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Karen Jeppe in The Danish Peace Academy Archives

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  • Karen Jeppe in The Danish Peace Academy Archives

    The Danish Peace Academy
    Karen Jeppe : Denmark's First Peace Philosopher

    By Eva Lous 2003
    Karen Jeppe together with Misak
    and Hadjim Pasha

    The story of Karen Jeppe could begin in many ways. For example, it
    might begin with a bronze statue of her in the State Library in
    Aarhus. Or it might begin with her birth in Gylling parish in 1876 or
    it might begin in 1903, the year when she went to Turkey, more
    precisely to Urfa, East of the Eufrat.

    Really the story should begin with the Danish linguist and author Aage
    Meyer Benedictsen (1866-1927).

    I settle for the traditional intro, starting with the birth of Karen

    Her father was a teacher at the school in Gylling, and very well
    educated for his time. He had studied in England and originated from
    Als, so he spoke both English and German. A modern man, he advocated
    the idea that women should also have an education. He started to teach
    Karen at an early age, and before she was six years old, she read the
    historic novels by Ingemann. By the age of 13 she was sent to her
    fathers relatives in Als to learn German After her homecoming, her
    father continued her education until 1893, when she became a resident
    pupil at the Ordrup Grammar School.

    Here the legendary H.C.Frederiksen was headmaster, and boys and girls
    were taught together not usual at the time. Karen became a sort of
    adoptive daughter to Frederiksen, called Friser, after she had
    insisted, knowing well that she could not live in their house, on
    having a place to sleep there. The outcome was that she stayed on,
    until her school certificate in 1895, and several years later.

    Karen's father intended her to become a doctor, but she would study
    mathematics and started, but she had to give it up. She felt that the
    work load was too heavy, and that she could not cope. She was ill for
    two years! Whether it was only due to disappointment and nerves, or
    whether there was also a physical cause for her long confinement,
    history does not say. But nevertheless she started teaching at Frisers
    school and a competent teacher she was, who took care especially of
    difficult and uncooperative pupils. At this school she also met her

    One evening in 1902 Friser read aloud to the pupils at the school. It
    was an article writtenarticle written by Aage Meyer Benedictsen, and
    it dealt with the persecutions of the Armenian people at the end of
    the past century. When shortly afterwards Benedictsen lectured in
    Copenhagen, they went there to listen. An engaging orator, he ended
    his talk by a cry for help to the Armenian people passed on from an
    old Armenian.

    Aage Meyer Benedictsen was an unusual man. He was one of the first
    Danish cosmopolitans and champions of Human Rights a true man of
    Peace. An educated philologist, he travelled to learn languages of
    East Europe, Kurdistan, Persia, India, Borneo, the West Indies,
    Ireland and Armenia. As time passed, the ethnologic studies occupied
    him more than the purely linguistic. He became an anti-colonialist,
    straining himself for the right of minor peoples to self-government
    and so also freedom of language and religion. In particular the
    persecution of the Armenians occupied him, and during one of his
    travels to Persia he visited the German Orient Mission in Urfa, which
    had started an orphanage, a school and a production of carpets for
    export. Leader was the German clergyman Johannes Lepsius. When
    Benedictsen returned to Denmark in 1902, he took the initiative to
    start The Danish Friends of Armenians.

    Karen Jeppe was deeply moved by his lecture, and as Ingeborg Sick
    wrote in her book on Karen Jeppe: The thought of the children, whom
    the massacres left in the streets and roads, would not leave her And
    one day in the spring of 1903 the thought, refused by her, comes up
    from her subconscious with an imperative:You must. (Sick, 1936, p.27)

    She contacted Benedictsen, who could tell her that Dr.Lepsius was just
    looking for a woman teacher for the school. She would receive a
    salary, but would have to pay her passage.

    The Danish Friends of Armenians had a sturdy friend in squire Hage of
    Nivaagaard, and he was willing to pay for Karen's travel.

    Then where was she going?

    Since 1991 Armenia is an autonomous republic with much the same
    borders as original Armenia. Bordering on Georgia in the North,
    Azerbaidjan in the West, Iran to the South, and Turkey in the East.

    The last great conflict in the region took place in 1994, when Armenia
    conquered a strip of land from Azerbaidjan to Nagorno Karabakh, where
    the majority consists of ethnic Armenians.

    Armenias history goes back to very early times. The first written
    sources stem from Herodotus, who described the conquest by the Persian
    king Darius in 520 B.C. . The next 400-500 years were marked by
    changing borders with different rulers.

    Decisive for the fate of the country was the fact that they became
    Christian. According to legends it was the very disciples of Jesus,
    Bartholomew and Thaddaeus, who brought the Gospel. Armenia has been
    officially Christian since ab.300, when the King declared Christianity
    the State religion. Gregorius also called the Bearer of Light became
    the first Armenian apostle, and by him the Armenian Church is called
    the Gregorian.

    Located between the Byzantine and the Persian realms, Armenia was
    exposed on all sides, and ar. 1000 the Turks conquered the region the
    result was a great emigration. Many Armenians went South to Cilicia
    later called Little Armenia.

    Here the Crusaders won an ally, and the close contact with the
    Europeans became significant among other things by a close contact to
    the Roman Catholic Church. During this period many convents and
    churches were built, which are there to this day.

    Around the middle of the 1400s the whole area was incorporated into
    the Osman realm, but Armenia had its own patriarchs both in Jerusalem
    and Istanbul, where they functioned as go-betweens between the small
    Christian population and the highest Islamic authority. The Christian
    population was on the whole allowed to do its own affairs for many
    years, until the end of the 1800s, when the Osman realm began to fall
    apart. Scape goats were to be found for the incompetence of the rulers
    and for the economic deroute, and very naturally this was the little
    group of Christians, who for centuries had stuck to their own religion
    and therefore were a minority. At the same time many Armenians were
    bankers and tradespeople and received the same role as the Jews in
    Europe in the past century. During the previous centuries the
    Armenians had settled around the entire Osman empire with a
    concentration in what is now the Easternmost Turkey, and down along
    the coast to the South.

    The Osman empire was not allowed to collapse, because Western powers
    England and France had an interest in controlling the passage between
    the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, thereby keeping Russia out of the
    Mediterranean. The Germans also got involved, they wanted to build a
    railway from Constantinople (Istanbul) to Bagdad.

    This conflict between the Great Powers ended at the outbreak of the
    First World War, but before that the Turks had tried to relieve the
    inner tensions by exterminating the strangers, those who were
    different, of another faith than the Moslem one. To begin with, about
    30.000 Greeks had to pay, then ab. 10.000 Syrians, in 1876 the round
    came to ab.20.000 Bulgarians, and in 1894 it fell to the Armenians.

    According to German accounts, during the years 1894 to 1896 more than
    88.000 people were killed. 2500 villages were destroyed, and 568
    churches met the same fate.

    Especially hard hit was the district around Urfa. Here were already
    many refugees, driven from the land districts. The massacre became
    known in Europe, but here more attention was paid to the great
    political game and the protests arising had little or no
    effect. American missionaries were in the area, among others running
    an orphanage, and they tried to take in and shelter as many as
    possible at the mission. The German Orient Mission was also present,
    and here Karen Jeppe was to work.

    Before Karen could leave, she had to persuade her father that she had
    taken the right decision. True, he himself had travelled much, but to
    send his daughter into the middle of the Osman realm, down to the
    infidels wearing scimitars and practising polygamy - this did not seem
    right to him. Neither did the local pastor and close friend Otto
    Mxller like the idea. But Karen was tough she would do it and just as
    when she, at the time, had herself lodged with Friser, this once also
    she had her way, and could leave with the blessings of both her father
    and the pastor.

    The travel to Urfa

    One of the narrow roofed streets in the bazaar.

    October 1, 1903 Karen Jeppe left home first by train via Berlin to
    Italy, from where she sailed to Istanbul, and on also by boat through
    the Marmara Sea to Ishenderun, where she was to have gone ashore, but
    there was an epidemic of cholera, so instead it was Mersin. During the
    travel she was in company with the Swiss diacon Jakob K|nster, who was
    also to work at the orphanage.

    Later Karen Jeppe wrote that she was at once fascinated by Asia the
    grand lines of the landscape, the cupolas of Istanbul in silhouette,
    the strong colors of the sunsets.

    >From Mersion they went by train to nearby town Adana here the rails
    stopped, and the rest of the trip was done first by horse wagon, then
    on donkeys.They were accompanied by a soldier, who was to protect them
    from robbers. The little company spent the night at a sort of inns,
    where people brought their own bedding and food, because there was
    only the bare clay floor. Karen found this exciting.

    When they approached Urfa, hundreds of people rushed to meet
    them. They wanted to come and see the foreign lady from Denmark. They
    brought fresh water, tea and food and served them on blankets brought
    for the purpose, they even had a horse so that Karen Jeppe could enter
    the town in proper state, but she refused the offer and mounted the
    donkey to which she had got accustomed, in order to cover the last

    The town had ca. 50.000 inhabitants, the houses had one or two
    stories, the streets so narrow that a loaded camel could just
    pass. Legend has it that Urfa is situated where the Ur of Abraham
    was. To Karen Jeppe all was new and much different from what she had
    been able to imagine: a whole world rushed over me.(Cedergreen Bech,
    p.22) Karen Jeppes work

    Before she could begin teaching, she had to learn the language. When
    after about a year she started work, she spoke Armenian, Arabic and
    Turkish, and she introduced new methods of teaching. This aroused
    attention, because her children learnt to read and write far quicker
    than those in the other schools.

    The leader of the Orient Mission wrote after a visit: Our school work
    has influenced considerably the system of teaching in a wide area
    around Urfa. Miss Jeppe has introduced sound and visual instruction
    with the result that normally gifted children, within a year, do not
    only learn to speak the language fluently, but have also acquired a
    writing capacity which hitherto took 2-3 years to achieve. From far
    away teachers come to get familiar with the method. A renewal of the
    entire Armenian school system seems to radiate from here. (Cedergreen
    Bech p.23)

    Undoubtedly, during her teaching days at the Ordrup Grammar School
    Karen Jeppe got to know the textbooks of the educationalist Kirstine
    Frederiksen (see Dansk Biografisk Leksikon) from 1889, where as
    something quite new she, among other things, warmly recommends visual
    instruction. Practical Liberation Philosophy

    Karen Jeppe proved to have a formidable talent for organizing. At the
    childrens home she got things in order, she thought ahead. No good for
    the children to get an education by books, if there were no
    possibilities of supporting them. She created workshops where the
    children, from an early age, learnt different crafts, a weave shed
    with corresponding dyeworks also got started. She also had plans for
    silk production, aiming at sale. The mission needed money for schools,
    food and housing. She wrote to the Danish Friends of Armenians, asking
    for help. No money in the till, but author Ingeborg Maria Sick
    encouraged her to send some of the famous Armenian needlework home,
    then the Friends of Armenians would sell them and send the money to
    Karen.This became the beginning of an extensive collecting and
    production of Armenian embroideries, later to be of great

    In 1908 Karen Jeppe went home to Denmark, partly for a holiday, partly
    to travel around the country and tell about her work among the
    Armenian refugees. While she was at home, the conflict was aggravated
    between the Young Turks and the old Osman regime. During many years,
    the Armenians had put their trust in the promises given by the Young
    Turks, that Christians and Moslems were to live peacefully side by
    side, when they came into power. But the promises proved to be
    empty. The Young Turks were strongly nationalist, wanting a state
    consisting of Moslems.

    New massacres took place in Cilicia, where 20.000-30.000 Armenians
    were murdered. The Young Turks blamed the government and deposed
    it. The Young Turks, when they came into power, did not give the
    Armenians the legal status promised to them. Nevertheless conditions
    got better for the Armenian population in the years up to World War
    1. On the whole there was no persecution, and several started
    different kinds of crafts, whereas others returned to cultivate their

