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ASBAREZ Online [04-21-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [04-21-2004]


    1) BREAKING NEWS: Canada Recognizes Armenian Genocide
    2) Turkey Deals Blow to EU Bid, Convicts Jailed Kurdish Activists in Retrial
    3) Anticipation Surrounds Canadian Parliament Vote
    4) TARC Sought to Gain Publicity, Not Results Says Mkrtchian
    5) Quebec's National Assembly Commemorates Armenian Genocide
    6) Kocharian, Ordway Discuss Millennium Challenge Account
    7) Construction of Modern Nuclear Power Plant a Viable Option



    OTTAWA (ANCA)--With an overwhelmingly favorable vote of 153 to 68 in
    Parliament today, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member Canada
    joined the growing number of nations that have formally recognized the
    Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
    The motion reads, simply "That this House acknowledges the Armenian genocide
    of 1915 and condemns this act as a crime against humanity.'
    "Armenians in America and throughout the world welcome this historic step by
    Canada," said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA. "The Canadian
    Parliament, in rejecting intense Turkish government pressure, took an
    step in further isolating Turkey for its shameful, international campaign of
    genocide denial."
    Today's action, which followed yesterday's second reading of the Armenian
    Genocide Resolution, Bill M-380, is the culmination of more than twenty years
    of work by the Armenian National Committee of Canada, (ANCC) in Ottawa,
    Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and throughout the country. An ANCC team has
    been in the nation's capital for the past several weeks representing the
    community's views on this matter.
    Bill M-380 was introduced last year by Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral (Bloc
    Québecois), seconded by Sarkis Assadurian (Liberal), Alexa McDonogugh
    Democratic Party), Jason Kenney (Conservative Party). On February 21st, the
    Parliament held its first reading, which included an hour of debate on the
    measure. Among those speaking in favor of the Resolution during the first
    reading were Derek Lee (Liberal), Eleni Bakopnaos (Liberal), Francine Lalonde
    (BQ), Stockwell Day (PC) and the Hon, Lorne Nystrom (NDP).
    The governing Liberal leadership paved the way for this vote by allowing a
    "free vote," meaning that individual members are allowed to vote their
    conscience, without any pressure or negative repercussions from their
    respective party leaderships.

    2) Turkey Deals Blow to EU Bid, Convicts Jailed Kurdish Activists in Retrial

    ANKARA (AFP)--A Turkish court convicted human rights award winner Leyla Zana
    and three other former Kurdish lawmakers in a retrial and ordered them to stay
    in jail, in a highly criticized verdict likely to hurt Turkey's aspirations to
    become a member of the European Union.
    The panel of three judges at the state security court here unanimously
    a 15-year prison sentence on Zana, Hatip Dicle, Orhan Dogan and Selim Sadak,
    confirming their 1994 convictions for membership of an armed Kurdish rebel
    Under Turkish law, the four former lawmakers, who have already been in jail
    for a decade, will be up for release in 2005.
    Wednesday's ruling was promptly denounced by the European Commission and
    European observers closely following the retrial which the European Court of
    Human Rights had ordered after finding the original 1994 proceedings unfair.
    The verdict "gives rise to serious concern in the light of the (EU's)
    political criteria and casts a negative shadow on the implementation of
    political reforms in Turkey," a spokesman for the commission said in
    In Ankara, Luigi Vinci--a member of the European Parliament, which awarded
    43-year-old Zana its Sakharov prize in 1995--described the verdict as
    "shameful" and said: "This verdict is an insult to the European Union and the
    European Court of Human Rights which had ordered a retrial."
    German parliament speaker Wolfgan Thierse, on an official visit to Ankara,
    also warned that the verdict could present an obstacle to the mainly Muslim
    country's efforts to integrate with Europe.
    "It will be very difficult for Turkey to overcome the effect that this trial
    will have abroad," Thierse told Turkish officials, according to German
    The retrial of Zana and her co-defendants--seen by the European Union as a
    test of Ankara's resolve to embrace European democratic norms ahead of a key
    December decision on whether to start membership talks--was also condemned by
    critics as flawed.
    "The court referred to our defendants as 'convicts' from day one. That
    finished it all. We have been knowingly striving for nothing for the past 13
    months," defense lawyer Yusuf Alatas told reporters.
    Stuart Kerr of the International Commission of Jurists--a Geneva-based
    watchdog of compliance with international law--also accused the court of
    "Unfortunately, we have not been satisfied that there has been a fair trial.
    Of particular concern was the violation of the presumption of innocence," he
    Alatas said they would appeal the verdict and go to the European Court of
    Human Rights again if need be.
    "I have to say with regret that I believe this trial will also be
    condemned by
    the European Court of Human Rights and this will be a first in the world," he
    The four defendants were not in the courtroom on Wednesday as they have been
    boycotting the proceedings in protest at the progress of the trial.
    Zana entered the Turkish parliament in 1991, becoming the first Kurdish woman
    to do so, and caused an uproar during her swearing-in ceremony by speaking
    Kurdish in the general assembly.
    In December 1994, the four were sentenced to 15 years in jail on charges of
    belonging to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
    The PKK led a 15-year bloody campaign for Kurdish self-rule in Turkey's
    mainly Kurdish southeast. It declared a ceasefire in 1998, and since the
    capture of its leader Abdullah Ocalan the following year, it has vowed to
    pursue peaceful means for political change.
    In 2001, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the trial against Zana
    and the others had been unfair because they had been unable to have key
    witnesses questioned and had not been informed in time of changes to the
    charges against them.
    They were allowed a retrial in March 2003 under democratic reforms Ankara
    adopted to bring itself in line with the EU.

