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CR: Honoring the 89th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide - Meehan

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  • CR: Honoring the 89th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide - Meehan cgi?WAISdocID=7832582351+0+0
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    of massachusetts

    in the house of representatives

    Thursday, April 22, 2004

    Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to commemorate the 89th anniversary
    of the Armenian Genocide, in which 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and
    children were brutally massacred by the Ottoman Turk regime. The
    Armenian Genocide was one of the darkest tragedies in human history,
    one that must never be forgotten.
    On April 24, 1915, nearly three hundred Armenian intellectuals and
    political leaders were rounded up, deported and executed under the
    orders of the Ottoman Turk Regime, marking the beginning of the first
    genocide of the 20th century. Later that day, 5,000 more Armenians were
    slaughtered in their homes and on the streets. For 5 years, the brutal
    regime carried out the systematic destruction of the Armenian people
    through forced labor, concentration camps, and death marches, until
    millions were dead or exiled.

    [[Page E630]]

    As we look back on the bloodshed and atrocities committed against the
    Armenian people, we must recognize the event for the genocide that it
    was. As Henry Morgenthau, Sr., the former Ambassador to the Ottoman
    Empire stated, ``I am confident that the whole history of the human
    race contains no such horrible episode as this. The great massacres and
    persecutions of the past seem almost insignificant when compared to the
    sufferings of the Armenian race in 1915.''
    To deny this truth is to tarnish the memories of the millions of
    Armenians who lost their lives to ethnic cleansing. As a member of the
    Congressional Armenian Caucus, I have joined my colleagues in sending a
    letter to President Bush urging him to acknowledge the Armenian
    Genocide during his April 24th commemoration address. By drawing
    attention to the legacy of this genocide, we can strengthen our resolve
    to prevent future human tragedies of this kind.
    I am proud to represent a large and vibrant Armenian community in the
    Fifth Congressional District of Massachusetts. Every year, survivors
    and their descendants make public and vivid the hidden details of the
    Armenian Genocide as they participate in commemoration ceremonies
    across the Merrimack Valley. In my hometown of Lowell, the Armenian-
    American Veterans Honor Guard will lead a procession to City Hall for a
    flag raising ceremony in recognition of the 89th anniversary of the
    genocide. The commemoration offers participants an opportunity to
    remind the world of the tragedy that befell Armenians of the Ottoman
    I am honored to add my voice to those of my colleagues today in
    commemorating the Armenian Genocide. We will never forget the truth.