    Karen Jepep, who had come back in 1908, untiringly continued her work
    to provide the daily bread for the Armenians. For a long time she had
    harbored plans of setting up minor agricultural settlements. Many
    refugees were former peasants, so she bought a piece of land in the
    mountains, where she, among other things, planted vineyards. To begin
    with, she lived in a small tent, and the locals did not understand
    that she dared at all stay so far away from the mission station,. But
    slowly she built up a good relationship to the Kurds and Arabs
    passing. She set cool water at the entrance drive, greeted them in
    their own language: God bless your father, she offered cigarettes and
    coffee, a common custom with the Arabs. Karen Jeppe got great help
    from the son Misak whom she had adopted, a few years after she had
    come to Urfa. Like many others he was an orphan, and at a time had
    confided in Karen Jeppe that when she first came to Urfa, he believed
    she was to be his foster mother. Karen Jeppe had also adopted a girl
    Lucia. She and Misak were married in 1913, on the anniversary of Karen
    Jeppes arrival in Urfa. All looked well the vineyard and the growing
    of vegetables were a success, the workshops associated with the
    childrens home functioned well, and conditions for the Armenians
    looked tolerable.

    The Turkish Genocide on the Armenians

    Armenian victims in one of the countless massacres.

    But the peaceful times were shortlived. World War 1 proved a
    catastrophe for the Armenian people. Turkey entered the war on the
    German side. In 1915 the Turks resolved that the Armenians were to be
    moved they were an unreliable population element!

    The Turks were efficient. Before the war there were ab. 1.8
    mio. Armenians in Turkey, after the war there were ab. 450.000. A few
    hundred thousands managed to flee either to Caucasus or to Syria.

    Karen Jeppe tried to help as best she could. She hid refugees under
    the floor of her house, she organized food and water for the caravans
    of Armenians driven through Urfa on to their last travel. The Turks
    were not so sophisticated in mass destruction, so their methods were
    to herd the men together and shoot them. The young women were often
    sold as house slaves, older women and children were also driven
    together, but these were sent out wandering, until they died of
    thirst, hunger and exertion.

    Karen Jeppe stayed on in Urfa during the war. Once she was attacked by
    spotted fever, and it was arranged for her go home together with a
    missionary, but she refused as long as she had refugees in her
    house. She helped many to flee by disguising them as Kurds and
    Arabs. By 1918 all refugees had left her house, and there was no more
    for her to do. For a year and a half she had had refugees living in a
    cellar dug under her house. Sick and nerve-racked she went home to
    Denmark. She was unhappy, she had had to leave her two children to an
    uncertain destiny.

    Karen Jeppe stayed in Denmark for three years. She more or less
    recovered, but the strength and energy which she had possessed earlier
    on, never came back. She said herself that something inside her had

    At the end of the war the Turks had lost, but they refused to honor
    the peace agreement laid upon them. Great parts of the land were
    occupied. Asia Minor (Cilicia), Syria and Lebanon by the French,
    Palestine and Jordan by the English. The Armenian state which the
    Western Powers had promised to set up, was very short-lived. The
    Russians conquered the original Armenia and incorporated it into the
    Soviet Union.

    Karen Jeppe in Aleppo

    Armenian children in lined up at the soup kitchen.

    Karen Jeppe decided to leave and find her people, wherever they might
    be. In 1921 she went to Aleppo in Syria, where she knew that many
    Armenian refugees had ended up.

    She was received by Misak and Lucia in Beirut. Danish Friends of
    Armenians had started publication of the periodical The Armenians
    Friend (Armeniervennen), and after her arrival in Syria Karen Jeppe
    wrote an article headed: Home Again. (Armeniervennen no 9-10,1921)
    Undoubtedly it was here that her heart was. Besides Misak and Lucia
    there were other well-known faces from Urfa, and the rumour that the
    girl from Urfa, as she was called, had arrived in Aleppo, spread

    She began to build up a childrens home, a soup kitchen, a medical
    clinic and a dressmakers workroom. The beginning was hard. There were
    only very few elderly women survivors from the war, and these were the
    ones who knew the ancient patterns and techniques. Incidentally one of
    the boxes with old embroideries, which Karen Jeppe had sent home to
    Denmark from Urfa during the war, had stranded in Aleppo, and no less
    incidentally it came to light now, and the workroom got
    going. Embroideries sent to Denmark brought as much money as the
    voluntary contributions. The idea behind the workrooms was still that
    the Armenians were to be educated to support themselves and get out of
    the refugee camps.

