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Michigan Armenians mark genocide by Turks

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  • Michigan Armenians mark genocide by Turks

    Michigan Armenians mark genocide by Turks

    The Associated Press
    4/22/04 2:02 AM

    DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) -- Armenian Americans are preparing to mark the
    89th anniversary of a mass murder that helped mark the the 1900s as
    the century of genocide.

    Before the Nazi slaughtered 6 million Jews, before the Khmer Rouge
    killed 1.7 million of their fellow Cambodians, before Rwandan Hutus
    killed 800,000 ethnic Tutsis, the Armenians of Turkey endured mass
    slaughter at the hands of the Ottoman Turks.

    Armenians say they lost 1.5 million people in 1915-23, during and
    after World War I, as Turkish authorities forced them out of eastern
    Turkey. Turkey says the death count is inflated and that the deaths
    were a result of civil unrest.

    But Adolf Hitler cited the killing of the Armenians as a precedent for
    his own slaughter of the Jews two decades later.

    "Kill without mercy!" the Nazi leader told his military on the eve of
    the Holocaust. "Who today remembers the annihilation of the
    Armenians?" Southeastern Michigan is home to about 40,000
    Armenian-Americans. On Friday, they start a series of events marking
    the 89th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

    Lawmakers, including U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., are pushing for a
    commemoration of the genocide. He Levin has signed a letter to
    President Bush urging him to officially call the deaths a genocide.

    The Rev. Daron Stepanian of St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church in
    Dearborn recalled the story of what Talat Pashah had declared when the
    killing started.

    Pashah was the leader of the Young Turks, a group of military officers
    who in 1908 staged a coup to overthrow the sultan who ruled the
    Ottoman Empire.

    "He said they would keep one Armenian in a museum so future
    generations would know what an Armenian looked like," Stepanian told
    The Detroit News.

    Each year, April 24 is marked as "Martyrs Day" because 400 Armenian
    intellectuals were rounded up and killed in Istanbul on April 24,

    Turkey, an ally of Germany and an enemy of czarist Russia in World War
    I, announced during the war that Armenians had been, for their own
    safety, evacuated to strategic hamlets so they would not be caught
    between Turkey and Russia.

    In reality, hundreds of thousands of Armenians were marched into the
    Syrian desert to die of thirst, exposure, starvation and disease.

    "The world should care," Stepanian said. "Hitler himself said, `Who
    remembers the Armenians?' Acknowledgement must come."

    "Righteous people have a moral imperative not to let the (Armenian)
    Genocide or the Holocaust go unremembered and unmourned," University
    of Michigan-Dearborn historian Dennis R. Papazian wrote in an opinion
    column in the Detroit Free Press. "To do so would be to make us less
    human and to encourage the repetition of evil."