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Nova Scotia: Forever in her debt

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  • Nova Scotia: Forever in her debt

    The Halifax Herald, Nova Scotia, Canada
    April 22 2004

    Forever in her debt
    Armenians remember N.S. nurse who saved thousands of orphans
    By STEPHEN MAHER / Ottawa Bureau

    OTTAWA - A Nova Scotia woman was honoured Wednesday on Parliament
    Hill for saving the lives of thousands of orphans in 1922.

    Eighty-two years ago, Greece lost the city of Smyrna (now Izmir) to
    Turkey. After the city fell, Turkish soldiers massacred thousands of
    Greek and Armenian civilians and then set the city ablaze.

    Sara Corning, a Red Cross nurse from the Chegoggin area of Yarmouth
    County, helped to rescue 5,000 children, escorting them through chaos
    to the harbour, where they were rowed in small boats to safety aboard
    an American destroyer.

    A year later, Ms. Corning was decorated for her bravery by King
    George II of Greece, receiving the Silver Cross of the Knights of the
    Order of the Saviour, which is similar to the Order of Canada. She
    died in 1969 at the age of 97.

    On Wednesday, Bagrat Galstanian, the bishop of the Canadian diocese
    of the Armenian Apostolic Church, presented relatives of Ms. Corning
    with an encyclical - a papal letter - from Karikan II, the
    Catholocos, or pope, of the church.

    As Armenian-Canadians, dignitaries and relatives of Ms. Corning
    struggled to hold back their tears, the encyclical was read:

    "The name of the late philanthropist Sara Corning is very cordial and
    precious to Armenians living around the world. Despite grave dangers
    and difficulties in the Ottoman Empire, brought up by unprecedented
    massacres, as a nurse she brought care and help to the persecuted
    Armenians and those who survived unbearable tortures," the letter

    "More specifically, we acknowledge with deep gratitude her efforts to
    salvage several thousands of Armenian orphans from burning cities and
    rural villages. With her life and her accomplishments, Sara Corning
    confirmed to the world and condemned the great holocaust of the

    Ms. Corning's grandniece, Margaret Pedersen, who lives in Toronto,
    thanked the bishop for the letter.

    "It is a great honour to have this," she said. "And a full circle has
    been completed. And I think we should all rejoice."

    Ms. Corning, who trained as a nurse in New Hampshire, joined the
    American Red Cross during the First World War. She served in Turkey
    during the war and afterward ran an orphanage for Amenians at the
    foot of Mount Ararat.

    She described her experience in Smyrna in a letter to an alumni

    "The Turkish army was just taking the city as we arrived, but we went
    ashore and as the place was crowded with many sick refugees, we
    opened a clinic to care for as many of them as we could, but it was
    soon closed by the soldiers.

    "We then went to another place and opened up, but before we could do
    more than one or two dressings, they closed that also. After the city
    was looted, then they began to burn it down, then the refugees had to
    get to the shore, but many were drowned rather than be burned.

    "Then we had to evacuate Miss Morley's orphanage. They were counted
    carefully as they came out and I was sent with the first ones to the
    quay. From there they were taken by the sailors in small boats out to
    the destroyer."

    Canada became one of few countries to formally recognize the genocide
    of Armenian Turks during the First World War in a strongly worded
    motion adopted 153-68 in the House of Commons on Wednesday.

    Government members were discouraged from voting for the motion, which
    is sure to anger a Turkish government that has never recognized the
    massacre of 1.5 million Armenians starting in 1915.

    Nova Scotia MPs Alexa McDonough and Robert Thibault were present at
    the reception Wednesday. There was a display of photographs from the
    Yarmouth County Museum of Ms. Corning at work with orphans in Turkey.

    Mary Anne Saunders, Ms. Corning's first cousin twice removed and a
    volunteer at the museum, was one of the relatives present for the

    Sarkis Assadourian, the Armenian-Canadian Liberal MP for Brampton
    Centre, organized the reception. In the House of Commons late
    Wednesday, MPs voted 153-70 in favour of a private member's bill
    recognizing the massacre.

    Ms. Corning's relatives described her as a quietly determined woman
    who was motivated by her strong Baptist faith. She retired to the
    Chegoggin area in the late 1930s or early 1940s.

    Ms. Corning rarely talked to her relatives about her experiences in
    Turkey and Armenia, and her surviving relatives say they were in awe
    of her as children.

    "I think the people in my hometown were in awe of her because she had
    travelled so and she had done something wonderful," Ms. Saunders

    "And that didn't come to many of her family. They were farmers who
    stayed in the area, so she was really looked up to."

    Ms. Corning's headstone bears the epitaph: "She lived to serve

    Bishop Galstanian said that there is a lesson for everyone in the way
    Ms. Corning lived.

    "Looking at her story, we understand that justice shall prevail in
    this world," he said Wednesday.

    "For us, her memory is very, very dear. Unfortunately, we couldn't
    recognize her in her lifetime properly. But now we're happy that we
    have this opportunity to recognize her memory and pray to the
    Almighty for everlasting life for her."

    The bishop said we should remember the message on her headstone.

    "The memory of Sara Corning tells us to be dedicated and selfless
    people. This is a good model for us, for us to live and create and
    pray in this way."