    By 1922 the situation worsened seriously. Refugees came pouring in,
    especially from Cilicia, where the French troops were in
    withdrawal. Many Armenians had gone back to their homes, believing
    that they would be protected by the French. Karen Jeppe and the
    League of Nations Working with the traditional Armenian embroidery in

    In 1921 Karen Jeppe was asked to join the League of Nations committee
    for release of Armenian women and children. The Danish delegate Henni
    Forchhammer, as one of the three women (the two others were professor
    Kristine Bonnevie of Norway and Anna Bugge Wicksell of Sweden) who had
    a seat in the League of Nations, had worked hard to have Karen Jeppe
    put on the budget of the League.

    Ever since the turn of the century, Henni Forchhammer had worked on
    the issue of the so-called White Slave Trade, where women were either
    abducted and forced into prostitution, or the problem arisen during
    World War 1, where women were deported and lived under slave-like
    conditions. Already before she went to the first Assembly in 1920, she
    had investigated the matter, and she used the contacts made in Geneva
    to obtain further information, especially about the Armenian women.

    >From the information gathered she could assess that most of the
    deported persons were Armenian women, and that by 1920 there were
    still at least 30.000 of these either in Turkish harems or with Arab
    nomads. Most of them lived under constraint, hoping for
    liberation. Quite a few statements about this had secretly reached the
    European and American mission stations working in the area.

    When Henni Forchhammer was able to provide this information about
    conditions such as these, it was because she had, for a long period of
    years, worked internationally among other things as Vice President of
    the International Council of Women (ICW), and thereby had contacts not
    only to women-political circles, but also to a number of
    politicians. Besides, the International League of Women for Peace and
    Freedom, who had their main office in Geneva, were well informed and
    gave great help. By 1920 they succeeded in having a commission set up
    especially to investigate the matter of the deported women and
    children of Armenia, Asia Minor, Turkey and the bordering
    countries. At the time Henni Forchhammer did not know Karen Jeppe
    personally, and at first she was not intended as a member of the
    commission, but instead a French woman, known as strongly in favour of
    the Turks, was appointed. From friends of Armenians all over the World
    protests were raised against the appointment of the French woman, and
    here Karen Jeppe was mentioned as the most likely candidate. She knew
    the local conditions and spoke both Armenian and Turkish. Henni
    Forchhammer did the hard work, ending in Karen Jeppe as a member of
    the commission the next year.

    Karen Jeppe herself, however, had second thoughts about the
    matter. During her travel to Aleppo she wrote in her diary:

    It appeared in letters from Miss Robinson (The Armenian Committee
    in London) that I am almost appointed to the Commission, and it
    overwhelmed me, since the difficult character and size of the
    entire task, if it is to be of any use, is too much for me. How
    would I supply for all these people ? It is quite certain that if
    I have got them out of the harems, then I will also be responsible
    for what becomes of them.And who will finance this huge enterprise
    ? I have very little trust in the whole affair.

    But it may a vocation. Well, then I must apply myself to it,
    however much I resist. (Quot. from Memories of Karen Jeppe,

    As it appears distinctly, Karen Jeppe was not eager to shoulder the
    task in particular the problem of providing for yet more people
    worried her. Later on, her work in the League of Nations proved an
    advantage to her.

    In 1922 the League of Nations granted the first money to the
    liberation of women and children, and Karen Jeppe stsrted working.

    By 1923, Henni Forchhammer was anxious to know whether luck would have
    it that the support continued. In one of her travel letters to her
    family at home she wrote:

    I have been very busy, partly with committee work, partly with
    talking to people to interest them in the work of Karen Jeppe. The
    case has been brought before the committee, I spoke, if I may say
    so, very well, after that professor Murray very warmly supported
    the proposal, then Karen Jeppe spoke quietly, but earnestly, it
    had a great effect, several spoke in favour, nobody against, and
    finally the motion was carried unanimously, and I was elected
    chairman of the Assembly, which meant that they have made me a
    deputy member instead of technical delegate to our delegation. But
    there is a long way ahead yet; when a grant is about, it has to be
    laid before the Finance Committee and also a Control Committee,
    and they are all people who only look at the ciphers and have no
    time to acquaint themselves with the realities of the case, so
    these must be influenced separately. (Quot. after Hanne Rimmen
    Nielsen, p.189)

    In a meeting a year later, where the economic support was again on the
    agenda, it was said: It is so little use, at which Karen Jeppe made
    maybe the shortest speech in the League of Nations, answering: Yes, it
    is only a little light, but the night is so dark. (Quot. from Dansk
    kvindebiografisk Leksikon, p.214). Fight against the white slave

    One of the Armenian women

    tattooed in Arabic captivity.

