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ANCA: Pres. Bush Fails to Recognize Armenian Genocide for 4th Time

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  • ANCA: Pres. Bush Fails to Recognize Armenian Genocide for 4th Time

    Armenian National Committee of America
    888 17th St. NW Suite 904
    Washington, DC 20006
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    E-mail: [email protected]

    April 24, 2004
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    WASHINGTON, DC - President Bush, ignoring calls from over 190
    U.S. legislators, failed, once again, to honor his campaign pledge to
    properly characterize the Armenian Genocide as "genocide," reported
    the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

    In a statement issued today, on April 24th, the annual day of
    remembrance for the Armenian Genocide, the President again resorted to
    the use of evasive and euphemistic terminology to obscure the reality
    of Turkey's Genocide against the Armenian people between 1915-1923.

    This year's statement praised the Turkish Armenian Reconciliation
    Commission (TARC,) the failed State Department funded initiative
    devised to derail progress toward international recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide. The effort was universally rejected by Armenians
    in the U.S., Armenia and around the world.

    "We do appreciate that President Bush has, once again, taken the time
    to mark April 24th as a day of remembrance. Armenian Americans,
    however, remain deeply troubled that for the fourth year in a row,
    despite his repeated calls for 'moral clarity' in the conduct of our
    international affairs, he has allowed pressure by a foreign government
    to reduce the President of the United States to using evasive and
    euphemistic terminology to avoid properly identifying the Armenian
    Genocide - an important chapter in America's emergence as an
    international humanitarian power - as what is was: a genocide," said
    ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "The President's failure to
    honor his campaign promise to recognize the Armenian Genocide is
    compounded by the fact that, in this statement, he commends the
    thoroughly discredited Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission, a
    transparent partnership between the U.S. State Department and the
    Turkish government to block the growing international recognition of
    and justice for Turkey's crime against the Armenian nation."

    "It is also plainly disingenuous for the President to 'call on both
    Armenia and Turkey to restore their economic, political, and cultural
    ties,' when it is the Turkish government that has illegally imposed a
    decade-long blockade of Armenia, and it has been Armenia that has
    called for the normalization of bilateral relations without
    preconditions. This formulation suggests either a lack of
    understanding of the region or a deliberate effort to artificially
    play down Turkey's belligerent posture while simultaneously devaluing
    Armenia's very meaningful contributions to regional stability."

    The Bush Administration is formally on record in opposition to
    Congressional legislation recognizing the Armenian Genocide. For the
    position of the Democratic Presidential hopeful John Kerry regarding
    Armenian Genocide recognition, please visit

    The text of the President's remarks are provided below.

    The full text of the statement by President George W. Bush
    ----------------------------------------------- -----------

    The White House

    April 24, 2004

    On this day, we pause in remembrance of one of the
    most horrible tragedies of the 20th century, the
    annihilation of as many as 1.5 million Armenians
    through forced exile and murder at the end of the
    Ottoman Empire. This terrible event remains a source
    of pain for people in Armenia and Turkey and for all
    those who believe in freedom, tolerance, and the
    dignity of every human life. I join with my fellow
    Americans and the Armenian community in the United
    States and around the world in mourning this loss of

    The United States is proud of the strong ties we share
    with Armenia. From the end of World War I and again
    since the reemergence of an independent Armenian state
    in 1991, our country has sought a partnership with
    Armenia that promotes democracy, security cooperation,
    and free markets. Today, our Nation remains committed
    to a peace settlement in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    and is grateful for Armenia's continuing cooperation
    in the war on terror. By advancing understanding and
    goodwill, free nations can help build a brighter
    future for the world. Our country seeks to help
    Armenia expand its strategic relations with the United
    States and our European allies.

    Generations of Armenian Americans have also
    strengthened our communities and enriched our Nation's
    character. By preserving their heritage, faith, and
    traditions, Armenian Americans enhance the diversity
    that makes America great.

    I commend individuals in Armenia and Turkey who have
    worked to support peace and reconciliation, including
    through the Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation
    Commission, and call on Armenia and Turkey to restore
    their economic, political, and cultural ties. I also
    send warm wishes and expressions of solidarity to the
    Armenian people on this solemn day of remembrance.

