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Overlooking the present

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  • Overlooking the present

    The South End, MI
    April 24 2004

    Overlooking the present
    Ali Moossavi
    Vibe Editor

    I have absolutely no problem with Holocaust Remembrance Day. This
    may come as a shock to those who confuse my anti-Zionist views for
    anti-Semitism, but my hatred for an apartheid state's settler
    colonial policies does not equate to respect for racist mass murder.

    Logic states that if I'm offended by one form of dehumanizing
    violence, then others will offend me equally. And I'm a logical
    person, or at least that's what the voices in my head tell me.

    What I do have a problem with is the use of one people's horror to
    justify another. The use of the Holocaust as a propaganda tool to
    justify the conquest and ethnic cleansing of Palestine is not only
    tired in its repetition or immoral as a phenomenon; it's also an easy
    target. There are other important topics to deal with, so I'll leave
    this one alone.

    Another aspect of Holocaust Remembrance Day that does annoy me,
    however, is the fact that only the Holocaust is noted. Some
    commentators in the Israeli press have noted this and suggest that
    steps should be made toward helping Armenians gain recognition for
    their 1915 genocide that claimed 1.5 million people by the Ottoman
    empire, now modern day Turkey.

    While well intentioned, it completely misses the point. Despite
    the necessity of studying and remembering past genocides, it doesn't
    do any good to sit back and self-righteously condemn other societies
    for their sins while ignoring one's own.

    This seems to be the case with the United States Holocaust
    Memorial Museum. On their Web site, they have something called
    "Genocide Watch," which currently includes Chechnya and Sudan. This
    may seem noble, and in fact it is, the problem with it is that the
    United States has little or nothing to do with these atrocities,
    either directly or indirectly.

    Considering that the museum documents a 65-year-old genocide under
    a country we were at war with, while pointing a human rights
    microscope away from our allies and ourselves and onto others, smells
    of moral dishonesty serving political interests. That's not what
    "never again" was supposed to mean.

    It would be braver - and more pertinent - to extract the universal
    lesson that the Holocaust teaches, which is that mass murder - in any
    form and for any reason - is universal.

    After all, unlike the Germans during World War II who for the most
    part didn't know what was going on in the east, mass murder has been
    with American politics since this country's founding and has been
    well-documented. Yet, despite its relatively well-known existence,
    Americans have sat idly by, with some celebrating it, while others
    pretend to know nothing.

    Take the genocide against Native Americans, for example. It is now
    widely known that millions of indigenous people were killed over a
    period of almost two centuries, either through conventional or
    biological warfare (remember those smallpox-infected blankets?) for
    the purpose of stealing their land.

    It was an American Lebensraum, genocide and expansion, much like
    Hitler's conquest of Eastern Europe. Yet no museum exists to
    commemorate it, or anything that happened since then, including

    No one ever thinks of the Vietnam War as mass murder. Yet that's
    exactly what it was. The United States and its South Vietnamese
    allies killed at least two million Vietnamese during the war, which
    lasted from 1965-1973, when the direct American role ended, followed
    by the fall of Saigon in 1975. Many of those deaths resulted from the
    enormous aerial bombardment, but a significant proportion also
    occurred from rampaging American soldiers.

    This isn't to say that all American GIs were rampaging killing
    machines. Many of them became outspoken critics of the war and their
    efforts led to the Winter Soldier hearings in Detroit, where
    testimonies regarding the many massacres that made up the war were

    An elite Army unit called, "Tiger Force," carried out one such
    massacre, which lasted over a period of seven months in South
    Vietnam's Central Highlands, in 1967. Hundreds of villagers were
    killed, by being blown up with grenades or shot execution style. Then
    their bodies were mutilated by having their ears cut off to make

    Worst of all, commanders knew that these things were going on, yet
    did nothing. In fact, a four-year investigation by the Army, which
    went all the way to the Pentagon and the White House, was kept secret
    and no charges were filed when it was dropped in 1975. The only
    reason anybody knows about this is because of an investigation
    conducted by the Toledo Blade newspaper.

    Incidentally, the Secretary of Defense in 1975 is also the Defense
    Secretary now - Donald Rumsfeld. Mass murder of the kind that
    occurred in 1967 is probably happening in Iraq now, and remembering
    the Holocaust isn't going to stop it unless immediate action is

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress