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Las Vegas: Unhappy remembrance: Survivor recalls horror of Genocide

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  • Las Vegas: Unhappy remembrance: Survivor recalls horror of Genocide

    Las Vegas Sun, NV
    April 25 2004

    Unhappy remembrance

    Survivor recalls horror of Armenian genocide
    By Ed Koch
    <[email protected]>

    Commemoration ceremony
    What: Armenian Genocide Commemoration Ceremony, sponsored by the
    Armenian-American Cultural Society of Las Vegas.
    When: 1:30 p.m. Sunday.
    Where: West Sahara Library, 9600 W. Sahara Ave.
    Who: Keynote speaker John Kasbarian, lecturer, activist and former
    editor of the Armenian Weekly.

    The passing of several decades has not dimmed the memory of the
    horror Malvine Papazian Handjian witnessed as a 10-year-old Armenian
    refugee on the streets of Izmir, Turkey, during the first genocide of
    the 20th century.

    Speaking in half-Armenian and half-English, the longtime Las Vegas
    resident vividly recalled watching Turkish soldiers during a 1922
    raid pull an Armenian priest by his long beard from his burning
    church and laugh as they drove nails through the soles of his shoes
    and into his feet.

    Handjian wept recalling how Turkish soldiers carried off teenage
    girls during the chaos to rape and kill them. She still sees the
    terror in the eyes of young Armenian men who, to escape Turkish
    bayonets, dove into the harbor and swam for foreign-flagged ships
    only to be turned away and then drown.

    "We must never forget -- never forget," said Handjian, 91. "I saw
    these things with my own eyes. And I will never forget."

    Today marks the 89th anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian
    genocide in Turkey, which lasted eight years. On Sunday the
    Armenian-American Cultural Society of Las Vegas will hold a
    commemoration ceremony at the West Sahara Library to thank those who
    have kept alive the memory of one of the world's worst atrocities.

    On April 24, 1915, the genocide began when about 200 Armenian
    intellectual and political leaders were arrested in what is now
    Istanbul and publicly executed. What followed was the systematic
    slaying of 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children. Many,
    including Handjian, were taken on long death marches, where a number
    of them succumbed to hunger and thirst.

    "Perhaps if we had done more to remember the plight of the Armenians,
    we would not have seen repeats of genocide in the 20th century," said
    John Dadaian, coordinator of the Las Vegas ceremony, Handjian's
    son-in-law and local spokesman for the Armenian National Committee of

    "Perhaps the Holocaust of World War II could have been prevented, as
    well as the killing fields of Cambodia, the tribal slayings in Rwanda
    and the ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia."

    Dadaian said, however, because the United States has long been an
    ally of Turkey and benefits from its oil production, many American
    leaders have been hesitant to put pressure on Turkey to admit to the
    genocide, which it steadfastly denies happened.

    "Turkish officials spend million of dollars lobbying Congress,
    pushing an agenda of revisionist history that the genocide never
    happened," Dadaian said.

    But, he said, many Nevada officials have not bought into the Turks'
    denials. One is Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., who at Sunday's ceremony
    will be honored as the Armenian National Committee's Western Region
    Man of the Year.

    Last year Ensign, along with Sen. Jon Corzine, D-N.J., introduced a
    Senate resolution reaffirming there indeed was a genocide of
    Armenians. Ensign said the measure "represents a renewal of America's
    commitment to preventing future genocides."

    Also, Gov. Kenny Guinn has issued this year a strongly worded
    proclamation confirming Nevada's position on "the genocide of the
    Armenians by the Ottoman Empire." In that document Guinn calls
    Turkey's actions a "systematic and deliberate massacre of the
    Armenian people."

    Some experts believe the Turks' failure to admit and atone for the
    actions of their ancestors has hampered Turkey's attempts to gain
    admission into the European Union despite its growing economy.

    Supporters of Turkey's position say claims that a genocide occurred
    are part of efforts to drive a wedge between Muslims, including the
    Turkish people, and Christians, including Armenians.

    "Armenian-Americans have attempted to extricate and isolate their
    history from the complex circumstances in which their ancestors were
    embroiled," reads, the Turkish Embassy's Web site.
    "In so doing, they describe a world populated only by white-hatted
    heroes and black-hatted villains. The heroes are always Christian and
    the villains are always Muslim."

    The Turkish Web site further claims that the numbers of Armenians
    living throughout the Ottoman Empire in 1915 were fewer than 1.5
    million, and thus the numbers of the dead have been inflated; that
    many Armenian victims were casualties of World War I and disease; and
    that the Armenian losses were "few in comparison to the over 2.5
    million Muslim dead from the same period."

    But opponents of the use of the term "Armenian genocide" cannot
    easily shrug off the accounts shared by the traumatized Armenian
    survivors, including Handjian.

    In 1917 her father, a dentist, was abducted and put on a train
    supposedly bound for battlefields to treat wounded Turkish soldiers.
    News later came back to the family he died in a hospital far from a
    war zone, she said.

    A Turkish dentist who was in partnership with Handjian's father then
    took her family's home and property, leaving Handjian, her mother,
    two sisters and her brother homeless, she said. Hanjian went to live
    in a suburb of Izmir with a family friend, Mari Yerganian, who became
    her surrogate mother.

    In 1922, during a post World War I Greek-Turkish conflict, Yerganian
    and Handjian found themselves on the streets of Izmir, then called
    Smyrna, in western Turkey, as Armenian-owned homes were burned by the
    forces of future President Mustafa Kemal Ataturk after they had
    routed the Greek army.

    Handjian said Yerganian protected her on their long march to
    abandoned army barracks, where hundreds of Armenians were starved as
    they awaited execution. Once, she said, Yerganian took a gold coin
    she had sewn into her dress and gave it to a Turkish soldier who in
    turn gave Handjian a sip of water.

    "The day before we were to be slaughtered, a miracle happened when
    the American Relief Society came and rescued us," said Handjian,
    referring to the BibleLands Missions Aid Society, which today is
    known simply as BibleLands. "They got us on a ship to Greece. I could
    never thank the Americans enough."

    In Greece, at age 15, Malvine married fellow Armenian genocide
    survivor Kourken Handjian. They moved to France in 1929, where
    Malvine became a volunteer with the Armenian Blue Cross, helping
    other Armenian refugees. They moved to the United States in 1958,
    where she became a volunteer with the Armenian Relief Society in Los
    Angeles. They moved to Las Vegas in 1990.

    The Handjians had three children, eight grandchildren and 13
    great-grandchildren. Kourken, a retired candy maker, died in 2002 at
    age 95.

    The Handjians were the subject of the 2002 documentary film "The
    Handjian Story: A Road Less Traveled," produced and directed by their
    granddaughter Denise Gentilini.

    At last year's Moondance International Film Festival in Denver, the
    film won best feature documentary. Handjian joined her granddaughter
    onstage at the awards ceremony and received a standing ovation.

    Handjian said she is proud that her great-grandchildren today show
    the film in their classrooms so that new generations from all ethnic
    backgrounds will learn the truth about the brutal murders of her
    people and perhaps remember.

    Dadaian said his ancestors' plight sends a foreboding message from
    which the world can benefit. He recalled a London Times story of Nov.
    24, 1945, which reported chilling words from Adolf Hitler that
    perhaps best exemplify why the Armenian genocide should never be

    "Speaking to his generals before Nazi troops invaded Poland, Hitler
    assured them that they need not worry what the world would think of
    their actions," Dadaian said. " 'After all,' said Hitler, 'Who
    remembers the Armenians?' "