    3) Anticipation Surrounds Canadian Parliament Vote

    OTTAWA--Canadian-Armenians anxiously await the outcome of the vote on M-380, a
    motion in the Canadian parliament acknowledging the Armenian Genocide and
    condemning it as a crime against humanity. The vote was scheduled for late
    The Canadian government has a history of a negative position vis-à-vis
    official recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and has actively lobbied
    adoption of motions on the Armenian Genocide.
    The understanding between the government and the Armenian National Committee
    of Canada this time around, is that the ministers constituting the government
    would be voting against the measure, but that members of parliament (MPs)
    belonging to the governing party would be allowed to vote according to their
    The Turkish Ambassador to Canada has also become involved, calling on members
    of parliament to vote against the motion, citing harm to Turkish-Canadian
    economic and political interests.
    Armenia's Ambassador to Canada, in turn, has written MPs, urging them to
    the resolution.
    Canadian companies SNC Lavalin and Bombardier urged parliament's Conservative
    Party members to strike down the motion, saying that its passage would harm
    economic interests of Canada and Turkey.
    Bombardier has a deal with Turkey to construct a railway; SNC Lavalin built
    the Ankara subway and has ongoing contracts with Turkey.
    Turks from throughout the US and Canada have been carrying out an extensive
    e-mail campaign against the adoption of the resolution, while the ANCC and the
    AYF of Canada, have conducted their own massive e-mail campaign in favor of

    4) TARC Sought to Gain Publicity, Not Results Says Mkrtchian

    YEREVAN (Noyan Tapan)--ARF's Levon Mkrtchian addressed the negative
    consequences of the Armenian Turkish Reconciliation Commission (TARC)
    during an
    April 21 seminar in Yerevan organized by the Nigol Aghbalian Student
    Association and the section of the Middle Eastern Studies Club dealing with
    Armenian Case. The seminar dealt with processes in gaining international
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide.
    Mkrtchian said that TARC not only disrupted the internal unity of the
    people, but it also hindered efforts to gain international recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide.
    Mkrtchian, who is the ARF faction head in Armenia's National Assembly,
    asserted that TARC was set up in the heat of struggling for the international
    recognition of the Genocide, when the process of international recognition of
    the Genocide was at a very successful level in the US. "The process had
    Europe, and there was real panic in Turkish circles, and among Turkey's
    Addressing TARC's goals, Mkrtchian said it was established more so for
    publicity than seeing results. "Certain persons with scientific or diplomatic
    experience united, and tried to speak with similar people from the neighboring
    The questions that consistently remained since TARC's inception, said
    Mkrtchian, were: "Who authorized that certain persons represent Armenia, and
    approved their level of representation; what were the primary topics of
    conversations; what fundamental approach was clarified, and to what degree did
    the approach consider the position of various Armenian political layers; and
    how informed is the Armenian society, or at least the political arena of
    the an
    established agenda?"
    Mkrtchian said that the 1998 inclusion of the international recognition of
    Genocide in Armenia's foreign policy agenda can be considered our greatest
    victory, because it has become, in essence, the Armenian government's
    policy to
    take care of national issues and pursue a solution within the framework of
    international law.
    "As a result of the persistent, decades-long effort--first in the Diaspora,
    then within Armenia, the pursuit for international recognition is yielding
    concrete results," said Mkrtchian, pointing to official recognition by the
    parliaments of various countries.

    5) Quebec's National Assembly Commemorates Armenian Genocide

    MONTREAL (ANCC)--The National Assembly of Quebec commemorated the 89th
    anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the presence of his Eminence
    Khajag Hagopian, Prelate of the Prelacy of Canada, as well as a delegation
    the Armenian National Committee of Quebec. In a motion that was passed
    unanimously, parliamentarians paid tribute to the 1.5 million victims of the
    Genocide and the resulting impact of the survivors as well as their progeny.
    The National Assembly of Quebec has commemorated the Armenian Genocide since
    1980, and in November 2003, passed a law designating April 24 as a day of
    commemoration for the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian National Committee of
    Quebec is a grassroots organization representing the interests of the Armenian
    Community in Quebec.

    6) Kocharian, Ordway Discuss Millennium Challenge Account

    YEREVAN (Armenpress/US State Dept.)--President Robert Kocharian met with US
    ambassador to Armenia John Ordway and USAID/Armenia Mission Director of Robin
    Philips, on Wednesday to discuss US humanitarian aid projects implemented in
    Armenia, as well as Armenia's participation in the Millennium Challenge
    (MCA), a program designed to spur economic growth and attract necessary
    investment to poorer countries seeking to finance their own futures.
    Under the MCA, qualifying countries propose specific programs to address the
    greatest obstacles to their development. MCA will be awarded to governments,
    non-governmental organizations, and private organizations, for programs that
    promote good governance, further economic reform and anti-corruption efforts,
    develop enterprise and the private sector, build capacity for trade and
    investment, raise agricultural productivity, and promote health and education.
    A new government corporation will administer MCA grants to ensure effective

    7) Construction of Modern Nuclear Power Plant a Viable Option

    YEREVAN (Armenpress)--Armenia's energy Minister Armen Movsisian said that
    Armenia's nuclear power plant will operate until an alternative energy source,
    with the capacity of producing the same amount of energy at equal cost is
    found. He added that the European Union's proposed $100 million in assistance
    covers only an eighth of the total funds necessary to find an alternative
    energy source.
    He suggested that the construction a modern nuclear power plant in Armenia
    presents a more viable solution than the option of producing alternative
    energy; however, Movsisian noted that Armenia's budget is unable to cover the
    immense cost in building a new plant.
    Asked about the handling of nuclear waste, the minister said that by way of a
    grant from the French government, dry warehouses currently in use were built
    for that specific purpose.

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