    To Karen Jeppe the economic support from the League of Nations meant
    that she could start work on liberating the deported women. Together
    with her faithful helpmate Misak she created rescue stations during
    1922 and 23, and a number of search stations. Both were geographically
    spread out, and the rumour of a way to rescue had the effect that many
    women and children fled and sought refuge in these small stations,
    from where they were later taken to Aleppo. Other women were simply
    bought off their Arab owners. One big problem was that many women had
    had children by their new owners, and found it difficult to leave
    them. Karen Jeppe has described how some of these men came to Aleppo
    to fetch their children, considered in fact the property of the
    man. In most cases they had to yield the child to the father, in other
    cases they succeeded in buying the child, and there were cases too
    when the mother chose to follow the man so as not to lose her child.

    Another problem was that many of the women, living in Arab families,
    had had their faces tattooed, so that it could be seen, to which tribe
    they belonged. In her report to the League of Nations Karen Jeppe

    the tattooing which has aroused much attention at home. The moral
    consequences of this procedure are often very distressing,
    because the poor girls go around feeling that they have been
    branded in their faces for life, which in fact has often
    prevented them from getting home, they simply dare not show
    themselves to their countrymen.

    Physically it is a very painful treatment to go through, but if
    luck will have it that the poison does not get into the blood, it
    is harmless. (Karen Jeppe, Report p.5. 898).

    They succeeded in freeing ab.2000 women and children. In connection
    with work in the League of Nations offices were also created, which
    were to try to bring families together that had been dispersed during
    the war. 80% were lucky and found one or more relatives alive.

    To Karen Jeppe work in the League of Nations was stressing, but it
    also had its advantages Traveling to Geneva took time, a lot of
    reports had to be written about the progress of the work; but money
    came in, very much needed, and she was issued a car with the signature
    of the League of Nations painted on its side. This gave opportunities
    and a freedom of movement not earlier available. At the same time it
    gave status in the sense that now she did not come on her own errand,
    but as official emissary. Farming

    In 1925 she got two Danish helpers, Jenny Jensen and Karen
    Bjerre. This was a welcome relief, and it helped Karen Jeppe now to
    concentrate on her new project.

    In Urfa her little farm had seemed to succeed, if it had not been
    stopped by the war. She herself had grown up with the Jutland soil
    under her feet, and the thought that the Armenians would be able to
    provide for themselves by cultivating the land, had never left her. In
    1923, during a visit to Denmark, she had been promised economic
    support from the leader of the Swedish section of the World League for
    Peace and Reconciliation, Natanael Beskow.

    Back in Aleppo she contacted a Bedouin sheik, Hadjim Pasha who owned
    much land East of the Eufrat. She packed her little travel tent and
    drove by car out to his camp, wher she was his guest for a week. It
    aroused quite some attention that a white woman lived in a small white
    tent side by side with him and his family in their black tents.

    In fact the French government had offered to create an agricultural
    colony for the Armenian refugees in the Eufrat valley, but nobody
    joined in. The Armenians had lost confidence in the French after their
    withdrawal from Cilicia, which brought so fatal consequences to many
    of their countrymen.

    After negotiations with Hadjim Pasha the outcome was that Karen Jeppe
    rented part of his land at a fair price. 30 families set out to build
    houses, repair old dams, and not least plough and sow. The first
    harvest was no success, but the settlers found that they had a good
    market for their vegetables with the bedouins living around. More
    refugees came, and little by little a small colony of farmers grew
    up. Karen Jeppe built a house for herself, and it was a beloved place
    not only for herself, but also for visitors coming from both inland
    and abroad. Now she was a well-known person the French airforce
    flapped their wings when they flew over her house, and French officers
    were frequent guests. From Denmark among others came Henni Forchhammer
    in 1926 a travel which she has described in a small book: A Visit to
    Karen Jeppe. Sketches from a Voyage to Syria.

