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BAKU: WAN concerned over attack on journalists

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  • BAKU: WAN concerned over attack on journalists

    Central Asian and Southern Caucasus Freedom of Expression Network
    (CASCFEN), Azerbaijan
    April 21 2004

    WAN concerned over attack on journalists

    CASCFEN - In a joint letter of protest sent on April 19, 2004 to the
    President Robert Kocharian of Armenia Seok Hyun Hong, President of
    the World Association of Newspapers and Gloria Brown Anderson,
    President of the World Editors Forum based in Paris have expressed
    concern by the attack on journalists. Following is the text of the

    "We are writing on behalf of the World Association of Newspapers and
    the World Editors Forum, which represent 18,000 publications in 100
    countries, to express our serious concern at an attack on four

    According to reports, on 13 April Avetis Babajanian and Ayk
    Gevorgian, reporters with the opposition daily Aykakan Zhamanak,
    Levon Grigorian, a cameraman with the Russian television channel ORT,
    and Mher Ghalechian, a journalist with the opposition weekly Chorrord
    Ishkhanutyun, were beaten while covering an opposition rally in
    Yerevan. Mr Grigorian was knocked unconscious during the attack and
    Mr Ghalechian was taken to a police station after photographing
    security officers outside the ransacked office of the opposition
    Hanrapetutyun party.

    The protest rally began on the evening of 12 April when about 15,000
    demonstrators marched towards the presidential residence calling for
    a referendum on presidential rule. In the early hours of 13 April,
    violence erupted and police used batons, stun grenades and water jets
    to disperse the crowd.

    This is the second assault on journalists covering an opposition
    rally this month. On 5 April police reportedly stood by while some
    two dozen assailants smashed journalists' cameras, assaulted
    reporters and destroyed film footage of the events.

    We respectfully remind you that it is the duty of the state to
    provide an environment in which journalists are able to carry out
    their professional duties without fear of intimidation. Such
    incidents foster a climate of fear that inhibits journalistic
    investigation and can promote self-censorship.

    We respectfully call on you to ensure that a thorough investigation
    into the attack is conducted and that those responsible are swiftly
    brought to justice. We urge you to do everything possible to provide
    an environment in which journalists are able to carry out their
    profession without fear of violence."