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Canada set to recognize Armenian genocide

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  • Canada set to recognize Armenian genocide

    Canada set to recognize Armenian genocide
    By David Ljunggren

    21 Apr 2004 19:17:29 GMT

    OTTAWA, April 21 (Reuters) - The Canadian Parliament looked set on
    Wednesday to overthrow long-standing government policy, and anger
    Turkey, by passing a resolution saying Ottoman Turks committed
    genocide against Armenians in 1915.

    Government sources said the motion was likely to be approved, making
    Canada's legislature one of the few in the world to describe what
    happened 90 years ago as genocide.

    Armenians say some 1.5 million of their people were deliberately
    slaughtered by Ottoman Turks between 1915 and 1923. Turkey denies the
    charges of genocide, saying the Armenians were among the many victims
    of a partisan war raging during World War One as the Ottoman Empire

    Ottawa's official position is that what happened was a tragedy but not
    a genocide.

    "It looks as though the government will lose. The Turks are not going
    to be happy about this," one senior government source told
    Reuters. The motion says Parliament should "acknowledge the Armenian
    genocide of 1915 and condemn this act as a crime against humanity".

    Ankara has fought hard to block attempts to press for international
    recognition of the events as a genocide. The Turkish embassy in Ottawa
    warned of negative consequences if the resolution was approved.

    "Certainly, relations with Canada will suffer as the result of
    adopting such a motion," embassy counselor Fazli Corman told Reuters,
    citing the example of Canadian firms seeking to sign contracts in

    Canadian legislators have regularly defeated similar resolutions over
    the last decade, in part because the governing Liberal party insisted
    its members vote no.

    But sources said Prime Minister Paul Martin, who took over last
    December promising more freedom for legislators, had decided not to
    issue voting instructions. Parliament is due to vote at about 7:30
    p.m. (2330 GMT).

    Liberal Member of Parliament Sarkis Assadourian, one of the backers of
    the resolution, predicted victory and dismissed what he said were
    warnings from the foreign ministry about the possible negative impact.

    "Justice delayed is justice denied. How long do people have to wait
    for the injustices of the past to be redressed?" said Assadourian, who
    says his parents survived the events of 1915.

    "Why do we have to be selective in our memories? If you're going to do
    it for one (genocide), why not do it for the others? Who is to say
    Armenian blood is less valuable than some other blood?" he told

    France's parliament backed the Armenian case in 2001, prompting Turkey
    to freeze official visits to France and temporarily block French
    companies from entering lucrative defense contracts.

    The U.S. Congress dropped a similar resolution in 2000 after the White
    House warned it would harm U.S. security interests in the Middle East.

    (Additional reporting by Randall Palmer in Ottawa)