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AAA: Leaders Congratulate Mp Assadourian on Passage of Genocide Res.

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  • AAA: Leaders Congratulate Mp Assadourian on Passage of Genocide Res.

    Armenian Assembly of America
    122 C Street, NW, Suite 350
    Washington, DC 20001
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]
    April 22, 2004
    CONTACT: David Zenian
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Washington, DC - The Armenian Assembly of America Wednesday night
    congratulated Canadian Parliamentarian Sarkis Assadourian, the
    Armenian-Canadian community and all Canadians on the recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide by the House of Commons.

    The historic vote passed by a margin of 153 to 68 Wednesday evening. The
    passage was a crowning achievement for Assadourian who has fought for
    Canada's recognition since the early days of his election to the House in

    "What the Canadian House of Commons did was a victory for upholding the
    truth and honoring the memory of the 1.5 million Armenians who perished in
    the first Genocide of the 20th century. We urge President Bush to re-affirm
    the Armenian Genocide following this historic North American development,"
    Assembly Board of Trustees Chairman Hirair Hovnanian stated.

    Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Co-Chairs Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and
    Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), for their part, said: "We applaud the Canadian
    Parliament for its decision to recognize the Armenian Genocide as a crime
    against humanity. This action should serve as an impetus for our Executive
    Branch to take a principled stand and reaffirm the U.S. record on the
    Armenian Genocide."

    Brought to the floor of the chamber as Motion M-380, the Canadian
    Parliamentarians gave their resounding approval to "acknowledge the Armenian
    Genocide of 1915 and condemn this act as a crime against humanity."

    Hours after the historic vote, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham
    distanced his government from the House of Commons decision.

    "We agree with the members of the House that the events of 1915 to 1923 were
    tragic. Canada has condemned the atrocities committed against hundreds of
    thousands of Armenians, including massive deportations and massacres ... The
    Canadian government also believes that the issue is essentially for the
    Armenian and Turkish governments and experts to resolve," Graham said.

    In a footnote, Graham's office said: "Debates and votes on private member's
    business in the House of Commons are an integral part of the Canadian
    democratic process, but private member's motions are not binding on the
    Government of Canada."

    But despite the reaction from the Canadian government, the vote remained a
    major victory for the supporters of recognition, which was almost ten years
    in the making.

    "We have all been waiting for this moment for ten years. It was a very
    emotional moment for the more than 200 Canadian-Armenians who were in the
    visitor's galleries of the House. As one MP stood up after another in
    support of the resolution, and the Speaker announced its passage, the crowd
    roared in applause and shouts of Bravo! Many people could not hold back
    their tears as they embraced each other," Assadourian's Legislative
    Assistant Daniel Kennedy said.

    In a telephone communication shortly after the House of Common's vote
    Wednesday night, Anthony Barsamian, Chairman of the Board of Directors
    personally thanked Mr. Assadourian.

    This was immediately followed by a letter of congratulations which read:

    "On behalf of Hirair Hovnanian and Carolyn Mugar, Chairman and President of
    the Trustees of the Armenian Assembly of America, we congratulate you, the
    Armenian-Canadian Community and all Canadians on this historic passage and
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the House of Commons."

    "We specifically thank Ms. Dalphond-Guiral of Laval Center for offering the
    resolution and you for your persistent effort and commitment in condemning
    this act as a crime against humanity and toward full acknowledgement and
    re-affirmation of the Armenian Genocide of 1915."

    "Armenian-Americans join today in thanking all Canadian citizens for your
    courage in standing up for truth and justice in order that the world shall
    never forget this crime committed against the Armenian people."

    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide
    organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian
    issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress