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Dept. of Style: Word Problems

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  • Dept. of Style: Word Problems

    New Yorker, NY
    April 26 2004

    Issue of 2004-05-03

    Among the many peculiarities of Times house style - such as the
    tradition, in the Book Review, that the word `odyssey' refer only to
    a journey that begins and ends in the same place - one of the more
    nettlesome has been the long-standing practice that writers are not
    supposed to call the Armenian genocide of 1915 a genocide. Reporters
    at the paper have used considerable ingenuity to avoid the word
    (`Turkish massacres of Armenians in 1915,' `the tragedy') and have
    sometimes added evenhanded explanations that pleased many Turks but
    drove Armenian readers to distraction: `Armenians say vast numbers of
    their countrymen were massacred. The Turks argue that the killings
    occurred in partisan fighting as the Ottoman Empire collapsed.'

    The quirk was not strictly policed, and a small number of writers,
    intentionally or otherwise, managed to get the phrase into the paper.
    Ben Ratliff wrote, in 2001, that the Armenian-American metal band
    System of a Down `wrote an enraged song about the Armenian genocide
    of 1915.' Another writer who slipped it in was Bill Keller, in a 1988
    piece from Yerevan, during his time at the paper's Moscow bureau:
    `Like the Israelis, the Armenians are united by a vivid sense of
    victimization, stemming from the 1915 Turkish massacre of 1.5 million
    Armenians. Armenians are brought up on this story of genocide.'

    Keller, who became the paper's executive editor last July, finally
    changed the policy earlier this month. During a telephone
    conversation the other day, he said that his reporting in Armenia and
    Azerbaijan `made me wary of reciting the word `genocide' as a casual
    accusation, because in the various ethnic conflicts that arose as the
    Soviet Union came apart everyone was screaming genocide at everyone
    else.' He said, `You could portray a fair bit of the horror of 1915
    without using the word `genocide.' It's one of those heavy-artillery
    words that can get diminished if you use them too much.'

    Most scholars use the United Nations definition of genocide, from the
    1948 Genocide Convention: killing or harming people `with intent to
    destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or
    religious group.' But, Keller says, `we were using a dictionary
    definition that was the purist definition - to eliminate all of a race
    of people from the face of the earth.' The Times' position was based
    on the notion that the systematic killing that began in 1915 applied
    mainly to Armenians inside the Ottoman Empire.

    Last July, the Boston Globe started using the term, which, Keller
    says, `made me think, this seems like a relic we could dispense
    with.' In January, the Times ran a story about the release in Turkey
    of `Ararat,' Atom Egoyan's 2002 movie about the events of 1915. The
    piece, which referred to `widely differing' Turkish and Armenian
    positions, prompted Peter Balakian, a professor of humanities at
    Colgate, and Samantha Power, the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning
    book `A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide,' to write
    a stinging letter to the editor. Balakian also got in touch with
    Daniel Okrent, the paper's new public editor, asking if he and Power
    could come in and talk to the Times about the genocide style problem.
    Okrent found the issue `intellectually interesting and provocative
    enough that I thought Keller and Siegal' - Allan M. Siegal, the paper's
    standards editor - `might be interested.' Balakian and Power, joined by
    Robert Melson, a Holocaust survivor and Purdue professor, met Keller
    in his office on March 16th. Before the meeting started, Keller told
    the group that he was going to make the change. `A lot of reputable
    scholarship has expanded that definition to include a broader range
    of crimes,' Keller said later. `I don't feel I'm particularly
    qualified to judge exactly what a precise functional definition of
    genocide is, but it seemed a no-brainer that killing a million people
    because they were Armenians fit the definition.'

    Siegal drew up new guidelines. `It was a nerdy decision on the
    merits,' he said. Writers can now use the word `genocide,' but they
    don't have to. As the guidelines say, `While we may of course report
    Turkish denials on those occasions where they are relevant, we should
    not couple them with the historians' findings, as if they had equal
    weight.' Okrent pointed out that `the pursuit of balance can create
    imbalance, because sometimes something is true.' Although the word
    `genocide' was not coined until 1944, a Times reporter in Washington
    in 1915 described State Department reports showing that `the Turk has
    undertaken a war of extermination on Armenians.' You might say it has
    been a kind of odyssey.

    - Gary Bass