    Hadjim Pasha became a good friend of Karen Jeppe, He helped her with
    practical things, and his status in the region had the effect that the
    settlers could be secure.

    For instance his cousin was, to begin with, envious at the contract
    which Hadjim had made with the settlers, and maybe he also thought
    that this was not accceptable among beduins, to hire ones pasture land
    to farmers in any case he sent his camels on to the cultivated
    fields. Hadjim took up his gun and began shooting at the camels.After
    that there was no more trouble. Of course there were difficulties, and
    Karen Jeppe wrote in a private letter: If you have a colony in
    Mesopotamia with tractor and bedouin problems, then you are really in
    for it. (Cedergreen Bech, p. 58).

    Outside Aleppo there are still some of the six small villages founded
    by Karen Jeppes settlers, for instance Tel-Armen (The Armenian Hill)
    and Tel-Samen (The Butter Hill), but no sign of farming. Karen Jeppes
    intentions were good enough, but she was no agricultural expert. The
    soil was not fit for farming year after year. Besides there was too
    little water for irrigation, which is necessary during the repeated
    dry periods.

    The end

    Karen Jeppe is punktured in the desert. The car which came with the
    work for the League of Nations became a great aid for her in the
    work. Now she had the possibility to attend the settlements and at
    least keep the contact with the search stations established to search
    for Armenian women and children.

    Karen Jeppes health grew no better over the years. She still visited
    Denmark at even intervals, but here there was not much holiday for
    her. The many sections of the Friends of Armenians wanted to hear news
    from her personally, and she lectured both here and there. Autumn 1933
    saw her last visit to Denmark. On her return she fell ill, but
    recovered partly and continued her work. In the summer of l935 she
    went to her white house in the agricultural colony, and here she had
    an attack of malaria, which she had also had earlier, but this time it
    was more serious. She was taken to the hospital in Aleppo, where she
    died on July 7, 1935, at the age of 59.

    To the Armenians, dependent on her initiatives, this was a great
    loss. They buried her in Aleppo, where her tomb may still be seen.

    Obituaries weere written from many sides one of the most touching
    comes from an Armenian writing:Mother, your dust will still shield,
    and when we build our own capital at the foot of Ararat, we will build
    a memorial shrine to you. The heart of any Armenian is really a
    Pantheon to you. Armenians, let us bare our heads and fall on our
    knees a messenger from God has left us. (Quot. after Chr.Winther,
    p. 40)

    The Armenians looked upon Karen Jeppe as their patron angel, which the
    following story goes to prove. After the great earthquake in 1927,
    with many casualties and great damage,.an Arab and an Armenian spoke
    to each other. The Armenian said that here in Aleppo nothing happens,
    for here a holy person lives, and the Arab asked who that was. Karen
    Jeppe, was the answer.

    Karen Jeppe is one of Denmarks great women, known to most of the World
    as the woman who without hesitation gave her whole working life to a
    people whom she came to love. She set out and worked in the German
    mission, but she never did any missionary work herself. After a short
    while she became aware that the Armenian people needed no conversion,
    but help to helping themselves, and here her formidable talent for
    organization came to full bloom She managed to create friendly
    relations between bedouins and farmers an exploit in itself, but she
    also opened the eyes of the Western world to the ethnic persecution
    which the Armenians underwent. She was what to-day we should call a
    liberation philosopher, who with all means tried to create
    possibibilities of survival for the people without a homeland.

    In 1927 she received the Medal of Merit in gold.

    Translator: Hans Aaen, 2004.

    Hendskriftsamlingen, Statsbiblioteket
    Nr.896: Protokol for De danske Armeniervenner, Erhus, I og II 1920- 1938.
    Nr.897: Breve vedr. Karen Jeppe og arbejdet for armenierne.
    Nr.898: Lxse bilag til hendskrift nr. 896.

