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Russia as Armenia's #1 strategic partner...

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  • Russia as Armenia's #1 strategic partner...

    ARKA News Agency - Interview
    April 26 2004


    Exclusive interview of the Chairman of Union of Manufacturers &
    Businessmen (Employers) of Armenia Arsen Ghazaryan to ARKA News

    ARKA - Mr. Ghazaryan, what is the current state of the Armenian-
    Russian economic relations?

    A. Ghazaryan - I should say that after the collapse of the Soviet
    Union Russia remained a key partner to Armenia. We import raw
    materials and energetic carriers from Russia.. On the other hand, the
    Russian market is the largest and the most available for the Armenian
    goods. During the recent 3-4 years the volume of bilateral
    trade-economic relations has considerably grown as compared with the
    previous period. This was achieved due to the fact that the Armenian
    companies adjust the quality of their products to the international
    standards, which Russia, naturally, adheres. Besides, our companies
    gain experience of being involved in the Russian market. In case of
    existing of normal transport communication between our countries, the
    bilateral turnover of goods would have surpassed today's indicator
    three-, four-fold as a minimum. For instance, at present, there are
    many imported construction materials from Ukraine in Armenia, if the
    railway would have functioned normally, such goods could have been
    purchased from Russia as well. Bilateral economic co-operation
    received new dynamics after the mutual visits of the President of RF
    and RA Vladimir Putin and Robert Kocharian in 2001. So called ethnic
    capital was moved to the first view; Russian businessmen with
    Armenian background became more active. Today they make rather
    considerable investments in their motherland, particularly, in
    construction sector, banking system and other spheres. As one of the
    best examples of the kind I can name the International Business
    Centre, which, in fact, rescued one of our leading banks,
    particularly Ardshinbank, as well as several industrial plants such
    as Syrius, Arax, Basalt, Almast. As far as I know, IBC, headed by
    Karen Safaryan, a famous Moscow businessman, is going to make new
    investments in Armenia, which I can only welcome. The activities of
    Ara Abrahamyan, Chairman of Union the Armenians of Russia, must be
    highly appreciated, who except social initiatives, unfolds
    considerable business activities. We count on the fact that our
    compatriots having effective business in Russia, will join the
    Property for Debts joint program and will attract new Armenian
    businessmen in the program. Recently the Russian side displays
    interests in the Armenian plants, which were a part of a single
    powerful military-industrial complex. We are preparing a detailed
    database on these companies and are going to present it to our
    Russian partners by the late February. It is of utmost importance to
    receive new offers for them, especially if they have preserved their
    productive and sci- tech potential, professional specialists that can
    and wish to work. I should especially mention the steps taken by RAO
    UES. A number of leading energetic objects of Armenia were
    transferred under the management or became the property of this
    powerful company. New and very good possibilities for exporting
    energy to the third countries are opening for the Russian power
    engineers. At the same time, the issue of import of the fuel for the
    Armenian NPP, which guarantees its normal functioning, was solved.
    The Russian capital enlivens ALSO the Armenian construction sector.
    For instance, due to it was possible to begin the construction of
    Northern Avenue in Yerevan, construction of which was planned already
    in 1930 by the great Armenian architect Alexander Tamanyan. The
    Russian investors, being confident in perspectives of Armenia's
    economic development, decided to make investments in the real estate
    sector as well. By the way, it isn't accidental that the prices of
    apartments on the Northern Avenue increased very quickly reaching
    almost the prices of Moscow (today 1 sq. meter of the elite
    apartments under construction cost $1000, while the ready ones cost
    $1600 and more. Lately, promising results were recorded in the
    engineering tools and mechanical engineering sectors. I would like to
    mention Mshak CJSC, headed by Levon Poghosyan, who recently became
    Deputy Director of Stankoimport Russian company on scientific issues.
    At present joint projects on Armenian companies participation in
    technical renovation of Russian Tool engineering and machinery
    engineering industry are being developed. ABM Soft company attracted
    Russian capital for purchasing the control packet of shares of
    Yerevan's Armstanok plant and it is going to implement Digital
    Program Installments projects, which are expected to be exported to
    Russia. We can bring many such examples. It's worth mentioning that
    they witness an important constructive step forward. Russia doesn't
    treat Armenia as a `junior brother', who needs assistance
    permanently. Armenia is the equal partner for Russia. Armenian market
    becomes more attractive for the Russian investors, as a convenient
    transit point and a gateway to Iran, countries of the Middle East and
    the Persian Gulf too. All these activities contribute to the
    formation of joint economic space. That's why it's a good example for
    the other CIS member countries, as the level of the economic
    integration within the framework of CIS, notwithstanding numerous
    declarations on that occasion, is still is not satisfactory.

    ARKA - Thus, considerable growth of the Russian investments in
    Armenia is evident now. But is there any opposite process?

