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Glendale: Cable shows debate merits of Americana

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  • Glendale: Cable shows debate merits of Americana

    Glendale News Press
    April 24 2004

    Cable shows debate merits of Americana

    Armenian-language TV hosts said to be claiming project will drive
    Armenians out of Glendale.

    By Josh Kleinbaum, News-Press

    GLENDALE - Viewers of local Armenian-language television programs
    said that several hosts, including Vrej Agajanian of ABC TV Live,
    have argued that the proposed Americana at Brand development will
    drive Armenian Americans out of Glendale and will not provide jobs
    for them.

    Agajanian denied bringing the ethnicity issue into the Americana

    "On my program, people were raising that," Agajanian said. "On the
    program, it's a call-in show. Those were the people who were saying

    Viewers said Agajanian told his audience that the project will drive
    up land values in southern Glendale, raising rents and forcing
    Armenian Americans to leave the city.

    Agajanian said his criticism of the Americana focuses on the harm to
    existing business owners.

    "I'm hearing from small businesses that they're worried," Agajanian
    said. "I'm very close to people, and they convey their message to me.
    They are worried."

    The project's proponents, including City Councilmen Rafi Manoukian
    and Bob Yousefian - both of whom are Armenian American - called the
    ethnicity argument nothing more than fear tactics.

    "I had heard this thing," Yousefian said. "He said, 'If they're going
    to be charging so much rent, isn't it going to be pushing up rents in
    all of Glendale?' No, it's not. Just because high luxury items and
    houses are selling for several million dollars, that doesn't mean a
    house built in the '20s is going to sell for the same price."

    At a March 30 City Council meeting, developer Rick Caruso questioned
    Agajanian's objectivity, claiming that Agajanian said he could
    deliver the Armenian vote if Caruso put him on his payroll.

    "I told him, you have to change the project," Agajanian said at the
    time. "I'm willing to help you change the project to work. We didn't
    discuss payment or money. Now, it becomes a personal matter. I will

    The council on Tuesday approved the business terms and environmental
    impact report for the 15.5-acre commercial and residential campus in
    downtown Glendale. It will vote Tuesday on necessary zoning changes
    to allow for the residential component.

    Caruso disputed the claim that the project will drive Armenian
    Americans out of Glendale, saying that his project adds 338 housing
    units to the city.

    "The value of rental units is dependent on supply and demand," Caruso
    said. "What we're doing, we're adding more units to the market. If
    anything, we're creating more opportunities for people to live in
    Glendale, not less.

    "Wouldn't it be great if the land values do rise, and everybody in
    Glendale who owns homes, including the Armenian community, benefits
    from this project? And that will happen. That doesn't mean people are
    going to be driven out of town. People are going to be wealthier."

    Agajanian's show appears on Charter Communications Channel 26 at 10
    a.m. Sundays.