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Iraq's neighbors to meet on Iraq reconstruction

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  • Iraq's neighbors to meet on Iraq reconstruction

    Xinhua, China
    April 21 2004

    Iraq's neighbors to meet on Iraq reconstruction

    MEXICO CITY, April 20 (Xinhuanet) -- The parliamentary presidents
    of Iraq's neighboring countries are to hold meetings next month in
    Amman, Jordan, to move forward the reconstruction of democratic
    institutions in Iraq after the United States transfers power to a
    local government.

    Parliamentary presidents of Iran, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan,
    Turkeyand Saudi Arabia would attend the meeting, Chilean Senator and
    President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Sergio Paez Verdugo
    said Tuesday during the 110th IPU assembly.

    A representative of the United Nations (UN) and a member of the
    Iraqi Governing Council will also participate in the meeting,

    About 1,500 people, 700 of them being legislators from 138
    nations, are taking part in the 110th IPU assembly in Mexico, which
    started Sunday and will end next Friday.

    During the assembly, the lawmakers expressed their concerns over
    the situation in Iraq and the worsening Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    after the assassination of Hamas leaders. They also called for unity
    of all nations in the fight against terrorism.

    The parliamentary presidents of Iraq's neighboring nations met
    Monday to discuss the situation in Iraq. During the meeting,
    lawmakers from Poland, Armenia, Palestine and the European Parliament
    demanded that the United Sates transfer power to the Iraqi people as
    soon as possible.

    At the 110th assembly, the legislators will also discuss
    post-conflict reconstruction, parliamentary contribution to fair
    trade and the importance of parliamentary democracy in protecting
    human rights.

    On Monday night, the assembly passed an additional proposal to
    include Israel's construction of separation wall into conference
    agenda, saying the separation wall is an obstacle to realizing peace
    between Israel and Palestine. Enditem