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Armenians Remember 1915

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  • Armenians Remember 1915

    Moscow Times, Russia
    April 26 2004

    Armenians Remember 1915

    Alexandra Kocho-Schellenberg / MT

    Armenians lighting candles Saturday at a chapel at the Armenian

    YEREVAN, Armenia -- Hundreds of thousands of Armenians, many of them
    emigrants returning from abroad, converged Saturday on a hilltop
    memorial in Yerevan to commemorate the 89th anniversary of mass
    killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

    The annual gathering at the vast Genocide Victims Memorial
    overlooking the capital is a significant day in the country's
    emotional life, drawing huge crowds to lay flowers.

    In Moscow, the Armenians lighted candles at churches and laid flowers
    at the Armenian Cemetery.

    Armenia accuses Turkey of the genocide of up to 1.5 million Armenians
    between 1915 and 1919, when Armenia was under the Ottoman Empire.
    Turkey rejects the claim and says Armenians were killed in civil
    unrest during the collapse of the empire.

    Although the deaths began before April 24, memorial services are held
    on this date because it is the anniversary of the day in 1915 when
    Turkish authorities executed a large group of Armenian intellectuals
    and political leaders, accusing them of helping the invading Russian
    Army during World War I.

    Armenia has pushed for the United States and other nations to declare
    the killings a genocide. Many countries, including Russia and France,
    have officially recognized the event as genocide, along with some
    U.S. states.

    Canada's Parliament last week backed a resolution recognizing the
    deaths to be genocide, a move that was praised Saturday by Armenia's
    parliamentary speaker, Artur Bagdasaryan.

    "Only through the condemnation of this kind of crime can its
    occurrence be avoided," he said.