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Armenians, Jews mark genocide in Jerusalem

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  • Armenians, Jews mark genocide in Jerusalem

    The Daily Star, Lebanon
    April 26 2004

    Armenians, Jews mark genocide in Jerusalem
    'the world must recognize that this took place. That is the first

    Historian says political pressure has prevented 2 key countries - the
    United States and Israel - from recognizing the crime

    By Omar Karmi
    Special to The Daily Star

    JERUSALEM: It was, according to most, a good turnout. Nearly 1,000
    people came to commemorate the Armenian genocide on April 24; a
    pleasant, sunny day that belied the solemnity of the occasion.

    Armenians, mostly from Jerusalem, but also from Jaffa, Haifa,
    Nazareth and as far away as North America, congregated at the
    Armenian Convent in the Old City of Jerusalem where mass was held.
    Prayers were recited, hymns from the Armenian liturgy were sung and
    amidst the incense and candle smoke, some were moved to tears.

    "Today we are remembering the diabolical scheme that started the
    murder of almost the entire Armenian nation," said Elie Dickranian,
    70, headmaster of the Armenian Secondary School in Jerusalem.

    On April 24, 1915, some 250 Armenian intellectuals and community
    leaders were arrested and later killed by the Ottoman authorities in
    Constantinople (Istanbul) accused of cooperating with Russia, then at
    war with the Ottoman Empire.

    This day has come to mark the beginning of the "diabolical scheme,"
    when Armenians say Ottoman Turks slaughtered some 1.5 million people
    in massacres that carried on until 1923. Turkey denies the charges of
    genocide, acknowledging only that Armenians were among the many
    victims of war as the Ottoman Empire collapsed.

    It is because of this denial - by Turkey and many other countries -
    that the events of those years came to be known as the "forgotten
    genocide," something Armenians worldwide are trying to change.

    "At least the world must recognize that there was a genocide," said
    Angela Dikbkian, 24, who works in a local travel agency. "That is the
    first step. Maybe my great-grandchildren will be able to return to
    their land and get restitution. That remains a dream for the future."

    There have been some successes along the way. On April 21 the
    Canadian Parliament voted 153-68 to support a motion declaring the
    events of 89 years ago as genocide. France and Switzerland have done
    the same, angering Turkey so much that in 2001 the country canceled a
    large defense contract from France.

    But two countries other than Turkey matter more to the Armenians in
    Jerusalem: the US and Israel, both of whom consider Turkey a
    strategic ally, and are loath to alienate the country.

    "I can understand the US feels Turkey is a great ally," said
    Dickranian, "but the truth is a greater ally to America."

    The United States came close in 2000 to doing what Canada did in
    2004. Yair Auron, a Israeli historian and specialist on the Armenian
    genocide, claims that not only Turkish but Israeli pressure played a
    part in the motion not being adopted then.

    Auron, a professor at Tel Aviv's Open University and author of two
    books on the Armenian genocide, The Banality of Indifference: Zionism
    and the Armenian Genocide, and The Banality of Denial: Israel and the
    Armenian Genocide, was among the crowd at Saturday's commemoration

    "I feel it is my duty as a human being and ... a Jew to protest my
    government's attitude," he said. "Most Israelis don't know about the
    genocide and I can feel from Armenians that they are very hurt by
    this because they feel Jews especially should understand."

    Auron, who said he was almost successful in lobbying the Israeli
    Education Ministry to include the genocide as part of its holocaust
    curriculum in 1994 - only to see the project deemed too pro-Armenian
    and subsequently dropped - believes there are two reasons for the
    Israeli position.

    "One is political; Israel considers Turkey its most important
    regional ally. And another has to do with the concept of the
    uniqueness of the (Jewish) holocaust. Some people feel that if
    something like the Armenian genocide is studied it would detract from
    the uniqueness of the holocaust."

    In fact, the Armenian commemoration fell only a week after Israelis
    commemorated their Holocaust, while on May 15 Palestinians will mark
    the nakba, or catastrophe, of 1948 that left several thousands of
    unarmed Palestinians dead at the hands of Jewish militias, and some
    800,000 homeless and destitute.

    The similarity between the three peoples' histories is not lost on

    "Of course there is an analogy between the three people. They have
    all suffered the same trauma. The only difference is that Israel and
    Armenia exists, while Palestinians are still striving (for their own

    The Armenian community does its best to stay out of the
    Palestinian-Israeli conflict, even though their links to the
    Palestinians are longer and deeper. The Armenian presence in
    Jerusalem predates Muslim rule, and the community always enjoyed
    protected status from their Muslim rulers in Jerusalem.

    Many Armenians lost property in West Jerusalem in 1948, and Armenians
    fought against the Jewish militias to defend the Old City. Since the
    occupation in 1967, the Armenian Patriarchate has also lost land to
    Israeli confiscations, and suffers from the same difficulties that
    other non-Jewish institutions have in obtaining building permits.
    Armenians have been killed and imprisoned alongside Palestinians in
    both intifadas.

    Nevertheless, Armenians are, in the words of Dickranian, a
    "negligible" ethnic minority and, while he hopes an eventual
    political solution to the conflict will also address the property
    they have lost, "we try not to interfere."

    The commemoration ended at the Armenian graveyard in the Old City.
    There, around a monument to Armenian soldiers who fought with the
    British against the Ottomans, a final hymn was sung and children held
    aloft a banner driving home the message: "World Silence: Complicity
    to the Crime."

    "In," said Dickranian, unable to hide his headmasterly instincts. "It
    should be 'Complicity in the Crime.'"