    A. Ghazaryan - Yes, there is. Today the volume of the investments
    made by the Armenians in Russia is increasing as well. This is
    connected with the traditional labour migration. The matter is, that
    if we objectively evaluate the given phenomenon, it should be
    considered as the least evil, as, in fact, it is an investment too, a
    technical, financial, intellectual , etc. On the other hand, our
    compatriots leaving for Russia to work, aren't separated from their
    families and don't lose the sense of obligations to their country.
    The new migration regime, regulating the communication between our
    countries, helps to be confident about receiving Russian citizenship
    or the permanent residence right. They can peacefully work. That is
    why it is very important that the Armenian businessmen began
    establishing joint companies in Russia. Kasnodar and Stavropol,
    Rostov and other regions of the Southern Russia can be examples. The
    number of our compatriots living compactly here is traditionally
    enormous. The businessmen living here are our `agents' in Russain
    market in the best meaning of the word. I wouldn't like to be
    trivial, but the successful advancement of the Armenian brandy can be
    explained not only by the investments and professionalism, but also
    by the skilful management of French company `Piernod Ricard', which
    is today's Yerevan Brandy Company, but also by Russian market. At
    present, both YBC and Great Valley, Yerevan Wine-Vodka Factory Ararat
    and many other companies are effectively working there. The problem
    is not the realisation but the production in the necessary volume:
    more and more offers are being received. The same thing concerns the
    production of Armenian canned fruits and concentrates, over 50 % of
    which is exported to RF.
    Thus, Russia is our strategic partner # 1, which can secure logical
    continuation and dynamic development for the Armenian economy.
    Armenian businessmen working there never face communicative and
    psychological problems there.

    ARKA - Then what's the matter?

    A. Ghazaryan - The matter is, that we have to define the spheres in
    which the realisation of the joint projects is the most optimal and
    prospective, where Armenia is a very convenient transi corridor and a
    market for Russia. The researches should be madin this very
    direction. The UIEA, as NGO, in which many leading Armenian
    businessmen are included, also the entrepreneurs working with the
    Russian partners, try to do their best to strenghten these relations.
    Naturally, we will continue the cooperation with our Russian
    partners. First of all with the Russian Union of Industrialists and
    Entrepreneurs, led by A. I. Wolsky. We regularly hold joint forums,
    `round tables', conferences. We are meeting each year. Th e regular
    dialogue took place in end February in Moscow, within the framework
    of the meeting of Yuri Lugzkov and Yervand Zakharyan, Mayors of
    Moscow and Yerevan. Anopther our big partner is the International
    Congress of the Industriallsits' and Entrepeniours' Unions, led by W.
    K. Glukhikh. This congress unites the businesmen from the 22
    countries of the former Soviet Union and Western Europe. The
    cooperation with such authority organizations help operatively
    exchange valuable information and find partners for our businessmen.

    ARKA - But the transportation problems still make the work more
    difficult, don't they?

    A. Ghazaryan - Unfortunately, they really do. The lack of land
    borders with Russia makes the matter more difficult. But, it doesn't
    hinder to organize exporting goods and row materials. Armenia isn't
    in transport blockade, as it was in the early 1990-es. But today the
    expenditures for the transportations are extremely high, which
    increases the first cost of the goods. It is a paradoxes, but today
    to sent a container to Moscow will be more expensive that to send it
    to Rotterdam or Marseille. As it is cheaper to send it by the sea
    directly, than to do it by the railroad or by tracking.

    ARKA - What can you say about the legal field?

    A. Ghazaryan - There are no problems here. The agreement- legal base,
    regulating the bilateral economic relations, has been elaborated,
    discussed and signed long ago.
    We merely shouldn't forget that in CIS Armenia and Russia are
    different countries. And today, our managing objects increase the
    advalorem tax not here but, when exporting them to Russia, in Russia.
    The import is built according to the same principle. At the same
    time, Armenia can have preferences when importing some row materials,
    based on the deals signed within the framework of CIS. I think, if
    Armenia joins the Custom's Union, it will make export to Russia
    easier. Many things will be specified also after the RF's statement
    in the World Trade Organization. Armenia joined the WTO in the
    September of 2003, and in this respect, the normative base was rather
    improved. Wee have become quite experienced here.

    ARKA - Does it seem that this experience could be useful for Russia?

    A. Ghazaryan - In current job Russia, of course, follows the
    experience of the governments wich are friendly to it, also including
    Armenia. Really, we have something to tell and explain.

    ARKA - What do the Russian-Armenian economic links think about
    three-sided co-operation between Armenia, Russia and Iran?

    A. Ghazaryan - Great importance is given to this co-operation like
    before. Iranian businessmen are very interested in establishing
    contacts with Russian colleagues, and here they don't frequently see
    any trusty `lighthouses' among the Armenian entrepreneurs for gaining
    that aim. The Russians are also interested in Iranian market. From
    our side we assure the business circle of Russia and Iran that
    Armenia is able to serve as a real transit corridor. For example, for
    solving lots of problems it is convenient the rout of
    Meghri-Yerevan-Poti-Novorosisk, because such kind of cargo
    transportation for West Russian is not usually cheaper than ferry
    announcements on Caspian Sea between Iranian port Enzeli and Russian
    Astrakhan. --0--