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German foreign minister presses Azerbaijan on human rights

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  • German foreign minister presses Azerbaijan on human rights

    Deutsche Presse-Agentur
    April 21, 2004, Wednesday

    German foreign minister presses Azerbaijan on human rights


    The oil-rich Caucasus republic of Azerbaijan should clean up its
    record on human rights and speed economic reforms to help its
    relations with the European Union, German Foreign Minister Joschka
    Fischer said in Baku Wednesday.

    Germany and the E.U., meanwhile, will redouble efforts to help
    resolve the simmering conflict around the ethnic Armenian enclave of
    Nagorny-Karabakh, Fischer said after talks with his Azeri counterpart
    Elmar Mammadiarov.

    The union places great importance on achieving stability in the
    Caucasus and was working on new policy suggestions to help calm the
    tense relations between countries in the region, he said.

    The minister welcomed the move by President Ilham Aliyev to amnesty
    numerous political prisoners in Azerbaijan after his election last

    But the measure must now be extended to cover all political
    detainees, he stressed.

    Azerbaijan, a Moslem former Soviet republic, has benefited from its
    huge oil reserves in recent years but has been destabilized by the
    conflict with Christian Armenia over the Nagorny-Karabakh region.

    A shaky ceasefire has held since 1994, but both sides front a heavy
    military presence against each other amid the continuing dispute. dpa
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