanjanis. The challenge is to avoid the pitfalls.

    To contact the reporter on this story:
    --Kambiz Foroohar in London at [email protected]

    To contact the editor of this story:
    Ron Henkoff at [email protected]