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Life After Communism: The Facts

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  • Life After Communism: The Facts

    Life After Communism: The Facts

    In the 'transition' from communism, the suffering of the people of Eastern
    Europe and the former Soviet Union has been great, while the hoped-for
    freedom from exploitation and autocracy remains elusive.

    The NI maps some of the costs of market-driven shock therapy.

    Post-communist meltdown in Russia

    - Throughout the entire Yeltsin transition period, flight of capital away
    from Russia totalled between $1 and $2 billion US every month.1

    - Each year from 1989 to 2001 there was a fall of approximately 8% in Russia
    's productive assets.1

    - Although Russia is largely an urban society, 3 out of every 4 people grow
    some of their own food in order to be able to survive.2

    - Male life expectancy went from 64.2 years in 1989 to 59.8 in 1999. The
    drop in female life expectancy was less severe from 74.5 to 72.8 years.3

    Transition costs - shock therapy

    - The increase from 1990 to 1999 in the percentage of people living on less
    than $1 a day was greater in the former communist countries (3.7%) than
    anywhere else in the world.4

    - The number of people living in 'poverty' in the former Soviet Republics
    rose from 14 million in 1989 to 147 million even prior to the crash of the
    rouble in 1998.2

    Economic success
    Poland was the only 'transition' country moving from a command to a market
    economy to have a greater Gross Domestic Product in 1999 than it did in
    1989.1 GDP growth between 1990 and 2001 was negative or close to negative in
    every country of in the region with Russia (-3.7), Georgia (-5.6), Ukraine
    (-7.9), Moldova (-8.4) and Tajikistan (-8.5) faring the worst.4

    Slovakia tops the Gini index as the most equal country in the world. Russia
    and Armenia are amongst the most unequal.4

    Between 1993 and 1995, 20,000 out of 27,000 Russian state enterprises were
    privatized. The Government sold them for about 10% per cent of their true

    The state rolls back in
    Despite its transition to a market economy the bureaucracy in Russia has
    grown dramatically. The Soviet bureaucracy under Brezhnev (Soviet
    centralism) made up about 12 million people. It ballooned to 18 million
    under Gorbachev (restructure). Under Yeltsin (transition) the number of
    state functionaries in Russia alone exceeded that for the whole Soviet Union
    in Gorbachev's time.1

    Soviet resurrections
    Of the 20 current presidents of Eastern European nations (excluding the
    former Yugoslavia) and countries which used to be part of the Soviet Union
    11 are former party insiders (called nomenklatura).

    The Ego of them all
    Turkmenistan 'President for Life' Saparmurat Niyazov has erected a golden
    statue of himself that rotates 24 hours a day so that it always faces the
    sun and has renamed the months and days of the week to honour himself, his
    mother and his favourite national heroes.

    All monetary values are expressed in US dollars.
    1 Boris Kagarlitsky, Russia Under Yeltsin and Putin, Pluto, London 2002.
    2 Stephen Cohen, Failed Crusade, Norton, New York, 2001.
    3 Martin McCauley, Bandits, Gangsters and the Mafia, Longman, London, 2001.
    4 2003 World Development Indicators, World Bank, Washington.
    5 World Guide, 2003/2004, Montevideo 2003.
