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Canadian Parliament recognizes Armenian genocide

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  • Canadian Parliament recognizes Armenian genocide

    Canadian Parliament recognizes Armenian genocide

    By David Ljunggren

    OTTAWA, April 21 (Reuters) - The Canadian Parliament on Wednesday
    ignored long-standing government policy and angered Turkey by formally
    declaring that Ottoman Turks committed genocide against Armenians in

    The House of Commons voted 153-68 to support a motion declaring the
    events of 90 years ago as genocide, despite a plea from Foreign
    Minister Bill Graham not to aggravate NATO ally Turkey.

    Armenians say some 1.5 million of their people were deliberately
    slaughtered by Ottoman Turks between 1915 and 1923. Turkey denies the
    charges of genocide, saying the Armenians were among the many victims
    of a partisan war raging during World War One as the Ottoman Empire

    Graham quickly issued a statement after the vote stressing the motion
    would not alter Ottawa's official policy, which is that while the
    events of 1915 were a tragedy, they did not constitute genocide.

    Our "position on this issue ... has not changed. Canada has had
    friendly and cooperative relations with Turkey and Armenia for many
    years. The Canadian government is committed to make these
    relationships even stronger in the future," he said.

    But the result looked certain to harm ties with Turkey and represented
    a sound defeat for the government, which had instructed Cabinet
    members to vote "no."

    Before the vote, Graham sent a letter to Liberal lawmakers saying he
    was "deeply concerned that it (the motion) could have far-reaching
    negative consequences" for Turkey and the region.

    "We must recognize we must have good relations with our NATO colleague
    in Turkey ... (which) is a very important NATO ally that we work with
    closely in many areas, including Afghanistan," he told reporters.

    Despite his efforts, no less than 75 Liberal legislators voted for the
    resolution. In recent years, parliaments in more than a dozen
    countries -- including France, Russia and Switzerland -- have adopted
    similar motions.

    Ankara has fought hard to block attempts to press for international
    recognition of the events as a genocide.

    "Certainly, relations with Canada will suffer as the result of
    adopting such a motion," Turkish Embassy counselor Fazli Corman told
    Reuters, citing the example of Canadian companies seeking to sign
    contracts in Turkey.

    France's parliament backed the Armenian case in 2001, prompting Turkey
    to freeze official visits to France and temporarily block French
    companies from entering lucrative defense contracts.

    The U.S. Congress dropped a similar resolution in 2000 after the White
    House warned it would harm U.S. security interests in the Middle East.

    (Additional reporting by Randall Palmer in Ottawa)

    04/21/04 20:54 ET