    League of Nations Archives in Geneva.
    Karen Jeppe was actually employed (from May 15, 1921) in The League of
    Nations (United Nations) in a period as commissary in Armenian
    affairs, and received som economical and political support from there,
    there exists letter correspondences and reports in Switzerland, with
    Rachel Crowdy, Dr. Kennedy (British), Miss Kushman (American) and
    Madam Gaulis (French), Karen Jeppe's letter correspondence with Miss
    Robinson (Armenian committee in London), Inga Nalbandian
    (Denmark). and with the (Armenian committee in Paris).

    Benedictsen, Aage Meyer: Armenien : Et Folks Liv og Kamp gennem to
    Aartusinder. De danske Armeniens-venner ; Gad, 1925.
    Cedergreen Bech, Svend: Hos et folk uden land. Gad 1982
    Dansk Biografisk Leksikon.
    Dansk Kvindebiografisk Leksikon. Rosinante 2000-2001
    Dickran, Karekin: Maria Jacobsen and the Genocide in Armenia.
    By far Euphrates. Massacres of Armenians in Ourfa.
    Et folk, der ikke findes : Interview med den kristne, amerikanske
    armenier Michael Holt / Malene Grxndal ; Carsten Fenger-Grxn. I:
    Information, 05/12/2000.
    Forchhammer, Henni: Et besxg hos Karen Jeppe. Skildringer fra en rejse
    til Syrien. De danske Armeniervenner 1926.
    Forchhammer, Henni: Minder om Karen Jeppe. Kxbenhavn 1949.
    Folkemord er et fyord / Malene Grxndal ; Carsten Fenger-Grxn. I:
    Information, 05/12/2000.
    Kraft-Bonnard, A.: Armeniens Time. I Kommission hos H. Aschenhough, 1922.
    Mugerditchian, Esther: I Tyrkernes Klxer : En Beretning om en Armensk
    Families Flugt. London : The Complete Press, 1918.
    Nalbaldi`n, Inga: Armeniens Saga. H. Aschenhough, 1922?.
    Nansen, Fridtjof: Gjennem Armenien, 1927.
    Nielsen, Hanne Rimmen: I Folkeforbundets tjeneste Henni Forchhammers
    rejsebreve fra Genhve 1920-37, i Hjort, Karen og Anette Warring:
    Handlingens kvinder. Roskilde Universitetsforlag 2001.
    Riggs, Henry: Days of Tragedy in Armenia : Personal Experiences in
    Harpoot 1915-1917. Ann Arbor, Michigan : Gomidas Institute, 1997? -
    ISBN 1-884630-01-4
    Sch|tte, Gudmund: Ege Meyer Benedictsen : en dansk Ildend. I: Islandsk
    Aarbog, 1935.
    Sick, Ingeborg Maria: Pigen fra Danmark. Et rids af Karen Jeppes liv
    og gerning. Gyldendal 1928.
    Sick, Ingeborg Maria: Karen Jeppe. Gyldendal 1936
    Thyssen, Nikolai: Nfgter folkedrab. I: Information. 05/114/2002.
    De undertrykte nationers tolk (The voice of suppressed people) Chosen
    articles and memorial. Nyt Nordisk forlag - Arnold Busck, 1934<.br>
    Vejlager, Johannes: Karen Jeppe. 32 Aars opofrende arbejde blandt
    Armenerne. Kolding 1936.
    Winther, Chr.: Armenien og Karen Jeppe. Faglig Lfsning
    nr. 84. Tidsskrift for Skole og Hjem. 1936
    Armeniervennen 1921-1948

    Peoples League (UN) A film about Karen Jeppe's burial. Can be found
    at; Det Danske Filmmuseum, Mxllemarken 29, 2880 Bagsvfrd Danmark
    DK. Telephone: (+45 42 98 56 06, Fax: (+45) 44 49 06 10. The title of
    the film: Folkenes Forbund + Karen Jeppes Bisfttelse. 20 minutes. 29,3
    seconds. + 3 minutes. 15,1 seconds. Danish version, black & white,
    format 1,37:1.

    Eva Lous is research librarian and head of the Womens' Historical
    Collection in the State Library.

    Top Opdated Mon, 08 Mar 2004 00:28:58 GMT

    Ayskan Charik teŽ.........

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress