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Armenian vote marks a turning point: MPs acknowledge the genocide

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  • Armenian vote marks a turning point: MPs acknowledge the genocide

    Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia)
    April 24, 2004 Saturday Final Edition

    Armenian vote marks a turning point: MPs acknowledge the genocide
    despite the prime minister's wishes

    by: Adrian Dix

    April 24, 1915, 89 years ago today, was one of the most significant
    and tragic days of the 20th century. On that date, the Ottoman Empire
    arrested and murdered hundreds of Armenian community leaders and
    intellectuals. It was the beginning of the Armenian genocide -- the
    first genocide of the 20th century.

    On Wednesday, the House of Commons voted 153-68 in favor of a motion
    to "acknowledge the Armenian genocide and to condemn it as a crime
    against humanity." The motion passed in spite of the opposition of
    Prime Minister Paul Martin and his cabinet and exposes not only the
    difficulty in defending human rights against crass self-interest, but
    the emptiness of the federal Liberal rhetoric about the "democracy

    The scope of the horror perpetrated against Armenians by the
    government of the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1918, atrocities
    that were renewed by the post-First World War Turkish state between
    1920 and 1923, is virtually impossible to comprehend. An estimated
    1.5 million Armenians died between 1915 and 1923 as the result of
    systematic state policies of starvation, deportation, torture and

    Genocide is defined as "the organized killing of a people for the
    express purpose of putting an end to their collective existence."
    Before the First World War, there were two million Armenians in the
    Ottoman Empire. By 1923, the entire Armenian population of the region
    had been expunged either through death or deportation.

    Armenak Deragopian, an Armenian-Canadian living in Vancouver,
    testifies to his family's experience: "My father's family was
    massacred -- about 16 people. My father survived because he was
    working in Egypt at the time of World War One and was unable to
    return to his home region. My mother managed to escape but much of
    her family was massacred as well."

    In the wake of the First World War, recognition of the Armenian
    genocide was pushed aside by political considerations as the
    victorious powers carved up Europe and the Middle East and dealt with
    the emerging Turkish state and the Soviet Union.

    An avalanche of evidence demonstrates the scope of the Armenian
    genocide -- from eyewitness reports to comprehensive inquiries. And
    many governments including Sweden, France, Switzerland, Holland and
    Belgium have formally recognized the Armenian genocide and have
    joined in the April 24 commemoration. Several leading NATO powers
    have not -- including the United States, Great Britain and Canada.
    These countries have refused to recognize genocide for fear of
    offending Turkey -- a strategic NATO ally.

    Turkey has fought hard to deny international recognition of the
    Armenian genocide, using both its strategic position in the Western
    Alliance and its growing economic power to block recognition efforts.
    In 2000, the U.S. House of Representatives withdrew a motion on the
    genocide under pressure from the Clinton administration after Turkey
    threatened to deny access to its airspace for missions to Iraq.

    When the French National Assembly passed a motion in 2000 to
    recognize the genocide, the Turkish government cancelled a number of
    important contracts for French companies.

    The effort by the federal Liberal cabinet to block the Canadian
    motion this week was motivated by similar concerns. Bombardier and
    SNC-Lavalin are bidding on a major contract to extend the subway
    system in Ankara. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce lobbied on their
    behalf to oppose the passing of the Armenian motion, fearing
    retaliation against Canadian economic interests.

    Once the motion was passed, in the absence of the prime minister,
    Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham issued a statement stating that
    Canada's position "had not changed."

    He added: "Canada has had friendly and co-operative relations with
    Turkey and Armenia for many years. The Canadian government is
    committed to make these relationships even stronger in the future."

    If nothing else, the vote recognizing the Armenian genocide
    illustrates the hollowness of the prime minister's commitment to end
    the "democracy deficit." Reacting to the vote, Martin suggested that
    "Parliament and the government could have different views. And that,
    in fact, is one of the great benefits of dealing with parliamentary
    reform and parliamentary democracy."

    What is the point of having more "free votes" if they are
    pre-determined as meaningless in terms of government policy by the
    prime minister himself? This is not parliamentary reform. Martin is
    furthering the democracy deficit by debasing our democratic

    After all, the government of Canada is a reflection of a majority in
    Parliament, not a benign dictatorship that can accept or reject the
    view of elected members of Parliament. Martin is prime minister
    because a majority of members of Parliament elected by the voters are
    Liberals. It is not because "he knows better."

    Canada's MPs are to be praised for standing up against the prime
    minister in recognizing the Armenian genocide. This is a victory for
    the value of historical memory over self-interest. This April 24, the
    memory of those who lost their lives in the genocide will not have
    been forgotten.

    Perhaps too, this vote can represent a turning point in the revaluing
    of Canadian democratic institutions. Given the reaction of the prime
    minister, however, the goal of erasing the democracy deficit seems
    far away.

    Adrian Dix was an adviser to the New Democratic Party government.